"FAANG might have changed to MANGA, but GraphQL is still GraphQL" 😉
🧵 👇
1️⃣ What is GraphQL?
GraphQL is
→ a query language for your API (explained in 6️⃣)
→ a server-side runtime for executing queries using a type system you define for your data (explained in 7️⃣)
2️⃣ What is an API?
✪ API stands for "Application Programming Interface".
✪ You have an application. Your application has several data. Users of your application want to fetch those data. How would they be able to do that?
✪ One way is to provide them a GUI (Graphical User Interface). User can view the data and perform any action on the data using GUI.
✪ GUI has a shortcoming viz. "Extensibility". It means a user can consume the data only through that GUI. You cannot extend this functionality.
✪ The other option is to provide user the data programmatically. As a data owner, you facilitate your application's programming interface aka API.
✪ Using API, user can fetch and/or manipulate the data from any other application. So, it's "flexible" and "extensible".
3️⃣ How were we using APIs?
✪ In earlier days, API calls used to be made through web services using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).
✪ Introduction of REST (REpresentational State Transfer) made the API development process faster. Consuming an API became easier.
✪ REST uses HTTP (no separate protocol)
✪ REST is stateless (because HTTP is stateless)
✪ REST defines the data to be consumed as a "Resource"
✪ REST uses HTTP verbs (GET, PUT, POST etc) to perform actions on the resources.
5️⃣ Shortcomings of REST
✪ Server defines the structure of a "Resource". Client has no take in it.
✪ When client wish to fetch "some" of that resource, it cannot. It has to consume it entirely.
✪ There is no way to define any relationship between resources. To fetch a related resource, you need to make another API call.
6️⃣ What is a Query Language?
To overcome these shortcomings of REST, a query language is developed.
✪ Using the query language, client decides "how much" to consume.
✪ Query Language allows to layout a schema.
✪ Using Schema, we define the resources and their relationships.
✪ Schema also defines various queries that can be made (aka end points).
✪ Client can fetch only what it requires without having to do several trips to server. Lower latency, less bandwidth. Happy Customer.
7️⃣ What is a Server-Side Runtime?
✪ The job of Server-Side runtime is to process the client query and provide only those details that's been requested for.
✪ Server-Side runtime use the schema for all validations.
8️⃣ What are different operations in GraphQL?
→ Query: To read data
→ Mutation: To write data
→ Subscription: To listen for a data
We will describe each in future threads.
9️⃣ Where can I learn more about GraphQL?
Check the 👇 link to learn GraphQL from official sources.
1️⃣ Data Types
2️⃣ Boolean
3️⃣ Number
4️⃣ Logical Operators
5️⃣ Comparison Operators
6️⃣ Arithmetic Operators
1️⃣ Data Types
✪ What all data types does JavaScript provide?
✪ How to find out data type of a value? (which operator to use)
✪ What is type coercion?
✪ Any significant difference between "undefined" and "null"?
✪ What is the type of undefined?
✪ What is the type of null?
👉 What are these?
👉 Key Differences
👉 How to choose between them?
🧵 👇
1️⃣ What is a Database?
A database is an organised collection of data stored in a computer system (typically a server machine, but can be any machine) so that it can be accessed and managed easily.
✪ Initially each database had a separate way of data management. The way one database was storing and managing data may vary from another.
✪ But with time this practice got normalised. The "Relational Database" design came into picture.
If you are a beginner or, a new learner and going to appear (or already appearing) for an interview, this 🧵 is for you.
I am getting many DM requests from students about preparing for JS interviews. So I thought of coming up with a series which may help who needs it.
This is going to be a series of threads and, this one is the very first in this series.
What is expected from you in an Interview?
1️⃣ Good behaviour
2️⃣ Knowledge of Syntax
3️⃣ Knowledge of Key Features and where to apply
4️⃣ Integration with other technologies in the stack
5️⃣ Usage of a framework
6️⃣ Analytical Ability
1️⃣ Complex String Formation
2️⃣ String Conversions
3️⃣ Default Value Assign
4️⃣ Default Function Parameters
5️⃣ Checking properties of a possibly Nullish Object
6️⃣ Fetching Values from an Object
7️⃣ Function Argument List
Recipe 1️⃣
✪ What to Cook?
Complex String Formation
✪ Ingredient
`` (String Template Literal)
✪ Cooking Process
You were cooking like this (tedious):
1️⃣ Swapna's blog is coming soon. It will include from simple to complex topics on DSA. It will also help you getting through how to approach for solving the problem. It should be your one-stop to get familiar with DSA.