New Generation Cartel is the only cartel to have seen exponential growth during the COVID epidemic. Why? They're based on the West Coast (Pacific Ocean) and they control the ports. They've been able to nearly monopolize this end of China's Fentanyl exports.
Nothing moves into or out of China in serious bulk without the Chinese Government knowing about it. Tacitly they are behind these exports. This is yet another front on the modern battlefield that we as Americans are yet to fully recognize.…
Sinaloa Cartel didn't have this advantage and had almost ZERO access to this distribution pipeline out of China. They actually had to begin smuggling fentanyl out of the US, put it into their products, and then smuggle it back in. This is costly, time consuming, and cumbersome.
This is nothing short of a proxy war that China as at the helm of and has successfully brought to our border, And the front is ever changing. New Generation Cartel has done so well since COVID that they are moving into El Paso, major Sinaloa and Juarez territory.
And expansion isn't just happening along the border. CJNG is operating everywhere from Birmingham, Alabama to Seattle, to New York, to Charleston, S.C. COVID has been a godsend for this front of the proxy war. And its made CJNG rich beyond measure.…
This video, starting at 1:15 shows a CJNG Cartel convoy. The original video went viral some months ago. The transition into an overtly militarized force not just capable of, but looking for confrontation is fairly new to this conflict.
While overt action in the US is still limited, it is expanding along the border and the likelihood that it spills over more and more into the US is growing.
We're losing the culture war as our people become addicted, and we're losing the proxy war as China cheaply funds this endeavor to our great detriment. And to top it off, we're losing the economic war as Chinese banking apps allow this cartel money to be transferred and banked.
This $$ goes into the Chinese banking system, gets banked, and moved back to the Cartels as legitimate funds. At that point the US has a much harder time touching it. Most of the time we cant do anything about it. We're losing this proxy war on every front while China thrives.
This is a good thing. It isnt enough to solve the issue, but is a proactive move by @GovRonDeSantis
The Just In Time Supply Chain is going to need more than just Florida as a fractional relief valve to come back to life. We're looking at Q2 of 2022 at the earliest. Likely later.
The FBI has ordered google to hand over the search history and identifying user information of anyone who searches for certain words on google. This list of "illegal" words has not yet been revealed. These are called "Keyword Warrants".…
With "Keyword Warrants" the FBI is now actively targeting "thought crime" in the truest Stasi fashion. Trawling through Google's search history database enables FBI to identify people merely based on what they might have been thinking about said Jennifer Granick of the ACLU.
This never-before-possible technique destroys the bill of rights and will inevitably sweep up innocent people, especially if the keyword terms are not unique and the time frame not precise. To make things worse, FBI are doing this in secret, which insulates them from oversight.
Dr. Mathew Maavak, a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance provided some expert analysis on the supply chain crisis and really hit a home run here.…
Psaki made a shit joke about treadmills that showed her elitist attitude towards regular Americans and those trying to get information out of this administration. But why do treadmills matter? Lets take a look...…
Few truly care about treadmills. It isnt something people are actually having a cow over right now. But they do give us keen insight into the current supply chain crisis if we take a further look. Initially, people will think well there must be a bunch of exercise equipment...
stuck on ships and in the containers at the ports. And the issue is that we have no way to get those things to the stores. While thats happening, thats not why treadmills matter. Treadmills matter because of what they are made of: pipe, steel, wire, & other functional materials.
[2.4% COVID Risk Age 80+]
-1.1% chance of dying by suicide
-1% chance of dying of an opioid overdose
-0.9% chance of tripping over and dying
-0.9% chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash
[0.6% COVID Risk Age 70-79]
-0.3% chance of dying in a gun-crime shooting
[0.07% COVID Risk Age 50-59]
-0.06% chance of dying in a fire
-0.04% chance of choking to death
Most in government and in society don't understand that the modern world operates on a "just in time" supply chain. People keep asking "What caused this?" "Brandon is an idiot, he's ruining the economy!" "Is it because workers are refusing the jab?" Lets take a look...
The shutdown in early 2020 was the first time in modern history that supply chains and national economies all decided to collectively pause for a 15 day period. This has never happened before. Not after 9/11, not after the fall of the Berlin Wall, or the collapse of the USSR.
There was no fundamental understanding of what this would do. Many felt that economies and supply chains would pickup where they left off, like a 2-week vacation had just happened. But this wasn't what happened. Things fumbled trying to start back up in a big way.