vlive.tv/post/0-26203176 ImageImage
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: no dialogue while entering! Image
@loonatheworld They greet the stream as four (though there are five seats) Image
@loonatheworld Hyeju sent a kakaotext asking why Yeojin's wearing so little
@loonatheworld Any reasons for your outfit?
Choerry thought about something like a mummy at first, but the prep wasn't there for that. So she's Dracula (since her animal's a bat)
@loonatheworld Heejin: mine's low budget. That's a joke, but I wanted to do something similar to my hair color. And we happened ot have this Clueless outfit.
Jinsoul: I'm honestly disappointed. There was no point for you to even go to the hair/makeup place, even.
@loonatheworld Yeojin: I didn't originally plan for this. I originally wanted to be Catwoman...
@loonatheworld Yeojin: (picture)
Jinsoul: but you're still the sexy one here..
Yeojin: yeah this being in XS size. Image
@loonatheworld Jinsoul - as for being Avatar, she wanted to do it as a time where fans could see her in person. But she really like this outfit
@loonatheworld Choerry and Jinsoul were in the car in their outfits and they made eye contact with 3 men at the stoplight who looked visibly surprised.
So Jinsoul was proud
@loonatheworld Choerry can't pronounce S's because of the vampire teeth

Yeojin: They keep asking who the 5th member is.
Can you not see her?
Jinsoul: You can't see her? Image
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: I permed my hair for 3 hours for this
Heejin: I put makeup to cover up my mole for this
@loonatheworld Detail time
Heejin: my detail's in my hair.
Jinsoul: hair...?
Heejin: it's the same color as my outfit!!
[Shows her mole being covered] ImageImage
@loonatheworld Yeojin's details:
Yejoin: ... These yellow sparkles?
Heejin says it's her shoes ImageImage
@loonatheworld Is this Hyeju's outfit? No it's mixed up, Jiwoo's and Yves' as well
Choerry's is teeth - she hasn't eaten for 8-9 hours due to the teeth
Choerry: But I really wondered how Dracula lived with these teeth. So he would have to live like this...
She also has odd eye lenses ImageImageImage
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: She doesn't have many roots on the right side right now so she's hiding her hair there - noting that she doesn't have sideburns on the side of black hair. Red lips, shading on the nose, and also the gloves.

Yeojin: seeing you onscreen is so scary..! ImageImageImageImage
@loonatheworld Time for some games, for a prize
Jinsoul reaches for some dalgona off cam and we hear a snapping sound
The other three: You can't break it already!!

Choerry puts the cape on Yeojin
"Why's she in hogwarts all of a sudden?" Image
@loonatheworld So it's a practice round
Jinsoul will take the one she broke

Heejin: It has to be 10 minutes, with our lives on the line! Image
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: why are you all being so nice? Even though I switched to a practice game all of a sudden....
Yeojin: Because I think you're gonna stab me with your cane or something if I say no!
@loonatheworld (20 seconds in) Heejin: Ack! it's ruined. Image
@loonatheworld "It's over... Let's start over"

Does anyone look like they can win here?
Choerry: me, me.
Jinsoul: just Choerry then, if at all. ImageImageImage
@loonatheworld Jinsoul tells Choerry to walk up like Dracula when picking up the dalgona
Choerry: how do i walk up like dracula..?
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: If i went on squid game honestly I would've already been dead by redlight/greenlight. I'm not fast at running. And I don't think I could stay still. I'd panic, go "ahhh!" and then die.
@loonatheworld The teeth that Choerry has on are kind of for serious outfits, like there's an adhesive layer and everything (hence why she couldn't eat for hours before this)
@loonatheworld Choerry: wow I wonder how they filmed this for the actual show..!

Choerry: did you see that! Did you see that!
Jinsoul: Quiet!

Heejin: I don't think my toothpick is sharp enough... ImageImageImageImage
@loonatheworld "Is Yeojin doing a puzzle?" Image
@loonatheworld Comparing the results ImageImageImageImage
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: Someone is spamming that they used smaller dalgona in the show. We had to use a bigger one so that you could see on vlive.
@loonatheworld Choerry gets 1st, Jinsoul gets 2nd
Choerry's victory speech: I, Dricula, am gentle and careful so that's why I was better at dalgona. I'd like to dedicate this win to Orbits.
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: eeeeeee!!!
Says the key to dalgona is to be careful, otherwise you'll break it.
"... It's squishy!! (eugh)"

Choerry wins the random prize - picks the red envelope - and draws 1000 KRW (that's <1 US dollar)

Jinsoul gets: 5000 KRW

Choerry: I got first though...
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: But, there are many more games left.
Some chat-reading while they take a break before the next game
@loonatheworld Jinsoul thought of the characters in Yumi's Cells too - she's really into that too.
Jinsoul: the reactions are very good. I told them that we didn't know it would be the first and last halloween vlive as of today.
@loonatheworld Could we improve on this next year, I told the fans to decide. Would it be a mess, or is it viable.

Yeojin: I know what I want to be next year.
(They tell her not to say in that case)
@loonatheworld Jinsoul: Choerry's even more into it than me. We made a group chat planning for this vlive. And she KEPT ON sending suggestions like "hows this one? this one? how about this one?"
There was talk about Choerry maybe dropping out of this for one reason or another and Yeojin immediately suggested bringing Go Won in after hearing that
Choerry: huh??

Choerry: But Go Won unnie will probably want to do one with me too!
Jinsoul: Maybe it's because Yeojin hasn't seen Squid Game, but she's not really into the dalgona game.

Yeojin's last in this game so they have a punishment for her
(Tinker Bell Kiss Later)
Yeojin takes the Anna cape that Chuu wore before

Yeojin: I'm 20 but...! ImageImageImage
Yeojin: I was debating about throwing flower petals too--
Jinsoul: you just wanted to do an entire performance on vlive huh
Next game:
Guessing the LOONA song after hearing it for just 1 second

Jinsoul says she has a LOONA playlist and went over it yesterday

Y: I even listened to Not Friends yesterday!
Jinsoul: The remixes are out now
Y: Choerry even mis-spoke and called it Girl Friends on stream!
[One of the Not Friends remixes playing] ImageImage
Jinsoul: so you're all confident, right?
All: yes.
Today they'll use their character names when raising their hands
Jinsoul: Ela
Choerry: Dricula
Yeojin: Tinker
Heejin: Cher
Yeojin: Tinkeryeojin*

[They're having trouble deciding who raised their hand first]
Too many people said the answer so that was a practice round - Jinsoul says quiet in the chat too

[Yeojin gets The Carol from the first breath]
Jinsoul: Whoa that breath was pretty loud
Yeojin: Are you insulting Haseul unnie's song?!
Choerry gets ODD Front but says it like "oh dee dee"
Jinsoul: What the?! Who says it like that?
Choerry: It was to make it easier for the viewers to tell!
Jinsoul: Do you call FRONT "eff are oh en tee" too???
Jinsoul says they heard that song in the car on the way here even

Yeojin gets You and Me Together by 1/3 as well
Heejin tries to claim that she didn't say "LOONA" 1/3 but they let Yeojin pass on that
They're' getting confused about dal segno, Heejin keeps saying 1/3 for some reason

Heejin: yyxy - (forgot the lyrics)
Jinsoul: what was the title again?
Yeojin: rendezvous18.6y
Jinsoul stutters on yyxy and Yeojin gets it off her mistake, Yeojin gets it
Lip in chat: no isn't it an intro..? Image
Lip says she can't hear from the stream

[They get 365 immediately]

Jinsoul and Heejin are currently tied, so one more song
Heejin gets PTT on the first note but there's a twist, it was the JP version, which Jinsoul guessed right after
They try to get Choerry to get a song right so they say "Oh"
They tell her to get the subtitle too "Oh (Yes I am)"
Yeojin tries to tell her that it's "Who am I"
Choerry for getting last in this challenge does Kis Later like this
"You look cute!"
Yeojin: like... a fly! Image
[Yeojin: now change the song to Love Cherry Motion please!!]

[Lip in chat: "unnie you're sexy"] ImageImage
Yeojin picks her random prize (2000 won) for first
Jinsoul goes up for second place, picks out 2000 won as well Image
Heejin: I'm the only person who hasn't won a prize! Image
Jinsoul: But, Heejin, now there's a chance for you to move around. The next game is: Red light Green light
There's some talk about the logistics of setting up the game and Jinsoul just asks Orbits for suggestions instead Image
Jinsoul: it was supposed to be another game, the zombie game, but that's really the most fun with 12 members.

They can't play Mafia with 4 members either
In the end they get ready for red light green light ImageImage
Heejin: this might end really quickly... ImageImage
They agree not to run, so this was a practice round
They talk about walking without taking steps with gaps between their feet. Yeojin says that's disadvantageous for her
Heejin: Yes, well, you'll just have to be faster then

[Losers of this game are Jinsoul and Choerry] ImageImageImage
Yeojin gives Heejin an allowance from her prior prize money
Jinsoul tells Heejin to go ahead and spend a long time on the closeup picking, Orbits didn't get to see a closeup of her since she hasn't won yet

Heejin's prize: 0 won (sheet of paper) ImageImage
(Heejin rejected her allowance before picking her prize and Yeojin asks if she regrets it)

Yeojin picks out 10000 KRW "it's even the same color as me!! Mm, the smell!" Image
The next game is to only speak with Korean words, never using any loan words

Jinsoul: explaining the game
Heejin: Oh you just said "game" you're out
Jinsoul: It hasn't started yet, I'm explaining.
[They decide on the punishment while playing the game, being careful with their words]
Yeojin: my head hurts.
[Heejin uses a phrase that uses a non-Korean word for hitting someone on the back for the loser, so she's' out]
Yeojin: "Orbits" are watching--
"You mean the [Korean word for 'Orbit']"? So Yeojin's out

It's between Choerry/Jinsoul for first now
Choerry loses (and tries and fails at an acrostic poem)

Jinsoul was excited at first but "only" gets 3000 won

Choerry gets 7000 won

The manager says that the biggest prize is still up for grabs ImageImage
They play again (no non-Korean words allowed) and being very careful with their words
Yeojin recommends an 3syllable acrostic poem
Choerry: that's too simple
Jinsoul likes the idea (they up it to 5syllables)
Choerry says OK after a little bit Heejin finishes her poem so she's out

Heejin: Oh yeah~!!-- Image
Heejin looks up "oyeh" in the korean dictionary and tries to say that it's a word (it means something else though) but she doesn't get a pass, so it's between Jinsoul and Yeojin
Jinsoul and Yeojin try to have a conversation but the answers are all one word long

What're you gonna do after this? go home
Where do you want to go for a trip? The sea
They try to get Jinsoul out like "'Dalmatian' please introduce yourself. Could you describe your 'makeup'? Could you sing your solo song? What do you do in your song again?"
And what about your song, Yeojin, Kiss Later?
And a verse from your song?
(Yeojin sings her song in Korean as well)

Yeojin offers splitting the prize half-half
Jinsoul says no
So now they're going to interact with the chat (still playing the game)
"It's like you forgot the lyrics"
Jinsoul: I really did though
Yeojin says she has to sneeze
Jinsoul says they'll watch for her pronunciation of that too, if she sneezes making the sound of aych (H) it'll count as the letter H"

Now they're playing a game where they alternate naming only-Korean fruit names, and Yeojin wins
But Yeojin's word actually originated from Japanese, so she has to give the prize to Jinsoul
(So Jinsoul wins the 20000 won prize)

Jinsoul: We say a lot of random things in foreign languages so fans think we're good at foreign languages,
Choerry: we are, though
Jinsoul: ? Image
Heejin notes that Jinsoul was at the hair/makeup place since 12:30 today (it's 9:35PM now) for her hair, "even if it might not look like it..."
Jinsoul thanks the members for joining, and the staff for all the decorations, which she didn't expect
And they wonder about doing this next year. At first Jinsoul worried about whether none of the members wanted to do it but there were more than she expected, some couldn't make it today even though they wanted to. So she hopes more members join in next year
But there's no guarantee that Jinsoul will be the organizer of this next year.
Now, ending statements
Choerry: I think the teeth are really starting to come off now, I can finally eat. [...] I could only drink fluids, like blood, earlier, you know...
Yeojin says her outfit's really small since it is
Heejin says it felt like "passion-based wages" (i.e. she wasn't paid for her time)
Jinsoul tries to wave 2000won and ask if anyone wants it
Heejiun: just keep it... This is plenty! (holds her sheet of paper) Image
Choerry, last place in the last game (for saying "OK")
Jinsoul wonders how she's getting so many first places
Choerry: well it's because you're with us...

They try to think of Choerry's punishment
Heejin says since it's about time to go they'll just do a part of PTT
Someone calls Yeojin
Yeojin: It's Go Won unnie!
Heejin: You have Go Won saved as "my love"??
Go Won says hi on the phone
Jinsoul: Why'd you call when you know we're doing a vlive?
Yves (with Go Won): Hey we're eating shabu shabu right now and... Do you have any kimchi??

They hang up, do the chorus of PTT real quick, say "trick or treat" + phototime before they go ImageImage
-end- ImageImageImageImage

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

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29 Oct
"Give us 1500 won pleaseโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ"
vlive.tv/post/1-26228271 Image
@loonatheworld [3Mins in] They're currently asking what OEC songs fans would like to hear - for Uncover they'd love to show fans onstage in person instead

Yeah you have to see that performance on stage...
They're gonna go with Chaotic

Talking about a good restaurant that Choerry found
Lip says it was a place that Vivi went like 5 years ago when she was a trainee
Jinsoul says after the first mouthful she was like "wow" which Lip's skeptical of
Read 16 tweets
28 Oct
[LIVE] Twitter Space: "Guess who will appear?"

#Jinsoul is here in advance, as an apology for the vlive being delayed by an hour today (she said 7PM yesterday but it's happening at 8PM)
Hyeju gave a clue, but will it be right? The brighter-personality active members... And what will they be? I think their costumes a kind of weak... But they're good.

Oh there's a ton of guesses happening right now, but they're all very wrong.
I'll be here until 30 minutes before the vlive, so should we hang out for 3 more minutes?

Jinsoul: "Have Jungeun be a tortilla" A tortilla?? Oh I didn't consider food outfits. I'll keep that in mind.
Read 5 tweets
28 Oct
[LIVE] #LOONA Olivia Hye is live on VLIVE
I wanna eat bonggeoppang (fish shaped pastries)

Olivia Hye: "You're all like ??? What's this? What's this? You're surprised I came here all of a sudden right?" Image
@loonatheworld She was thinking about going on ig live earlier but saw go won on IG live so she's on vlive now

There was a bungeoppang food truck that was near bbc but the truck wasn't there today, so Hyeju thinks it's just not the day the truck comes by
@loonatheworld Do I prefer cream-filled or red-bean filled? I like red bean but I like both. There's no rule where you have to eat one. I told you before that I'd even like to start a truck of my own.
Read 33 tweets
28 Oct
#LOONA Go Won is live on Instagram
instagram.com/loonatheworld/โ€ฆ Image
@loonatheworld She's on because she's bored
She had lunch - Yeojin made lunch for her, soy bean paste soup and spicy bulgogi, and some fried food
"Oh this is a little awkward."
@loonatheworld Oh I wanted to use these filters that I saw the members using on Instagram.

Halloween! Oh yeah, it'll be Halloween soon, Orbits, right? There are members are doing a halloween vlive today. Are you going to dress up? ImageImage
Read 20 tweets
27 Oct
[LIVE] #LOONA Yves is live on Instagram
Favorite pose?
She's got a habit of this one, palm on chin Image
Room tour
Candles by window from Vivi
Lamp from Lip

Yves told her Fact In Star co-host Yoo Jaehwan at the time that she was interested in making music, and he helped her out a lot (as he also makes music) Image
He helped her learn to make music, asking her what audio equip she needed (she said speakers and stuff), and he shipped these over directly


Yves' favorite LOONA song is Stylish Image
Read 18 tweets
26 Oct
[LIVE] Really all of a sudden

#LOONA #Hyunjin (Voice only)
@loonatheworld "I didn't think about anything when turning this stream on, I just turned it on"
@loonatheworld Q: do a 2jin vlive!
Hyunjin wonders if Heejin will head to the practice room today

Today's TMI? She had chicken salad today, she felt like having something fresh today
Read 33 tweets

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