While the world was grappling with the pandemic,
C-CAMP played an important role in helping this startup repurpose to help bring hospital care to the comfort of home & create SOPs for RWAs across apartments in Bengaluru
How did CCAMP’s CCIDA initiative unearth life-saving technologies when the whole world was crippled with the pandemic?
Meet @NanditaC2, Program Lead at CCAMP at #StoriesofHopeHour as she decodes the hows-whys-whens & timeliness of C-CIDA in India's COVID combat @Taslimarif
"It was that opportunity spotting & ability to look at long term needs for #COVID19 healthcare"
Collaboration between stakeholders, caregivers, clinicians, nurses is at core of Ubiqare's Specialty palliative care delivery @psridhar360 says हम or 'We' rather than मैं or 'I' encapsulates @UbiqareHealth mantra
"Visibility & exposure from CCAMP #CCIDA was crucial for media attention and providing connections with funding organizations like @BIRAC_2012 & hospitals like @StJohns_Blr for deployment of @UbiqareHealth's robust COVID care platform"
says @sundararajans21
At heart of both CCAMP #CCIDA & #KSAP programs are acceleration & advancement. But they differ in vision, focus, impact
Listen to Program lead @NanditaC2 dissect how similar yet distinct they are
"Being selected for CCAMP #KSAP was the first door to open for us at a time when we were not sure of staying afloat!
Then came CCAMP @AIMtoInnovate funding. Both were defining moments in our journey.
Our partnership with CCAMP is emotional" - ends @sundararajans21