Soo...not sure what happened but apparently my other tweet thread didn't continue, so picking up part 2 of #kubecon day 3.
Other one at 4:30 - Have you had a feature that you wanted to propose, then back off after looking at the process? Is all of it really needed? Well you can find why it might be from @bobcatwilson, Kirsten Garrison, and @AdamBKaplan at their panel!
Last time slot for the day and there are 3 - Are you at an end user company and looking to open source something? How do you make sure theres continued support for it? Find out more from @khblixt and Kareena Hirani on how they did it at intuit for argo
Next is an update from Wojciech Tyczyński and Marcel Zięba on SIG Scalability, and what it REALLY means when it comes to pushing the scalability envelope.
There's also an update from @hweicdl at 4:30 on SIG Scheduling. Theres some interesting stuff going on there with scheduler plugins and creating multiple scheduling profiles for different types of workloads.
The last one is an eBPF exploration with @fredbrancz. Ever wanted to know what lead to libbpf? how about how you can use it in go or Kubernetes? If you said yes to any of those, you might want to attend this one :)
At 11am, there are 2 session. First from an update from @the_sttts, @jpbetz, Federico Bongiovanni, and Abu Kashem about some things going on in API Machinery - the big big thing is Server Side Apply \o/
Time for day 2 of Bob's big list of #KubeCon sessions, and there are A LOT of good ones.
There are 2 sessions at 11am - First, for all you OSS data nerds, theres a great session from @Sophia_IV on some of the gotchas and best practices around analyzing OSS data and sharing it in an ethical way
Also at 11, is a presentation from @fuzzychef and @CathPaga and TAG Contributor Strategy on something important for every project! Turning contributors into maintainers (we seriously need more maintainers across the board :x)
Then, at 11am we have some wonderful k8s contributors, @theonlynabarun@maria_fibonacci and @puerco going over some of the upstream supply chain fun in sig-release.