Poor and low-income people accounted for more than a third of all voters overall in the 2020 presidential election, and their turnout was especially strong in tight battleground states, according to a study @UniteThePoor released today.
The study, titled “Waking the Sleeping Giant: Low-Income Voters and the 2020 Elections” also shows that of the 168 million people who voted in 2020, 59 million — 35% — were poor or low-income, meaning they have an estimated annual income of less than $50,000.
The 2020 presidential elections saw the highest voter turnout in U.S. election history, including among low-income voters.
“This cuts against common misperceptions that poor and low-income people are apathetic about politics or inconsequential to electoral outcomes,” the executive summary of the study reads.
Ahead of the 2020 vote, the #PoorPeoplesCampaign launched a nonpartisan voter outreach drive across 16 states, targeting urban and rural areas. The action reached over 2.1 million voters, the vast majority of whom were eligible low-income voters.
Low-income voters who were contacted by the #PoorPeoplesCampaign had a higher turnout rate than similarly positioned voters who were not contacted in those same states.
As Congress argues about the cost of the BBB plan, the #PoorPeoplesCampaign meets today w/ U.S. House & White House representatives, then holds a news conference at 9:30am ET to say the fight should focus on the ppl whose lives depend on passing this plan. breachrepairers.org/livestream
Faith leaders and economists will stand with essential, low-wage women representing the 140 million people who were poor or low-income before COVID-19 at a news conference at 9:30 a.m. ET on the House side of the U.S. Capitol.
Before the news conference, the delegation is meeting with members of Congress and staffers, along with Josh Dickson and Carissa Joy Smith, senior advisers from the White House Office of Public Engagement.
Manchin is so slick, he is silly. Paying people a living wage, providing health care, education, and childcare for working low-wage mothers is not “entitlement.” It’s justice. It’s promoting the general welfare. It’s acting like Jesus.
And how much time does Manchin want? How about as much time as it took for him to block living wages—about five minutes?
I wish reporters would push him and expose the faces and livelihoods that would be hurt by his cuts.
Stop talking about $3.7 trillion or $2 trillion. $3.7T over 10 years is not a large number at all. What is huge is the number of Americans who will be hurt even more after being devastated already by COVID.
I wish someone would tell this brother the truth about the Freedom To Vote Act that Manchin is trying to push: All of the good parts are from John Lewis. The bad parts that we have to amend are from the Republican voter suppressionists.
Secondly, Manchin hasn’t done a thing, because he won’t end the filibuster to pass it.
And he’s blocking the Build Back Better plan in ways that are going to hurt Black people—your congregants—& other poor & low-wealth people around the country but especially in West Virginia.
Black preachers, don’t let this man use you. He’s been meeting with you, lying to you. Ask him to meet you with people in the room who know policy. I bet he won’t do it.
West Virginia preachers, don’t be fooled and don’t sell your birthright.
So here is Manchin’s logic: Don’t default on national debt, but then as a nation default on voting rights, health care, living wages, etc. His logic is so wrapped in his love of money and commitment to his corporate and financial interests.
Manchin had one moment in history to scheme & scam as much as he could for his donors & for himself, and in some sick distorted way, he seems to enjoy being the senator from the poor & small state who looks out only for himself and not for the people he is supposed to represent.
This is why we can’t let up, and if Manchin is successful in doing this, we must organize to add at least two Democrats to the Senate & hold the majority in the House. This can be done if Dems talk to & seek to love the 65 million poor & low-wealth eligible voters in this nation.
Living wages are not an “entitlement.” Housing & health care are not “entitlements.” Taking care of climate is not “entitlement.” These are all human rights.
.@Sen_JoeManchin, You claim to be a person of faith. Have you ever even read your Bible? Have you read the Constitution? Promoting the general welfare is not an “entitlement.” Establishing justice is not an “entitlement.”
That entitlement language is from the racist southern strategy. You seem to believe in entitlement as long as it’s for corporations, the greedy rich, your friends, and your own pockets.