#idboardreview S/p minor cut while cleaning fish tank 6wks ago, pt now w/ tender nodules on hand. Ziehl-Neelsen 30°C broth +cording. Solid medium shielded light non-pigmented colonies but exposure to light: photochromogen. Dx?#IDtwitter#dermtwitter#medEd
#Mycobacterium#marinum Dx often made via isolation of organism on culture. Growth is slow, requiring growth time of more than 7 days. Growth temperature is lower than that of many other mycobacterial species, with the optimal temperature ranging from 28 to 30°C
Ziehl-Neelsen smear of the broth can reveal cord formation; a feature which is most commonly seen with #Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, however, it has also been described with M. #marinum
Colonies of #Mycobacterium#marinum are rough and white and become pigmented upon exposure to light.
#idboardreview 60 F recent travel to Cairns, Australia, had multiple🦟 bites, 1wk later fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia & arthralgia of hands, wrists, feet & ankles. +itchy papular rash on her face, neck and trunk.Dx? #meded#idmeded#IDTwitter
#Burkholderia#cepacia is type species of genus Burkholderia & ubiquitous MDR, motile, non–glucose-fermenting, gram-negative organism found in water & soil. Major pathogen in cystic fibrosis & opportunistic pathogen in pts w/ indwelling medical devices & immunosuppression
#idboardreview 60 M 6 months post heart transplant on atovaquone px presents w/ cough, dyspneax10d. CT b/l nodules w/ cavities, l leg mass aspirated. Dx? #meded#idmeded#IDTwitter
#idboardreview Pt w/ LE venous insufficiency found in his camper unconscious and covered in feces and maggots: septic shock, wbc 35k, Cr 6, blood culture w/ gram negative non-motile bacteria. Dx? #meded#idmeded#idtwitter
#Wohlfahrtiimonas#chitiniclastica was first identified in culture from the third-stage larvae of Wohlfahrtia magnifica flies which are known to cause myiasis, commonly in sheep and cattle
#idboardreview 50 M Texan welder w/ diarrhea, cough, dyspnea x2d, presented to ED, sepsis and rapid progression to resp fail & death <8hrs after presentation. CT necrotizing pneumonia. +GPR #idtwitter#meded#idmeded