The govt had started a language policy commission under Prof Kapil Kapoor. I was asked to formally give input. Then the govt shelved the entire report. Years later, small steps in NEP. Even for that I sent many written suggestions.
Will be happy to engage with NCF as well.
The UPA setup a Committee, with Teesta, under HRD called Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE).
It had already given its report by 2005, within a year of UPA coming to power. NDA textbooks were "communal", needed to be changed. @alok_bhatt
The UPA managed to throw out all NDA textbooks and replace them with anti-Hindu textbooks within 2 years of coming to power. They started a commission for it in months. That's focus.
I've not shifted the goalpost even once. UPA managed to changed the entire set of textbooks in a short time on coming to power. Why has NDA govt been so slow? Left understands how to control people via education. BJP is still asking "problem kya hai?"
"Panned by majority"? No, only by a section of "secular" media, which will keep attacking the BJP for the goal to convert India to #ChristoIslam. You think you will "please" and "win them over"? This is the biggest flaw and weakness.
Lol. And what did that "majority in education" say about the absolutely harmful and toxic changes the UPA did? No protests, right? At least let us be awake to the narrative building and agendas.
It starts from "convent" education. Rather than joyous colors of Indian culture, all signs of culture are forcefully removed. Bindis are not allowed, traditional garb is not allowed.
It is a subtle way to indoctrinate. Girls punished for Bindi, Mehndi, choooriyan.
We are enamored of Western "advancement." But till the 19th century, and even later, the West was very primitive in understanding basic health and hygiene. They didn't "civilize" natives, but vice versa as they copied knowledge from those they colonized.
Most of Europe was a filthy dump, rife with poverty and disease. No wonder their biggest weapon against Native Americans was the diseases they brought from Europe.
It is only after massive transfer of wealth from loot of colonies that get basic civics.
Incas, Aztecs were more advanced than their European conquerors.
"Tenochtitlan was much larger than any European city of its time, and had wide, straight streets, stone aqueducts to bring fresh water from springs and a large, well-organized marketplace."
The issue of Savarkar's "mercy petitions" is so overblown. While Gandhi/Nehru got cushy jails, since they were no real threat, Savarkar got Kaala Paani, hard labor and torture, because he had rattled the Empire
What one writes after years of torture to get out is immaterial.
Meanwhile, there is immense record of Gandhi's active subservience to and collaboration with the British Empire, from his time in South Africa to recruitment of Indians to fight for the British in World War I (and later).
Here he pledges "unconditional service" to the Empire.
In the time period when Savarkar was forming revolutionary societies to fight for complete independence, Gandhi was pledging "unflinching devotion to duty and extreme eagerness to serve our
Sovereign" to "prove Indian Loyalty" to the British.