Surfacing from to start this year's thread of tidbits for your visualization delectation.
We're already deep into 2021 #ieeevis, 2 days down and 4 to go. I've seen a cavalcade of great stuff already, and want to catch up on lots more!
First - yay books! All the CRC/Routledge books in the AK Peters Visualization series, which I co-edit along with @AlbertoCairo, are discounted for everybody at #ieeevis

@AlbertoCairo The Mobile Data Vis book is an edited collection with an all-star cast of contributors, many of the editors and authors are heavily involved with #ieeevis. It's coming out in two months!

@AlbertoCairo I've already seen a #ieeevis shoutout to the glorious Data Sketches book from Wes Willet in his keynote for VisActivities yesterday!

@AlbertoCairo I highly recommend checking out that keynote, on Encouraging Engagement, Practice, & Creativity in Vis Teaching (at a Distance), plus all the other talks and lightning talks at VisActivities! Also the rich & in-depth discussion in discord.


@AlbertoCairo Two great - and very different - interviews of Data Sketches authors @NadiehBremer
and @sxywu

@AlbertoCairo @NadiehBremer @sxywu Although alas we don't have a physical book table this year since we don't have a physical #ieeevis, a book signing is still possible for this one!

@AlbertoCairo @NadiehBremer @sxywu Also, check out even more on visualizing with text from @rkbrath in the Sunday #ieeevis Vis4DH (visualization for the digital humanities) workshop

@AlbertoCairo @rkbrath I've already watched @rkbrath's fascinating romp through of the many many ways the text of Alice in Wonderland has been shown in both academic vis and in the wild,

Many more Vis4DH presentations await my perusal! So many parallel #ieeevis sessions...
@AlbertoCairo @rkbrath The book site is chock full of stuff - definitely worth a look

@AlbertoCairo Tominski and Schumann filled a major gap with their deep and thoughtful text on visual analytics, will be useful for many at #ieeevis

@AlbertoCairo I'm still blown away that they recreated new figures for every screenshot in the book, instead of reprinting previously published figures, so they're all available for use CC-BY. Such a fantastic resource for #ieeevis teaching!

@AlbertoCairo I already saw a nice shoutout for Data-Driven Storytelling from @alark in his #ieeevis VisActivities workshop talk yesterday on Learning Cues to Improve the Understanding of Explanatory Storytelling...

@AlbertoCairo Information Theory to the rescue! Authors include longtime #ieeevis contributors Min Chen, Ivan Viola, and Han-Wei Shen

@AlbertoCairo This one looks pretty familiar, somehow...

@AlbertoCairo I just gave a full-day tutorial at #ieeevis on Sunday built around Visualization Analysis and Design - I've already posted the 18 prerecorded video segments in a public playlist, 6 hrs in total. Use as you like, for teaching or solo study!

@AlbertoCairo Another Sunday #ieeevis tutorial was from @tmrhyne on color, and see her CRC book for even more on that topic - it's also discounted for attendees, as part of our virtual book table.

@AlbertoCairo We have a lot more fantastic books in the pipeline - can't wait to show many of them off at #ieeevis 2022!

@AlbertoCairo From the tetrarchy of @visxvision, we'll have an amazing trove of vision science methodology framed for #ieeevis researchers

@AlbertoCairo Hang on to your hats, #ieeevis! This book will be gallivanting and cavorting through the world of infographics, from tundra to tropics...

@AlbertoCairo I breathlessly await this book from @ChristiansenJen, a powerhouse of SciComm. I can't wait to check out the #ieeevis VisComm workshop keynote conversation with her and @SteveFranconeri that I missed on Sunday!

@AlbertoCairo @ChristiansenJen @SteveFranconeri Lots more from #ieeevis VisComm workshop at and…

Direct link to the Building Bridges between Research and Practice conversation
@AlbertoCairo This data physicalization book is a collective effort from a dream team spanning many communities including computer science and the art/design world. #ieeevis papers track and @IEEEVISAP, both take note!

@AlbertoCairo Another emigration and transmogrification from popular blog to book will be coming from @theneilrichards. #ieeevis, take note!

Tuesday mornings are always my very favorite part of #ieeevis, I love hearing the talks from award winners. Wonderful to see a new award, significant young researcher, which went to @michelle_borkin and @benjbach. Yay and three cheers!!
The #ieeevis vgtc technical achievement award just went to Daniel Weiskopf, and the lifetime achievement award to Jarke van Wijk. Woo woo woo woo!

In both cases I immensely respect their work, and really enjoyed their articulate and thoughtful talks.
Huge props to Loretta Auvil, winner of the new service award. Her decades of hard work as finance chair has saved our bacon so very very many times, at both the #ieeevis and VGTC levels.
#ieeevis Test of Time time! Five of them in total. Rationales for each at…

VAST ToT 10-year award went to SensePlace2, from Alan MacEachren, Anthony Robinson, and others.
#ieeevis InfoVis 20 year Test of Time award to Ordered/Quantum treemaps, by @benbendc, @wattenberg (moved from Google to Harvard), and @bederson.

I know just how deserved this award is since I chaired the selection committee and re-read all of the contenders. This is the one!
#ieeevis InfoVis 10 year Test of Time award to D3, by @mbostock @jeffrey_heer & @VOgievetsky

What can I say. More citations than any InfoVis paper ever. More real-world impact than any InfoVis paper ever.

d3.js for the win!!!
#ieeevis SciVis 25 year Test of Time award to VTK - the paper and the book. And, of course, the tool itself, still thriving with @Kitware!

Work by Will Schroeder, Ken Martin, and the wonderful, inimitable, and much-missed Bill Lorensen.
#ieeevis SciVis 15 year Test of Time award to
Ambient Occlusion and Edge Cueing for Enhancing Real Time Molecular Visualization,
by Marco Tarini, Paolo Cignoni, Claudio Montani.
See all these #ieeevis talks from the virtual site - jump in now to see the upcoming ones (best papers! keynote!). You'll be able to see the earlier ones when the session is over.…


Congrats also to @10_arjun for the best dissertation award! Graduated from Georgia Tech, now at Tableau Research

Combining Natural Language and Direct Manipulation for Human-Data Interaction through Visualizations
Grateful to Lisa Avila, chair of the VEC, for giving such a detailed yet clear overview of the new #ieeevis governance structure!

And to Jim Ahrens, VGTC Chair, for encouraging participation in upcoming election. Candidates are @bongshin and Vicki Interrante.
IRVINE Design Study from Eirich et al (including Sedlmair, Schreck, Bernard) is another #ieeevis best paper I've gotta read.

I did already read the super-cool -- and deeply original -- Superpowers #ieeevis best paper - but still Wes Willet's extremely slick presentation was well worth my time.

As @bongshin put it in her intro: "stop multitasking and pay attention!"
Also cannot multitask with this last #ieeevis best full paper, will need to check out at a quiet time:

Feature Curves and Surfaces of 3D Asymmetric Tensor Fields from folks at Oregon State… Image
Excellent framing on the #ieeevis test of time, Jeff, I wholeheartedly agree!

Come for the dinosaurs, stay for the science! #ieeevis best short paper is clever in both dimensions.

Jurassic Mark: Inattentional Blindness for a Datasaurus Reveals that Visualizations are Explored, not Seen. by
@talboger @SBMost @SteveFranconeri
Onwards to #ieeevis keynote from danah boyd. Many great points, just as I expected!

- different theoretical perspective of NorthAm vs Chinese journalists (wrt Shannon info theory)

- the first rule of data science: data is messy. Exercise leading students to notice.
@zephoria #ieeevis keynote cont:

- the allure of the illusion of precision (example: US census, history and present)

- data is constructed. many deeply compelling examples, i hope serving to convince even the (kneejerk) skeptics.

- biases: maintained and reified
@zephoria - epistemic warfare: data performed as precise and objective and neutral

- agnotology: study of ignorance (ooh ooh great new word of the day!)

- data not just politicized but adversarially twisted

@zephoria @zephoria #ieeevis keynote mic drop ending:


Fantastic closing line:

Put another way, there be dragons everywhere. So, design with care, intention, humility, and flexibility!

of a truly fantastic talk. Watch it.
@zephoria @zephoria #ieeevis Q&A:

the math is often there to justify a particular form of political conservatism.

you can't win by shifting everything away from politics on to math: you don't end up with good math, and you don't end up with good politics
@zephoria @zephoria #ieeevis Q&A:

intriguing paper ref

Moral Crumple Zones: Cautionary Tales in Human-Robot Interaction. Madeleine Clare Elish.…
@zephoria #ieeevis keynote Q&A

Understand that computer scientists don't want to deal with big P politics: it gets ugly.

Challenge of power: can do magical things that weren't possible before. You have so much more influence than you did. Questions become political in a contested way.
@zephoria @zephoria #ieeevis keynote Q&A

- There is no truth. There are openings, there are questions, there are ways of seeing, there's moments for debate.

- design; develop; deploy; ignore

[a damning but true indictment of common practice!...]
@zephoria Aha, nice ref for #ieeevis folks to dive deeper into agnotology (ignorance) - @smorewithface points out podcast 'Ologies with Alie Ward' episode on it

Shoutout to the inaugural #ieeevis @altVISworkshop from Sunday. So far I've seen/read four things and they have far exceeded my expectations!

Everything including papers and the talk videos now available from
@altVISworkshop Pre-conference I read the #ieeevis @altVISworkshop paper from @Birdbassador:

Towards a Theory of Bullshit Visualization

It hits the sweet spot where snarky and thoughtful intersect. Others thought so too!

@altVISworkshop Ditto for 2nd #ieeevis @altVISworkshop paper

Manifesto for Putting Chartjunk in the Trash 2021!
@gotdairyya, Jack Wilburn, @miriah_meyer…

First half is compelling: don't use 'chartjunk' when describing purposeful, visual design elements.
@altVISworkshop @gotdairyya @miriah_meyer Second half was more, um, alt... But TIL the whole genre of maintenance art exists, so my conceptual/performance art horizons are expanded :-)

#ieeevis @altVISworkshop
@altVISworkshop The heavy representation of heavy metal on twitter sucked me into watching the video

Oh my God so kickass! Hilarious yet remarkably deep & thorough! Dimensions of Doom is best design space name evah.

#ieeevis @altVISworkshop FTW
@altVISworkshop So great I read the paper too.

Exploring the Design Space of Metal Logos…
@TundraToucan @Birdbassador @jsndyks
@_Noeska_ and 3 more.

All of #ieeevis: go to and see the glory and he wonder of what @altVISworkshop can be.
@altVISworkshop Also read #ieeevis @altVISworkshop paper

Visualization for Villany…

A reasonably useful rhetorical device -
a bit heavy handed here and there, but overall an opportunity for some grade A snark and throwing shade.

Also hats off to the #ieeevis @visapnet efforts this year, I spent a few hours in the gathertown art gallery last night to check out all the pieces (and chat with people)

@visapnet A few favorites from #ieeevis

Glacier's Lament
Jiabao Li

beautiful and haunting

@visapnet A few favorites from #ieeevis

Untitled Interspecies Umwelten
Joel Ong

@visapnet A few favorites from #ieeevis

FaceType: Expressing Our Spoken Expression
Kevin Maher, Fan Xiang, Liang Zhi

voice->calligraphic emphasis

the video made me really want to try it!

@visapnet A few favorites from #ieeevis

Decoding and Encoding of Tibetan
Anqi Song, Xintong Song, Yuhao Chen, Guangyu Luo, Qiansheng Li

more on calligraphic language elements!

Now in #ieeevis Interaction full papers session,…

DIEL system, super interesting systems take on interaction events as first-class citizens from @yifanwu & @arvindsatya1 & others…

VizSnippets: Compressing Visualization Bundles Into Representative Previews for Browsing Visualization Collections

from @oppermann_m and me!

Delighted that we were awarded #ieeevis best paper honorable mention for this work……
@oppermann_m We can do so much better than just one thumbnail and title - often those don't inform much. The VizSnippets pipeline adapts to specified screen area to show much more. Some examples of how much more we can squeeze in:

#ieeevis Image
@oppermann_m Got 25 sec? #ieeevis VizSnippets preview video sums up how we compute a good snippet of target size/properties from "bundle" - a Tableau workbook or Observable notebook that includes a visualization specification, thumbnail images, and text

@oppermann_m The VizSnippets computational pipeline uses both image and text metrics, in addition to chart type inferred from underlying specification, in the quest to achieve high information density

#ieeevis Image
@oppermann_m The VizSnippets design framework has three levels (across many snippets on a result page, snippet itself, within-snippet for image & text) and two categories of choices: how many / how big, and how to display?

#ieeevis Image
@oppermann_m We also propose the general methodology of visual inspection through random sampling of a big collection of real data, with many lightweight inspectors created quickly, one for each targeted question

#ieeevis ImageImageImage
Cool #ieeevis paper from @anthi_dimara and @johntstasko
A Critical Reflection on Visualization Research: Where Do Decision Making Tasks Hide?

Paper looks thoughtful & deep.…

Talk video is spectacularly diegetic (h/t @Birdbassador)
@anthi_dimara @johntstasko @Birdbassador intriguing question/poll from @anthi_dimara: How does "decision making" relate to "sensemaking"?

#ieeevis Image
From Jam Session to Recital: Synchronous Communication and Collaboration Around Data in Organization

3 flavors of activity:
jam session vs improvisational performance vs formal recital

Great metaphor & #ieeevis talk from @mattbrehmer & @eagereyes

@mattbrehmer @eagereyes Continuing the metaphor in the Q&A: do we need conductors?

Gotta read this #ieeevis paper too

From Jam Session to Recital: Synchronous Communication and Collaboration Around Data in Organization

Full paper

Blog post:…
Another great #ieeevis paper from @anthi_dimara, this time w/ @SteveFranconeri & @vizstudylady & Harry Zhang

The Unmet Data Visualization Needs of Decision Makers within Organizations……

Drumroll... Brass fanfare.....

Announcing the West Coast party 2021,
in the #ieeevis gathertown,
at the Cafe du Monde building,
on Thu Oct 28, 4-6pm PDT = 6-8pm CDT
Massive props and thanks and awe to Amy Gooch who has spearheaded a #ieeevis gathertown setting that is a jawdropping mix of fun (lots of video eastereggs), useful (eagerly awaiting poster session), and even pretty (I literally did not think that was possible yet here we are)!
@blprnt, #ieeevis @visapnet keynote talk:…

how it started:
how do the ways we've learned to tell data
restrict the ways we can tell data,
and who we might tell it to?

how it ended:
what is it like to live in data?
it's up to us.
@blprnt @visapnet in between:

James Yarker
one oblong grain of rice represents one person

Natalie Jeremijenko
trees planted
hunting them down now, two decades later
'never experienced data in that way, legs tired when got back to hotel'

@blprnt @visapnet how these art projects changed his expectations of scale in time and space, of participation.

where are we expecting to experience data?

turn public data on its head. maybe experience not in lonely smallness of a screen but in the bright white public spaces...

@blprnt @visapnet Jeremijenko's piece points out -

trees experience time in a different way than we do, help us consider time scales hard for us to naturally appreciate

@blprnt @visapnet then several of his own projects including…

physical stacked bars. immediate reaction is to take selfies of where they see themselves, on these physical pipes.

@blprnt @visapnet St. Louis Map Room,
participants create large 10'x10' maps.
how to help people go beyond looking up where they live. put in others' shoes.

@blprnt @visapnet And Cascade of what words moving towards vs away from 'data', over time

I can't even begin to capture the eloquence, watch it yourselves! And put his book Living in Data on your to-read pile, as I have...

@visapnet Wow #ieeevis so cool !!!
Visualizing Life in the Deep

Deep dive (pun intended) into art/science collaboration, extremely impressive example of rich graphical science communication out of biological sensor data

@visapnet @jmkendallbar Visualizing Life in the Deep: A Creative Pipeline for Data-Driven Animations to Facilitate Marine Mammal Research, Outreach, and Conservation…
Online portal:

@visapnet Creating Meaningful Connections Through COVID-19 Data Manifestation

Evocative, nuanced. Worth your time to watch. So very very far from yet more bar charts and choropleths...

@visapnet Affective Palettes for Scientific Visualization: Grounding Environmental Data in the Natural World

Interesting analysis: color palette diffs - photo vs hand-created artist palettes of same scene

"Color is the first principle of Place" - Ellen Melloy

@visapnet Glacier’s Lament

This video was so compelling I couldn't break away from watching it to talk to artist herself during the opening...

Thought I could ignore it playing again to catch up on tweeting but no, once again it's got me...

@visapnet Surface Tension
Caitlin Foley, Misha Rabinovich…

Interesting combo of realism (skin texture within country outline) and abstraction. "Water supports life but can also drown and destroy"

@visapnet I'm on board with sentiment of @jwoLondon

I have retroactive FOMO that I've missed so many at previous IRL #ieeevis years, parallel sessions sigh.

Headsup for #ieeevis stuff tomorrow (Thu Oct 28)!
I'm on a panel on "Our history and future innovation" (w/ @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay @JessicaHullman) bright and early in first session.…
I'll also attend the town hall. I'm (gloriously enough) rotated out of all #ieeevis governance roles but excited to hear about how everything has played out this past year & hear about what the whole community thinks. Encourage everybody to join also!…
Our short paper will be in #ieeevis 2nd session…

TimeElide: Visual Analysis of Non-Contiguous Time Series Slices.
by @oppermann_m, Luce Liu, and me

for PDF, videos, supp material, open-source repo, & live demo
@oppermann_m #ieeevis short paper TimeElide from @oppermann_m & Luce Liu & me, in a nutshell

live demo!…

25 sec video preview:

open-source sw interface: pic 1

design space for non-contiguous time series slices: pic 2 ImageImage
@oppermann_m #ieeevis TimeElide discord discussion kicks off with a focus on the deep intellectual issues - which case study domain is coolest, as measured by emoji counts?

Really hard to pick, but when push comes to shove I'm on team cake... Image
Ooh super cool semantic zooming inspired by cartography principles from @vsetlur and Haeyong Chung! #ieeevis short paper

Semantic Resizing of Charts Through Generalization: A Case Study with Line Charts……
When Red Means Good, Bad, or Canada: Exploring People's Reasoning for Choosing Color Palettes, by @ahmjry, Elaine Huynh, @fanny_uoft…

Very interesting qualitative study, well presented! #ieeevis

Also: yay Canada 🇨🇦
Histogram binning revisited with a focus on human perception
from @mhmnn, @VisTorsten, Johanna Schmidt

Quant study key takeaway:
most sample-based algorithms overestimate # bins needed (for identify distribution task)! Rec: just use 20 bins.

#ieeevis Image
Fixation and Creativity in Data Visualization Design: Experiences and Perspectives of Practitioners
@drpaulparsons, Prakash Shukla, Chorong Park

Cool #ieeevis qual study

Gotta like "use big marker to avoid fixiating on fiddly details" strategy
Towards a Survey on Static and Dynamic Hypergraph Visualizations
Maximilian Fischer, Alexander Frings, Daniel Keim, @seebacherd

In addition to node-link and matrix, they note timeline approaches

I'd love to see #ieeevis short paper expanded into STAR! Image
There's all kinds of substantive algorithm elegance in #ieeevis presentation of TVCG paper

Multi-Level Area Balancing of Clustered Graphs, by @HsiangYunWu, @MNollenburg, Ivan Viola…

but first: wow I so love "vertext" for 'vertex with text label'!
Ooh - two of my favorite things - task taxonomies and tree visualization - together in one STAR! #ieeevis

Both paper and supplemental materials posted at

And aha, even better yet, check out the fully featured site for browsing their findings on trees & tasks at

Beautiful work at #ieeevis!

Stratisfimal Layout: A Modular Optimization Model for Laying Out Layered Node-link Network Visualizations
@sara_picorana, Mirek RiedewaldWolfgang Gatterbauer, @codydunne


Also Best Logo Evah: Image
Reminder: in four hours will be the West Coast party

It's in the #ieeevis, in/near the Cafe du Monde building. 4-6pm Pacific time, 6-8pm Central time.

The "West Coast" part is about the sponsors, not a filter on who should come

Everybody is invited!
The #ieeevis Town Hall today seemed very constructive, w/ reportbacks from the governance folks about the year's work and good discussion of issues that the community raised. It was nice to see that a newcomer to the conference felt welcome and engaged!

Aha, a treasure trove thread on blog posts from grad students @NElmqvist 's grad course, one per previous #ieeevis research paper!
Really liked #ieeevis talk and gotta read paper on

Generative Design Inspiration for Glyphs with Diatoms from @mattbrehmer, @eagereyes, Carmen Hull

Intrigued by idea of 'small permutables' in contrast to 'small multiples'
@JessicaHullman @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay #ieeevis panel tidbits:

ben - go beyond perceptualization to cogniification
ben - don't fight zombie ideas, rise above them
jarke - design is a skill that can be taught
jarke - first worry isn't p-hacking, it's bad use of visual encodings.
@JessicaHullman @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay #ieeevis panel

Q: can't vis be dangerous by misleading?
ben: vis as fire. fire is dangerous but fire is powerful.

jarke: well done vis is invisible. vis as buying music speakers. if you think "wow great speakers", don't buy. if you think "wow great music", then buy.
@JessicaHullman @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay #ieeevis panel

topic: human in the loop vs total automation

me: vis as e-bike, each augmented pedal stroke makes you go faster/further (feels like superpower). not like ML motorcycle, where it's all engine.
@JessicaHullman @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay #ieeevis panel

me: names can over-promise! we call it Machine Learning, but what exactly is being learned? And from what?

jessica: better name might be machine guessing!
@JessicaHullman @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay #ieeevis panel:

my cat henry: <let me leap up and pose winsomely on the table to keep everybody visually engaged>

@JessicaHullman @benbendc @jackvanwijk @JockMackinlay #ieeevis panel

loved the really thoughtful discussion in Discord elaborating on themes we raised, including
- definitions of design, engineering, science, & art
- more on "bicycles for the mind" over "self driving cars"
- the dual use assumption to shut down critique
Untidy data #ieeevis paper also very high on my own to-read list. Blog post to get started:…

• • •

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27 Oct 20
Félicitations to Jean-Daniel Fekete on the #ieeevis #vgtc technical achievement award! I always love award talks showcasing career highlights and great collaborators, this one is no exception.
Félicitations to Catherine Plaisant on the #ieeevis #vgtc career award! Another lovely retrospective talk.
So very delighted that the Polaris paper from Chris Stolte, Pat Hanrahan, and Diane Tang -- which led directly to @tableau -- won the #ieeevis #infovis 20 year Test of Time award. Seeing it grow over the weeks and months was a great part of my Stanford years.
Read 44 tweets
26 Oct 20
In the brave new world of virtual conferences, we've still got a book table at #ieeevis for @CRCPress! It's virtual too. Here's a thread of what's new in the past year, and what's forthcoming, in our visualization books.
@CRCPress Delighted to announce a brand new book that's coming out next week on Nov 2: Visualizing with Text, by @rkbrath!
@CRCPress @rkbrath Very cool that the companion site for Visualizing with Text includes many @observablehq demos

Read 17 tweets
25 Oct 20
Dove into virtual #ieeevis this morning, along with many others. I've found lots to like already about, especially the shuffle by serendipity papers browser. I'll likely be tweeting a lot this week, enjoy or mute as you see fit!
Started off #ieeevis with a bang, my own Visualization Analysis and Design tutorial is running first thing, even as I type. Slides and all videos on our own group's YouTube already posted, see…
Just posted a handy thing in the #ieeevis tutorial discord that some folks might not know about: the page from the VAD book site with all my further reading suggestions in one spot, complete with links for all the papers!…
Read 5 tweets
26 Oct 18
@veloclubdeVIS Just got to stop 2: old brewery (KINDL).
@veloclubdeVIS Stop 3: airfield-turned-park
@veloclubdeVIS Stop 4: abandoned air from the front
Read 9 tweets
21 Oct 18
Great start to #ieeevis on Sun morning at #belivws: fiery keynote on open science from @Protohedgehog so good and dense that I just sat back to absorb inspiration for new and better ways to fight the good fight.
@Protohedgehog Good point from @amcrisan following up @Protohedgehog 'penguin metaphor' - not fair that junior penguins asked to test the waters for killer whales while senior tenured penguins wait comfortably on the shore
#ieeevis #belivws
@Protohedgehog @amcrisan Appreciated @Protohedgehog emphasis on all four pillars of OS: in addition to reproducibility, also access, serials, evaluation. Articulate calling out perpetuators of paywalls including commercial (El$evier) and academic (IEEE is major offender) #ieeevis #belivws
Read 116 tweets
11 May 18
I'll be livetweeting a lot over the next two days for #ubccs50 at @UBC_CS, kicking off now!
Raymond Ng kicks off the @UBCDSI Data Science Symposium, with @SohrabShah as the first speaker #ubccs50
Post and upvote questions at, discussion room #S371 #ubccs50
Read 80 tweets

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