4. EcoHealth Alliance sensing that it is in deep deep poo 💩 , doubles down again by releasing a statement saying that it is not lying by omission, by lying by omission AGAIN.
Peter and EcoHealth Alliance have been lying by omission about GOF research funded by EcoHealth at WIV
9. This report sounds exactly like Peter’s attitudes and values when dealing with the US government and the EHA board of directors: lie by omission, cheat any way to get the money, and we can manipulate everything to fit our narrative to our advantage. See links in comments.
10. Jeffrey Dible, M.Ed, BSN, RN, CGRN’S comment
"A crisis of integrity resulting in the death of millions. A reason for a Nuremberg trial. Monsters live among us and in high places"
Andrew Huff, PhD, MS response:
Exactly. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
11. Jeffrey Dible, M.Ed, BSN, RN, CGRN
"Andrew Huff No faith in that organization. They are/were active participants in a counter intel operation against the former POTUS and even when fired for cause they protect their own"
Andrew Huff, PhD, MS Response:
12. Ginger Sladky PhD Health Sciences
"How do we ensure we start seeing some consequences and accountability?"
Andrew Huff, PhD, MS Response:
"Criminal court. Make an example of them.
They willfully disregarded the GoF rules and regulations"
"Not only does Peter have to be removed, but EcoHealth Alliance needs to be completely defunded by the government. Peter is not the only person to blame here. Peter had many enablers in the US Government, EcoHealth Board of Directors, and unethical EcoHealth employees"
19. Even More:
"There needs to be a full criminal investigation of EcoHealth Alliance and its managers, board of directors, and its corrupt US government managers and sponsors need to be investigated for corruption, racketeering, waste, fraud, and abuse"
There is no evidence for claims of a natural origin of COVID.
It appears that the scientists that paid attention in school are starting to win.
There is overwhelming circumstantial evidence that COVID is the result of a lab leak subsidized by EcoHealth Alliance.
Lancet (2)
"Here is a dirty secret about academia folks: How do you get a grant when the competition is so fierce? You complete the work BEFORE you ask for the money, and AFTER the work is completed, you ask the government for money"
"This is what happens when we contract out dangerous, high risk biologics research, to an NGO, that doesn’t have the technical capabilities, training, proper risk management framework, or the best interests of the United States at heart"
24. Lancet (4)
"This is a perfect example of why the US government needs to cut funding to organizations like EcoHealth Alliance, and academic organizations engaging in international biologics R&D"
"Even DTRA thought that these guys were in way over their heads" 😂
25. Lancet (5)
NIH was like keep doing great work Peter! 😐
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Department of Defense are the only US organizations capable of engaging in international biologics work, that won’t end up killing all of us.
@Ticklicker56 @angie_rasmussen @Dissenting2020 @DrStrangeLovett @Rebecca21951651 @All_New_to_This @VaughnMises @R_H_Ebright @Florin_Uncovers @ban_epp_gofroc @MJnanostretch @Muller_Lab @SolidEvidence @ydeigin @ciukzwil @tgof137 @StavaRune @VBruttel @FondueMean @tom335363 @BioSRP @stevenemassey @jbloom_lab @BallouxFrancois @Ayjchan @mattwridley RML expertise in biodefense inlcudes tick & flea agents, so I doubt she would want to discuss how many ticks they have or what they inject them with.
1. Latest Victim of Flo Debarre's "Doxxng" Crusade
Is ME!
I got a disturbing & threatening email, mentioning:
"room for negotiation about the name"
"1st story is often the one that sticks, even if it's not accurate..your chance to negotiate terms"
"continue over Signal"
2. Le Monde
The reporter she is working with, William Audureau @Willvs , seems a principled journalist and did not know of her nefarious doxxing activities against me and other members of DRASTIC and our supporters in Academia, of which he dissaproves.
@Willvs 3. Best way to deal with bullies is to expose them!
I thus emailed CNRS, Cyber Security Office & the Minister of the Interior to complain
"Participant 12" (maybe a soldier at Aldershot). after infection with SC2, over time experienced a substantial number of mutations suggestive of rapid evolution.
Ferdinand de Lesseps's success in building the Suez Canal in 1869 was utterly derailed by the abysmal failure of his subsequent effort to build the Panama Canal due to disease.
800 thousand people had invested their savings in the project!
Good luck using your critical thinking skills to seperate wheat from chaff so that you can decide what is propaganda & what is fact.
Of course the easy options are to dismiss everything as lies or to swallow everything as fact.
2. What I recommend
If you are interested in a balanced analysis of the Russian claims and all the detailed evidence presented by Kirillov before his assassination in Moscow, as well as relted topics, then I highly recommend you plough through those threads at your leisure.