💥No Respect
💥No Independence
💥No Rights
💥No Dignity
💥No Security
💥Women Now Being Kept By Partner After Lifetime Of Independence
💥Women Having To Sell Their Home or Run Up Massive Debt
💥Women At Risk Having To Work In A Pandemic
💥Early Deaths
At the very time that #50sWomen were having 6 years SP stolen; from 1983 to 2018 almost 9.4m MEN were awarded 5 years' NI contributions enabling them to retire 'EARLY'
Majority of these #50sWomen found out just 2 years before expected retirement age, giving no time to make alternative arrangements
The first direct mailing to #50sWomen was not until 2009 - ONE YEAR before raising SPA & FOURTEEN YEARS after the legislation was passed
DWP printed JUST 47,000 leaflets to inform SPA changes for c3.8m #50sWomen. Only sent to Financial Advisors of well-off women to enable personalised letters!
Precedent set? Fairness for the few. Them & Us? We never stood a chance & it was deliberate!
DWP Website in 2016 👇
We found out in court that:
Ann Abrahams (2007 Parliamentary Ombuds) was deliberately not told that many #50sWomen WERE NOT aware of SPA rise
Because 1st Question would be "What are you proposing to do about it?" so Govt Dept kept QUIET! After all it was 'ONLY WOMEN'
Govts bailed out banks & provided £895bn of #QE to speculators but when it comes to paying #Women their full entitlement they are Just. Not. Interested. And. They. Just. Don't. Care.
#InConclusion – The APPG believes there is clear & irrefutable evidence that #50sWomen have been emotionally traumatised by #DWP Malad
#InConclusion – Lack of notice meant that #50sWomen were unable to adequately plan for their retirement, subjected to great financial anxiety, left feeling frightened & ill-prepared for the future
#InConclusion – Financial anxiety has left some #50sWomen to self-harm & in the most extreme cases taking their own lives