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プラスミドdsDNA 混入疑惑
Read 17 tweets
1. Muddy Waters Group Investigation Executive Summary of Final Report, 21 Pages (2023)…

2. Muddy Waters Group Investigation Final Report (302 Pages, 2023)…

3. Earlier 35 Page interim Report (October 2022)…
References to #DRASTIC in the Report 1

Reading it now but going through the endnotes first (as usual ;)

21. Ian Birrell. (2021). Is ‘Patient Su’ Covid’s Patient Zero?. The Daily Mail.…

(that article was based on our work, especially that of @gdemaneuf
References to #DRASTIC in the Report 2

Endnotes 66 -70

Found by #DRASTIC and the patents by our former colleague @interne41914499 then published in detail our reports on ResearchGate along with the discovery of bat cages at WIV… Image
Read 48 tweets
1. Alternatives to Gain of Function Research
Loss of Function Research
Molecular dynamical modeling of viral proteins
Interactions with inhibitors and receptor
In vitro studies of specific properties required for human adaptation using single proteins
2. More Alternatives

In vitro studies of genetic interactions between loci in viral proteins using replication-incompetent viruses – epistatic interactions

Sequence database comparisons of genetic properties of human and animal adapted viruses…
3. Ethical Alternatives

"to Experiments with Novel Potential Pandemic Pathogens"…
Read 15 tweets
1. As you are aware, I wrote some detailed investigative threads on the claims about US Bioweapon Labs in ex-Soviet countries bordering Russia

I was not ready to dismiss the claims without examining them carefully which many refused to do.

Now I will share US counter claims
2. Recent Opinion Piece in @washingtonpost

Presenting the US point of view…
3. A more weighty attack on the Russian Claims

By Milton Leitenberg

False allegations of biological-weapons use from
Putin’s Russia (19 Page PDF)…
Read 38 tweets

Who is Dr Kirsty Ainslie @AinslieLab and why is she included in the Ecohealth DEFUSE proposal yet doesn't have her Ecohealth affiliation listed in papers?

And what has she been spraying, exactly? ImageImage
No mention of Ecohealth anywhere yet she is mentioned 3 times in the DEFUSE proposal.

Aerosol is mentioned 12 times

@CharlesRixey @chrismartenson
#spraygate #letusspray ImageImage
No mention of Ecohealth @AinslieLab?

Why so shy?

Please can you tell us more about your microparticle delivery systems for aerosol release in the DEFUSE protocol? Image
Read 14 tweets
Well worth a read for several reasons which will become clearer after reading it ;)

The Truth about Wuhan by @AGHuff

How I (helped) uncover the Biggest Lie in History ImageImage
A recent interview with the author

3. Identified as a POI in July 2020 (Thread)

Read 14 tweets
Good morning .@USNavy, #SHIELD again !

More distraction/FF attempts, [they] will fail …

TWas A wild night, Someone was on reconnaissance—Eyes in the Skyy…


Only 1 Dragon left ?

#ShameOfThrones Image
Because of all the contents/truths that are coming out for the world to see of what was on that lap top & who, more distractions will be attempted …

the joey & hunter truths are A new born baby fart compared to much of the other truths—The Other truths are As big as that VIKING
Read 4 tweets
1. Science turns nasty in Covid-19 origins argument on Twitter

8 solid mentions of the work of #DRASTIC thanks to Eduardo Baptista and Simone McCarthy


2. Rabbit Holes

The main actors in this whistle-blower detour down the lab-leak rabbit hole include the group of internet activists known as DRASTIC, which published the documents
3. Whistleblower

Backing the headline were documents that DRASTIC said came from the unidentified whistle-blower. They showed that EcoHealth Alliance in 2018 applied for a federal grant to study bat coronaviruses with three other US research groups
Read 7 tweets
1. Thread on #DARPA History - Synthetic Polio Virus

Created under the DARPA Biological Warfare Defense Program…
2. Multi-agent/agent specific thrust

"the approach. will be targeted to a specific pathogen, but It Is applicable to several different pathogens. For example, an approach may be used to develop therapeutics against 20 different pathogens"
3. Professor Ron Taylor

This project started in May 1996 at the University of Virginia. Taylor and his colleagues developed a heteropolymer that functions on the one end to connect to the CR 1 site of the red blood cells, while the other end is tailored to the specific pathogen.
Read 32 tweets
The State of Science Image
After fully reading the article, I think @sciencecohen does write a fairly well balanced analysis, especially the last half, and lists most criticisms of EHA and WIV.
Read 11 tweets
3. This time all Huff's posts are archived for doubting journalists.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

(I have a dirty secret to share about this specifically - coming soon).

More evidence that Peter is a crazy maniac.…
Read 30 tweets
Per chi volesse approfondire i temi trattati nel servizio di #PresaDiretta di ieri sera, ho raccolto in questo thread le fonti e i documenti principali citati in trasmissione. 🧵1/
Cominciamo dalla missione dell'#OMS a #Wuhan, all'inizio di quest'anno. Qui trovate il rapporto finale che considera "estremamente improbabile" l'incidente di laboratorio. 2/…
Qui invece la famosa lettera scritta a @ScienceMagazine (primo autore @jbloom_lab) per chiedere di indagare tutti i possibili scenari. 3/…
Read 25 tweets
It's not right that information directly relevant to the #OriginsOfCovid - much of it from sources outside of China - are only being revealed close to 2 years post-outbreak.
These documents only made public in September 2021 make any scientific reviews (some would say critical reviews) or science journalism pieces prior to last month out-of-date and uninformed.……
If anyone is writing a new #OriginsOfCovid journalistic piece or a critical review/op-ed for publication at a scientific journal, you must include the new findings from the #Defuse DARPA proposal leaked by Drastic and the NIH EcoHealth progress reports FOIA'ed by @theintercept
Read 4 tweets
111. #DRASTIC and the Crisis of Confidence on #CNN…
6 minute video clip
thanks @smerconish ImageImageImageImage
112. French Interview with @BricePerrier
defending the early research of #DRASTIC (5.30 onwards)…
"Quand on me demande au début si c'est Biden qui a fait changer le sens du vent, je réponds : ça serait plutôt Drastic!"
113. The Hindu
Thanks to @ramyakannan and @TheHinduScience

Online group digs deeper into coronavirus leak theory…
Thanks to
@ananthkrishnan ImageImageImageImage
Read 84 tweets

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