Racialism is a result of colonization. Dismantling racism is paramount to a good life, but dismantling racialism (the belief that race is a real thing) seems to be something most do not want to do.
It’s justified to demand white people to dismantle white supremacy but it’s plum houngie if continue to center race when talking about indigeneity.
Frankly, a lot of ndns are xenophobic, which makes sense considering the last few hundred years but also is completely heartless when considering an infants place in their tribe by making their ‘pedigree’ a defining factor
Today is the anniversary of The Bakers Massacre and here on the Blackfeet Rez we have an open discussion of the trauma colonial violence left us with. However, it isn’t just us who suffers this trauma... white america suffer from this trauma, too... albeit in a different way
It is unhealthy the way america glorifies violence and sings songs of being ‘land of the free’ without taking any time to examine the negative toll that comes with raping and murdering an entire continent
This young soldiers who were directed to stomp on infants in order to save bullets did not come out of these massacres unscathed. They went home with anxiety and PTSD. Many, I’d wager, went home and beat their kids and wives and created a cycle of violence
English language is a transaction language. It’s a trade language and no longer has a land to call it own. It’s a drifter language. Don’t get me wrong, there are beautiful expressions and adjectives and adverbs... but most English verbs are dull and bland and lack description
English places emphases on nouns that many other languages don’t. My mentor, who created the best writing system for our language (Blackfoot) creates his own literacy rules as well. He doesn’t capitalize anything... If you don’t understand the significance of this move then ookss
Also, early European linguists/anthropologists had the audacity to call indigenous languages ‘primative’ and ‘childish’ for having animacy and inanimacy as syntacal features of our languages. One can say that that is were our ‘gender’ sits- is it animate or not??
For the most part, Rez dogs roam around the Rez not out of neglect but out of respect.
Piikuni (Blackfeet) have always had a good relationship with the mutt.
They were our beasts of burden and made it possible for us to live that #oldway, was we have always done