Brainbuster Educational Services (BES), @StudywithBES is presenting you with an opportunity.
Western Illinois University, USA in collaboration with @StudywithBES is offering a package for any International student that can fund their fee (About 23k USD/Annum)
This is how it works:
1. Self fund yourself for your Masters/Undergraduate in an Educational Degree at
Western Illinois University.
2. Get a guaranteed job placement (H1B visa) of about (55k USD/Annum) in the district of Illinois.
After two years, they will file your green card and you become a citizen within the shortest time as long as you are diligent.
What do you need to do?
1.DON’T sign up if you don’t have a means of paying your tuition fees.
2.Fill the google sheet.… if you agree to fund your education with a promised job placement at the end of your studies ($55,000 per anum)
3.Our team will get back to you based on eligibility and your journey to financial freedom will begin.
Hello, please RT and Tag all your future Canadian friends and families while you digest the list of colleges in Canada.
If you have a 2 2, you could check these colleges for PGD Admission.
Cheap schools are available.
1. British Columbia
-British Columbia Institute of Technology
-Okanagan College
-Ashton College
-Brighton College
-Columbia College
-Camosun College
-Canadian College
-Capilano University
-Collège Éducacentre
-College of New Caledonia
-College of the Rockies
-Douglas College
-Justice Institute of British Columbia
-Kwantlen Polytechnic University
-Langara College
-Native Education College
-Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-North Island College
-Northern Lights College
-Northwest Community College
-Okanagan College
-Selkirk College
Everything About Admission and Scholarship in Sweden For Autumn 2022 (Part A).
If you know anyone interested in Swedish Scholarship for Autumn 2022 (especially if they have a 2 2), kindly tag them here while you take chilled water and unwind this thread🧵:
Scholarships in Sweden are basically divided into 2:
1. Swedish Int'l Scholarships for Global Professionals (SISGP) 2. Tuition Scholarships in different schools.
Today, we will talk about SISGP.
SISGP is a global scholarship available in 34 countries, including Nigeria. The call for SISGP for master’s studies in Sweden, starting in the autumn of 2022, will be published on the 1st of November 2021.
2. Go to their department and/senate building to inquire about their transcript: They should ask them how best to get their transcripts ASAP. If they can get it before leaving school finally, that will be very good.
Getting transcripts is one of the biggest reasons-
Starting April 1, 2022, international students who graduate from one of four long-standing New Brunswick private career colleges, and who have studied in one of 19 identified occupations, will be
able to apply to the Provincial Nominee Program, allowing them to work and live in the province while they wait for permanent residency.
The participating institutions are:
Atlantic Business College;
Eastern College;
McKenzie College; and
Oulton College.
N.B: They are private colleges, so you cannot work immediately after school, but you can apply for permanent resident immediately after school using PNP.
A great Personal Statement/SOP should have about 5/ 6 paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: Introduce your problem statement and connect it to why you want to study that course.
Paragraph 2: Talk about your educational background, and your undergrad research experiences, and how it has
prepared you for the proposed course.
Paragraph 3: Talk about your leadership, volunteering, and other extracurricular activities. It will be good if these experiences are connected to your intended course.
Paragraph 4: Talk more about your research interest and mention the supervisor you have contacted(This is very important). Explain why you want to work with the person. Be specific about your research interest.