1️⃣ Data Types
2️⃣ Boolean
3️⃣ Number
4️⃣ Logical Operators
5️⃣ Comparison Operators
6️⃣ Arithmetic Operators
1️⃣ Data Types
✪ What all data types does JavaScript provide?
✪ How to find out data type of a value? (which operator to use)
✪ What is type coercion?
✪ Any significant difference between "undefined" and "null"?
✪ What is the type of undefined?
✪ What is the type of null?
2️⃣ Boolean
✪ What boolean literals does JavaScript provide?
✪ What all in JavaScript are falsy?
✪ How to convert a value to a boolean?
3️⃣ Number
✪ How does JavaScript store numbers in memory?
✪ How to convert a value to a number?
✪ Which all base of numbers JavaScript support?
✪ How to write binary numbers?
✪ How to write octal numbers?
✪ How to write hexadecimal numbers?
✪ How to convert a decimal into binary/octal/hexadecimal?
✪ How to convert a binary/octal/hexadecimal into decimal?
✪ How does parseInt function operate?
✪ What is NaN?
✪ Which operations will result into NaN?
✪ How to check if a value is NaN?
✪ What does NaN === NaN return?
✪ What is Infinity and -Infinity?
✪ Which operations will result into Infinity?
✪ What is a numeric separator? Why is it used?
4️⃣ Comparison Operators
✪ What all comparison operators JS has?
✪ What is the data type of result of comparison operators?
✪ How does an equality operator behave?
✪ What is a strict equality operator?
✪ What is the difference between == and ===?
5️⃣ Logical Operators
✪ How do && and || operators operate?
✪ Why are && and || operators called short-circuit?
✪ How does a logical NOT operator operate?
✪ What value is Nullish in JavaScript?
✪ How does ?? operator operate?
✪ What is the difference between || and ??
6️⃣ Arithmetic Operators
✪ How do unary + and - operators operate?
✪ How do binary + and - operators operate?
✪ Which operator to use to exponentiate?
✪ Which operator to use to find remainder?
✪ What is the difference between pre increment and post increment?
✪ What is the difference between pre decrement and post decrement?
✪ What is the precedence of arithmetic operators?
** Practice all these and be prepared for the next series of interview questions. COMING SOON.
The next thread will contain questions on these topics
👉 What are these?
👉 Key Differences
👉 How to choose between them?
🧵 👇
1️⃣ What is a Database?
A database is an organised collection of data stored in a computer system (typically a server machine, but can be any machine) so that it can be accessed and managed easily.
✪ Initially each database had a separate way of data management. The way one database was storing and managing data may vary from another.
✪ But with time this practice got normalised. The "Relational Database" design came into picture.
If you are a beginner or, a new learner and going to appear (or already appearing) for an interview, this 🧵 is for you.
I am getting many DM requests from students about preparing for JS interviews. So I thought of coming up with a series which may help who needs it.
This is going to be a series of threads and, this one is the very first in this series.
What is expected from you in an Interview?
1️⃣ Good behaviour
2️⃣ Knowledge of Syntax
3️⃣ Knowledge of Key Features and where to apply
4️⃣ Integration with other technologies in the stack
5️⃣ Usage of a framework
6️⃣ Analytical Ability