And here we are again, waiting for the #NCGA #NCjoint redistricting committee to get going on the 2nd (and last?) day of public hearings on #redistricting. Today focuses on the legislative maps. Getting going! #NCPOL
Clair Storm, 1st speaker, notes 90% of growth comes from people of color and in Meck/Wake, but no new minority-majority Cong. districts. Notes they falsely claimed court said there is no racially polarized voting in NC. Proposed maps will disadvantage both Black Cong-persons,
Ms. Kiel speaking remotely cites inclusion of coastal counties in minority opportunity district dilutes the vote, probably violating the Voting Right Act. Racial data must be used to comply with the VRA. Failing leads to lawsuits, achievement of a majority despite voters' wishes.
@LWVNC member Susan McLanahan (speaking for herself) takes a 2nd bite at the apple, noting two of our Dem. leaders are targeted, including @ValFoushee and @electreives, drawing them into less favorable dist. Orange/Chatham counties hv a working partnership, shld be kept together
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung for @LWVNCarolina decries lack of transparency, public input. Process has been a sham, disadvantaging our purple state and UNA voters. Results are pre-cooked, protect incumbents but in a racially unfair manner. We are a participatory democracy--show all the comments!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Meck speaker says they will all affected by new maps and deserve a voice. Fair maps mean leaders who know their communities. Voters' needs, not politicians' power, should drive redrawing. A fair process ensures good results.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina John Lingell, Davidson, moved to NC 21 yr ago, regrets insane process w/limited opportunities for public comment, failure to protect communities, overall failed process. Maps will dilute voters' voices, as in the past decade, recommends SCH2 for state senate. Lawsuit coming
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Michael Schachter of Craven notes final maps likely to favor one party, both a racial & political gerry. This is wrong, violating principles of democracy, prefers HBK11, which keeps his area whole, and as much of Craven as possible.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Steven Kendrick of Apex (Wake), taking time fm work to speak. Concerned abt gerry'ing, disempowering citizens. An unfair election results fm voters not being heard equally. Despite 50-50 state R-drawn maps would give 70% of seats to Rs. Cong. lines are twisted in Apex. CBK4 or 5.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Chatham speaker glad to see Chatham is being kept whole, asks that Providence precinct in Randolph not be added, so future growth popping up along 15-501 will dilute their votes. Only reason to add this precinct is partisan manipulation, unfair to a D-leaning county.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina John Lowe, also from Chatham, prefers HBk11 and S56 (?). Adding Prov precinct unfair to the Randolph voters as well, ensuring they're cut off fm their neighbors. (This is state house map.) Other Randolph districts are undersize, so why move them? Map cynically harms @electreives
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Carol Gottlieb of Fearrington Dems (Chatham) has been advocating a bipartisan commission to draw the districts. We're sick and tired of legislators not playing fair, drawing districts to give 11-4 despite 50-50 voters. Young people aren't the only ones put off--old people are too
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina The R-led NCGA comm has again drawn maps to preserve an R-leaning map. Hunterville residents hv been in 3 different districts in the past 3 elections. Maps sever towns, use the same old tactics. 65% of voters say fixing gerryies is a priority for them, bt maps continue to distort
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Daughter of immigrants cites NC values we all stand for. We all need a reasonable chance to participate, so we need bilingual maps for an inclusive, fair process. Latinx population now over 1 million, has grown the most rapidly. Where is the translator? bilingual materials?
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Angela Echeverria (name ironically mangled by chair) speaking for NC Counts, which worked for an accurate census. Process confusing, maps hard to find, no on-line tools or translation. Partners are concerned that local Black incumbents will be disadvantaged. Need racial equity!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Barbara (missed rest) suggests 2 changes to CBK2, CBK3 ref. strip of Meck into neighboring R-leaning dist. Voters in these 6 D-leaning districts will never be able to be heard, wasting their votes. New 14th CD has been put in Cleveland. Should be in an area with non-White voters.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Neighbors on Call speaker cites confusing process. CMT-9 divides voters to skew outcome 5-2 in favor of Rs, defines only 1 maj-minority district. You'all must have a bug in your software! We need small-d outcomes, not biased maps.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Stephanie Powell of Chatham. Another voter attacking inclusion of 3 Randolph precincts to Chatham NC House district 56. This precinct should be moved to the Randolph district 60 or 61, which are under-populated. This is a partisan attempt to hurt D voters.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Laurel Voelker of Wake notes we are supposed to comment on the NCGA maps, but we had only 5 days to look at them and we don't even know if these are the real maps. You've created an artificial timeline when you could move the primary back to May. We can't see citizen comments!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Cheryl Johnson Cumberland Cty Dem chair. Sandhills people want a Congressional district. All other areas have such a district, many called for it, yet only 4 of the 8 published maps reflect voters' will. We ask for equity for the Sandhills w/CBK4. NCGA maps hurt our communities.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Charles McKella(?) of F'ville. Recall our oath to support the constitution. We want to see a Cong distr in Sandhills. We have the largest military base, many retired military. Honor Sandhills citizens w/a district now, when it won't disadvantage anyone. CBK4, -5, CST6 best maps.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Richard Valtero in Pitt County. Gerrymandering violates the constitution. Current system forces voters to choose between racially and ideologically polarized candidates.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Speaker in Meck objects to maps with 10-4 or 11-3 Congressional maps, splitting Monroe/Union and Meck to silence constituent voices. We're tired of unfair maps, lawsuits, being the gerry poster child, changing maps. Put people over politics, choose CBK4 or -5.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Ricky Leung: Asian/Hispanic pop'ns are the fastest growing in NC, raising diversity. Critical to provide more accessible information/opportunities so people can participate, provide input. Excluding racial data denies our history/reality. Need to see democ. values carried out.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Meck speaker--Short time to respond, to review maps, but now I see them I didn't really need more time to review! Exclusion of racial data was a farce, given pol's knowledge of their districts. Gerrying is wrong, but those in power won't cede it willingly. We need an indep comm!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina Bonnie McCarthy of @NeighborsOnCall , Chatham resident. Commenting on HBK11, again decrying addition of unneeded precincts. Chatham had an 85% turnout, voted 55% Dem (?), but Providence precinct adds a tranche of Rs, undermining our county's character.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall Brenda Fairfax, Pitt cty disappointed it is split in two, made part of the Outer Banks. What do we have in common with them?! We are drawn out of Butterfield's district & so is he! Have you thought of using an indep. commission. We're tired of seeing lege do whatever it wants.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall Meck County speaker notes criteria allow using incumbents' addresses. Are you afraid of the voters? @princetongerry gave both tlegislative maps an F. Fair maps would have equal no. of R and D districts, more maj-minority districts. Unfair maps would last 10 years, move primary!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry Harry Taylor speaks for @lwvcm and himself. Half the voters don't agree with you, so you're drawing maps to deny them power. In a decade of voting, I only saw my preferred candidates win with the last, court-ordered maps. Respect people, their ideas. Rigging is not democracy.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm Jane Whitley, Meck Dem chair, was shocked to see Meck wd be cut into 4, each linked to rural areas, eg. Rowan, with issues different. Rowan doesn't have the traffic, population growth we face. Joyce Waddell would be dbl-bunked, move Marcus's district to Iredell.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm Joan Conniger from Meck, teacher and school superintendent, asks not to dilute her vote in suburban Meck by moving it to rural dist. Precincts 127 and 206 shld be moved, not gerrymandered. We hope to hear you will make changes based on what we are saying!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm Marques Thompson, @democracync: You guys are making my job harder. Hard to believe our voices matter when you hold hearings midday, drop maps on short notice, change district 9 from a competitive district that attracts attention. New map would stretch to Carteret, not rep us
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync Angela Lunke(?) in Charlotte had to take time off, speaking on S. Charlotte. My precinct was in CD9, with which we have little in common w/Robeson, eastern cties. We should be kept with suburban areas such as Cabarrus, Union that share our issues.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync Jason McCarthy from Gov. Club and Chatham GOP, making an appeal. We need maps that follow the population in the state. Gerrymandering is a violation of our democracy. I want a bipartisan commission in future. Dem majorities can be as heedless as Rs. Don't gerrymander.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync Sylvia Bjorkman, Pitt Cty: concerned our maps will shift from balanced, bipartisan to highly partisan. Pitt will have only 2 districts, not 3. Minor changes wd keep our districts, not redraw completely. (Citing N&O) gerrymandering will lead to lawsuits, further harming our state
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync (Missed name, but reps Hispanic pop'n, works to mobilize them). Hisp pop grew 28%, 1 million Hispanics in NC right now. Look at Pitt Cty 8 & 9. Wants communities of interest considered to reflect his community's concerns.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync Ms. Minerva of Pitt Cty asks legislators to hear comments heard today from the voters. I'm active in many organizations (Pitt-Grnvle NCNW, NAACP, Deltas, DemNC). We all want representative gov't. Draw fair maps. Play fair like our sports teams do. Work harder, don't rig system.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync (Missed name) from a rural area in Alamance. Both rural and urban voters deserve to be hard. Many of these maps are insulting, throwing urban and rural areas with little in common. Doing the right thing is hard, but you CAN do better and I ask you to do so.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync Pitt County speaker cites Greenville, Dist 9, as demonstrating how gerrymandering shifts decisions to the primary, not general. Dist has been redrawn from Dem to GOP, moving black voters out. Decision will now be made in primary.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync Christopher Sekarik at Meck came here 35 yrs ago. Seeing maps dilute interests in these areas, pleased with @NatashaMarcusNC, but combining our suburban area with rural Lincoln makes no sense. Burying maps, short timeframe makes it clear you don't want our comments.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Meck resident in precinct 240(?). Davidson, Huntersville, and one more town share interests, board of commissioner district. Should be kept together not split up, with some moved in with a rural area. Don't gerrymander and don't split Davidson from Meck.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Charles McCawville(?), Dem chair of Pitt Cty. This partisan gerry ensures one candidate wins over & over. Was unfair when Dems did it, still unfair now. Map disadvantages voters. Ugly words, divisive rhetoric are spreading. Reject this nasty plan and listen to your better angels.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Barbara D'Antonio representing Wayne Cty Dem Women. Groups that monitor redistricting have given our maps an F. You're like children who won't share out their electoral candy fairly. Wayne's map is unfair--please try again and share out the candy evenly!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Janice Robinson at Meck, precinct chair in S Charlotte, member of Dem Black Caucus. Had to take off work. Why is this meeting way out here? Held on short notice at an inconvenient place/time. Seems deliberately designed to avoid the people, proceed as usual.
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Sara Jane (?) fm Davidson in N Meck. Our representation now tied to Iredell, which is much more rural not suburban/diverse. We have different needs. This map seems designed to eliminate our political voice. You made maps hard to find, Favors CBK4. Others dilute/destroy Meck voice
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Maurice Holland, Moore Dem Party chair, speaks in favor of CBK-4, which establishes a Sandhills district. Also favors SST-4 as a better map. HBK-11 would divide Moore into three districts, rather than past maps that had a district representing most of it. Confusing to voters!
@LWVNC @ValFoushee @electreives @CherylTung @LWVNCarolina @NeighborsOnCall @princetongerry @lwvcm @democracync @NatashaMarcusNC Sandra Duggan of Chatham County speaks on HBK-11. Echoing points on not adding third Randolph precinct to Chatham district, diluting voters' voices. We should have included language options to reach our changing population.
Janice Parker of Chatham (they're really showing up in force!). Sometimes this kind of thing can actually get them to change. Narrow, specific, well-justified. Let's see if they also add a Sandhills district, as many people have asked and @BenClarkNC has promoted.
Missed name, but in Meck. Two days of hearings during working hrs deny people opportunity to participate. The map would move her precinct out of the Mint Hill area, which is their community. Also wants northern precincts kept in Meck, not added to Iredell. CBK-4/5 are better maps
Barbara Blanhorn, Pitt Cty, concerned for herself and her community members that process does not reflect one person one vote and ensure our votes count. These maps should be fair to all, not secure specific outcome. Map dismantles @Brian_Farkas district. You're not listening
James Davis, retired sheriff of Hoke Cty, former chair of 9th Cong dist (Dem Party). Advocates for fair, transparent process. Hoke has been linked to Scotland, Cumberland. Wants a Sandhills Cong dist as in CBK4 for a fair and equitable map.
Rep. Hall calling names of folks who didn't show up, so we's about done here. No one answers...adjourn. (back at
Ann Torok, Moore Cty (& a League member) asks for representative maps, possibly CBK-4, 6, 1 other. Some proposed map run all the way to Meck, doesn't reflect Moore. Compact districts enable us to know our legislators, exchange views. Wants maps she can be proud of, not lawsuits.
George McGann (?), Durham. Clustered maps with counties should apply to Congress, too. For CBK4, one district fragments several counties, perhaps can be fixed! Compact districts are at the heart of good maps!
Beth Bronson concerned about process of drawing maps. Finding local information is always hard. These maps should be set aside(?) to draw better maps that avoid cracking counties, more public involvement. Regular citizens deserve to have a voice.
Catherine Walsh, of Buncombe says pols should not be able to cherry-pick voters to achieve preferred outcomes. Map-drawers said they wouldn't consider race, but several maps split central Charlotte, home to NC's largest group of Black voters. Consider how to represent them better
Victoria Coble, GSO: I've reviewed all the maps. Where IS Greensboro on these maps? It's the 3rd largest city in a purple county, but has been cut into sections for unfair partisan advantage to disenfranchise voters. Blatant, deliberate, preposterous maps! We deserve grade A maps
Bridget Terrant of New Hanover sites separation of Wilmington from the rest of New Hanover, suggests a better layout that keeps Wilmington with its broader area, other specific suggestions. Wants Cong. map to include 7 counties served by regional med center. CBK-4 & -5 are best.
Stephanie Hair, Dem in Chatham Cty, do not combine us with Randolph and Davidson (props to Chatham for great organizing). Wants committee to focus on state's needs, not their own power. Change needed to avoid costly lawsuits.
Harold (?), trial lawyer, thanks legislators for their efforts, things NC should be seen as a collection of 100 counties, of which 80 are mostly white. Says lege has done as good a job as possible! Party in power gets to draw the maps!
Claudia Koons, Orange Cty, glad that it's in 1 district. Supports 1 person 1 vote, not egregious gerrymanders we're known for. New Cong district should keep Wake intact, link Johnston with Onslow. Urban areas have different needs from rural areas. Wants to Duke draw the maps!
Rep. Hall going thru speakers who were no shows to see if they've shown up (none have). Adjourns! That's it for in-person public input, folks, so please add your comments to the public comments portal, which no doubt we will be able to see eventually!!…
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25 Oct
Hearing on Cong.maps starting now in #NCGA auditorium. 36 speakers planned. Speaker from (GSO) provides brief review of all the maps, criticizing them for lack of compactness and dividing communities. Second speaker from Wake speaks to the need to keep Wake core in 1 dist.
Susan McLanahan (Orange). Maps should reflect NC's 50-50 status. @princetongerry graded several maps as Fs. Theys bar free elections, set outcomes. @RepDavidEPrice won Dist 4 by wide margins--our maps should reflect our communities, avoid voter confusion, keep Chatham/Or linked
@princetongerry @RepDavidEPrice Caitlin Metzinger of Durham: you're not really encouraging or listening to voters participating in process, website too hard to use, Timing tough for working people. You're making it hard on purpose. Sandhills, Triangle should each be in one district. We'll be litigating!
Read 52 tweets
13 Feb 19
#H69 has good protections against gerrymandering:Except to the extent required by the North Carolina and United States Constitutions,
28 the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and applicable court decisions, the Commission shall not do any
29 of the following:
(1) Draw a district for the purpose of favoring a political party, incumbent legislator or member of Congress, or other person or group.
(2) Draw a district for the purpose of augmenting or diluting the voting strength of a language or racial minority group.
(3) Make any use of any of the following:
a. Political affiliations of registered voters.
b. Previous election results.
c. Demographic information, other than population head counts.
d. The location of incumbents' residences.
Read 8 tweets

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