506 upstream oil & gas producers are planning to add 190 billion barrels of oil equivalent (bboe) to their production portfolios within the next 1 to 7 years.
14 companies are responsible for over half of this enormous expansion. #GOGEL#COP26
Here are the Top5:
New fossil fuel infrastructure is a major danger to the Paris goals as they lock us into a high emissions pathway for decades to come.
There are currently 211,849 km of oil & gas pipelines under development. They would reach halfway to the moon or > 5x around Earth. #GOGEL
Methane leakages occur throughout the LNG lifecycle.
Methane is ~25x more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.
#GOGEL shows: Planned projects would double the
world’s current LNG terminal capacity and lock in decades of new methane and CO2 emissions.
Oil & gas production has become more & more extreme. Companies are drilling in fragile environments, using fracking etc.
These sources account for 34% of production & 50% of planned projects.
#GOGEL identifies the world's dirtiest oil & gas producers: gogel.org
Just 4 countries responsible for more than 50% of oil & gas short-term expansion in 2021: USA, Russia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia.
Biggest companies: Exxon Mobil, Gazprom, Qatar Energy, Saudi Aramco.
Banks provided $US 543 billion to the coal industry in 2019, likely at least as much in 2020. A sobering reality check on banks’ climate commitments.
The vast majority of banks’ coal exclusion policies have too many loopholes for their impact to be meaningful.
US investors account for 58% of the global coal industry, holding bonds & shares worth $602 billion!
@JoeBiden must address #WallStreet as a huge driver of climate pollution. Its massive investments in the coal industry are driving us ever deeper into a climate crisis.
In den letzten 2 Jahren haben Banken Kohlefirmen mit über 1 Billion $ unterstützt. Ein ernüchternder Augenöffner für die "Klimaambitionen" der Geldhäuser.
Zu viele Banken haben riesige Schlupflöcher in ihren Kohleausschluss-Richtlinien - so bewirken sie fast gar nichts.
Deutsche Banken sind für rund ein Zehntel (31 Mrd. $) der gesamten Kreditsumme (315 Mrd. $) für die globale Kohleindustrie verantwortlich. Ganz oben: @commerzbank & @DeutscheBank. Auch die @sparkasse|n-Gruppe gehören zu den Top deutschen Kohlefinanzierern. #banksagainstfuture
Entwicklungsbank @deginvest_DE, Tochter der @KfW, ignoriert weiterhin den Landkonflikt zwischen kongolesischen Gemeinden und einem Ölpalmen-Plantagenbetreiber. Die DEG hat der Firma 6,5 Millionen $ gegeben - mit desaströsen Folgen. @FIANDeutschland