


我是2018/3入圈的,當時進了一間台灣的交易所(後來倒了)才開始接觸幣圈,由於進場即熊市,除了投到 Bitmax 私募之外,在幣圈的投資基本上是全部賠錢,在漫長熊市中我只敢丟 Bitfinex 放貸,找一些保本的機會來玩,直到 2019/7 發現 FTX 很有潛力,就把全部身家砸在 FTT 上。
2019年有非常多新交易所上線,而眾多交易所中,我只選擇了重壓FTX,甚至還趕在FTT IEO之前,連夜寫了篇文章帶了700多台灣人去買,如果我沒做功課,很可能會投到一些根本活不到現在的交易所。



其實不止FTT,去年八月我也很早就看好SOL,當時一堆人笑SBF不自量力,選了一條錯誤的路,結果後來事實證明SBF一人一城就可以打天下,SOL 成為幣圈近兩年價值發現速度最快的公鏈
最後補充一下,我敢 all in FTT是有原因的,以FTX團隊的素質,最差的狀況下也能成為一家中等水平的交易所,基本可以確定FTT不會成為空氣幣,這點在thread裡面有提到了

希望大家不要只關注 all in,關注選擇的過程。

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18 Oct

2年前(2019/7),我在Medium寫下了一篇FTX介紹文,預言FTX會成為BitMEX最強大的競爭對手,當時我用全部身家梭哈了 $FTT ,拿了兩年後成了自由之身。

如果此推有超過200個轉推跟500個讚,我會以 $FTT 為例,分享如何在幣圈找尋並拿住值得長期投資的幣種。


1/ 幣圈的長線投資邏輯

什麼是可以長線投資的好標旳?我們先假設你要找的是能夠幫你帶來 ALPHA 的 GEM(老外術語,意思是有機會爆炸成長的寶石),所以我們先跳過 BTC、ETH 這種大市值幣種,專講找潛力爆擊項目的方式跟邏輯
Read 23 tweets
18 Oct
1/ Thoughts on FTT and FTX (Not Financial Advice)
2/ In the past 2 years, FTX has grown from nothing to the No.3 exchange on the market.

When FTX was launched (2019/4), there were already big players in the derivatives market such as BitMEX, OKEX, Huobi, Bitflyer; and Binance was ready to enter the game.
3/ It's a miracle that FTX can break through the siege. What is the key? I think there are two things: innovation and execution.
Read 24 tweets
13 Oct
1/ Why I'm bullish now.
2/ BTC's short-term price action is dominated by the derivatives market. When the people are in "FOMO" mode, they would radically long BTC in derivative markets regardless of the cost of leverage.
3/ As a result, you'll see the perpetual funding rate and the annualized basis skyrocket, and it wouldn't last long before the price topped in.
Read 9 tweets

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