A look at Public Relations Executive-1, almost certainly Charles Dolan Jr. & his Russian friends who he colluded with to interfere in the 2016 election to help Hillary win!
Igor Danchenko was Chris Steele's of @orbis Primary Subsource when working for @HillaryClinton & @TheDemocrats to falsely accuse Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians.
Now we know that this effort was conducted in collusion with the Russians.
Danchenko lied to the FBI about his contacts with PR Executive-1, hereafter Dolan.
Danchenko attempted to conceal that Dolan, a lifelong Democratic Party insider, was his source for much of the Russian dirt against Trump.
Dolan is a Democratic Party & Clinton insider, back to President Clinton's exploratory committee in 1991...
Dolan was introduced to Danchenko in February 2016 by Think Tank Employee-1, Fiona Hill who testified during the impeachment...
She also introduced Danchenko to Steele.
As others have noted, PRE-1's bio matches up to Charles Dolan Jr.
He is a real life registered Russian agent under FARA. It looks like in 2014, Dolan stopped representing Russia in the US (ending FARA requirements) but continued representing them outside the US.
Ketchum was payin Charles Dolan for his PR services on behalf of the Russian Federation as late as 2014. I'm sure @Avery1776 the expert on FARA registrations, could find more! efile.fara.gov/docs/5758-Supp…
Ketchum, who Dolan worked for on the Russian PR project, even claimed that their PR efforts got Vladimir Putin named the Time Person of the Year in 2007.
But the effort to do PR for Russia while Russia was invading Ukraine was causing some tension...
As part of these PR efforts, Dolan had relationships with multiple senior Russian officials, including people in Putin's office & the Russian ambassador to the US (calling him on official business cost Flynn his job).
These Russian's affiliated with Dolan would be mention in the Steele Dossier.
But interestingly, Dolan's reliance on Rubles was put at risk by US sanctions on Russia put in place after the Crimea occupation. rferl.org/a/us-senators-…
Looks like Ketchum with Dolan as the lead consultant was lobbying everyone from the press to Henry Kissinger for Russia & Putin.
Dolan & Organizer-1 in early 2015 began planning a conference in Moscow for October 2016 to plan potential business investments in Russia.
I guess they were planning on a Hillary victory ending sanctions & allowing them to resume business impeded by Obama's sanctions.
This planning included a June 2015 planning trip to Moscow that seems central to efforts to frame Trump for Russian Collusion.
So in April of 2016, Danchenko is attempting to build a relationship beween Orbis Business Intelligence (Steele's firm) & Ketchum (Dolan's firm) to do PR & investigative work related to Russia.
Dolan sent a letter to Steele through Danchenko. Denchenko promised to get both sides together in person when both were in DC or London...
Danchenko then told Dolan about the work he was doing about Trump for Steele. Including sending him a report about 'Kompromat" & the Russian Banking Sector.
Were they already working the Alfa Bank issue in April 2016?
Dolan invited Danchenko to be part of the October Conference & June trip. Wanting his help with logistics, translation & be a presenter at the conference.
Dolan believed that Danchenko had worked for FSB, the Russian intelligence service. Citing his 2 years in Iran & the fact that when they connected, Danchenko knew more about Dolan than Dolan did!
So he colluded with Danchenko believing he was FSB!
Wonder who he emailed that to?
Dolan and O-1 attended 4 meetings at the Russian Embassy in DC during the 2016 campaign.
3 meetings about the October Conf. & a meeting on 9/14/16 that is listed separately.
Was that meeting on a different topic? Maybe the election?
Dolan & Organizer-1 communicating with Russian officials & meeting Danchenko in Moscow who was there working for Chris Steele & Orbis for the dossier on HRC's dime!
Dolan & O-1 had planning meetings at the Moscow Hotel with employees of the hotel. Employees & places that would soon thereafter show up in Steele's Dossier as the location for the alleged pee tape.
Dolan & Danchenko would even appear in front of Red Square while they were gathering 'dirt' on Trump. Danchenko would fly to London & provide this information to Steele for his reporting to Simpson & Fusion GPS for the DNC & HRC campaign.
The conference was held in October with lots of Russian officials & diplomats involved.
Dolan 'claims' that the Clinton campaign was not aware of his collusion with Danchenko or the Russians...
There is speculation that Zamir Gotta is Organizer-1, no confirmation yet, but apparently Dolan tweeted out their meeting at Red Square during that trip. HT @FOOL_NELSON
@FOOL_NELSON Danchenko utilized a Russian Sub-Source-1 who is most likely Olga Galkina who was working as a PR exec for Webzilla, likely Business-1. Hiring Dolan to do PR for their company during the 2016 election! Country-1 would likely be Cyprus.
@FOOL_NELSON Was Dolan being hired by Business-1 to do PR work?
Or to conduct the effort to frame Trump for Russian Collusion?
Or was it Dolan & Danchenko trying to implicate Galkina & her bosses?
@FOOL_NELSON Dolan & Olga talked about the election & their support for HRC. He even gave her a copy of Hillary's book & he signed it for her!
"To my good friend Olga, A Great Democrat"
@FOOL_NELSON Dolan even sent a letter to Putin's Press Secretary in an effort to get Olga a job withing the Kremlin working for Putin!
That's some connections there!
@FOOL_NELSON Dolan emailed Olga & told her that he would be attending a reception for Hillary & Olga asked him to give HRC her regards! Asking for Dolan to have Hillary sign something, anything, for her.
@FOOL_NELSON Was Dolan meeting Hillary at the DNC Convention in Philly from 7/25/16-7/28/16?
Dolan was an informal foreign policy advisor to the 2016 Hillary Campaign.
Was Dolan the foreign policy advisor claiming Hillary approved his plan to frame Trump on 7/26/16? #ButNothingsHappening
Olga certainly thought so!
Writing a friend in Russia to tell them that Dolan, the advisor to HRC, was going to the State Dept after she won the election and that Dolan would be giving Steele's Russian Sub-Source-1 Olga a job at the US State Dept!
The day before Trump defeated Hillary, Olga was already preparing talking points & positions for Dolan to take to the U.S. State Department!
Looking back at paragraph d. Olga appears to mention not only Dolan but "others" that are redacted or unnamed in the email.
I am sure Durham knows who the others are!
Back to Danchenko after that speaking indictment section about Dolan & others.
Seems Danchenko was using Dolan as a source, then crediting the information to other sources to hide that Hillary's foreign policy advisor & Putin's FARA agent was his source of information!
Danchenko was even tasking Dolan for information about the Trump Campaign (Manafort in this case) & that information went into the Steele Dossier.
Danchenko even telling Dolan that their "goals clearly coincide" in making Russia accusations against Trump.
When questioned by the FBI, Dolan claimed he made up the information about Manafort & the Trump Campaign & claims he lied about meeting a GOP friend to get the info. Claims he didn't know the specifics of what Danchenko was working on or that FBI would get it.
But Dolan's role was serious enough that Danchenko lied to FBI agents to coneal that Dolan was his source for much of the dossier information that he provided to Steele.
Danchenko knew the importance, because he said Dolan wouldn't be involved because he is too naive & pro-Russian.
Danchenko claimed he knew Dolan for 12 years, but earlier in the indictment Durham claims they were introduced in February 2016 by Fiona Hill!
So Danchenko lied to the FBI to hide that his main source was Dolan who had a long-term collaborative relationship with Putin's Press Secretary.
Seems material to any investigation of Russian Collusion, the source of the stories spent 14 years pimping for Putin to the US media.
Not going into this in detail, but Danchenko framed the hotel staff participating in the June 2016 planning meetings for the October Conference, as the sources for the salacious & unverified information on Trump's stay in Moscow.
Dolan also fed information from his meetings with Russian diplomats to Danchenko to establish claims that reporting was coming from Russian insiders. Dolan even called Danchenko while he was in Russia, making it likely the communications were intercepted by the Russians.
Danchenko claimed the Russian Diplomat was his source, a clear insider, but told a different story to the FBI & Steele.
Danchenko played the same game with Putin's Chief of Staff. Using info from Dolan & pretending it was coming from a Russian insider...
Info Olga gave Dolan, who called Igor in Russia where he was subject to surveillance as he tried to frame Trump...
Danchenko also tried to pretend that his Russian frinedly sources Dolan & Olga did not know that he was part of Steele's oppo research for the Clinton Campaign. Knowing who he worked for gave them a great opportunity to feed Russian disinformation into the US election.
Very interesting, So Dolan was intervening with a lawyer in a case against Steele, was admitting Danchenko was his Russian agent, & claiming that Olga's old company Webzilla was being accused of hacking the DNC for the Russians.
So much to unpack in one 1/13/17 email!
Also interesting, on 7/28/16, Danchenko was bragging about Steele flying into DC for his meetings with Simpson of Fusion GPS & Michael Sussmann from Perkins Coie on 7/29/16!
Danchenko framed @SergeiMillian as a source, to hide that Charles Dolan, Jr. was his source.
@SergeiMillian Danchenko even left email #receipts that he had not met with Millian, Igor even dangled a real estate deal to him in an effort to get him to contact him.
@SergeiMillian Danchenko even emails a Russian journalist complaining that Millian would not respond to his emials.
@SergeiMillian This wording is very curious though, Durham quotes Millia's tweets & interviews for his denials?
Why not quote FBI interviews or grand jury testimony by Millian denying communications with Danchenko? Protecting that he is a source?
@SergeiMillian The FBI secretly records Danchenko's interview on March 16, 2017? That's news to me...
Wonder if this connects to Comey briefing the Gang of 8 immediately after that?
Did the FBI guys writing the Danchenko 302s know it was being recorded?
@SergeiMillian Starting May 18th, the day after McCabe is recused from the case because RR appointed Mueller to close the Trump investigations McCabe opened, the FBi starts calling out Danchenko on his lies.
So either he was batshit crazy or the person who fake this email wanted to make him look batshit crazy.
It is possible that they want to use this incident to trick people into thinking their batshit crazy ideas were shared by Livelsberger.
This press conference is discussing a completely different email. But it has been used to convince people, including myself that it was referring to the email in these threads.
CEO of UnitedHealthcare's insurance division gunned own in Manhattan outside of annual investor meeting.
Prior to 2021, he headed UH's govt division covering Medicare & retirement that Trump's DOJ accused of billions in fraud. #ButNothingsHappening nypost.com/2024/12/04/us-…
In 2003, UnitedHealthcare & othe insurance companies convinced Congress & the Bush Admin to create Medicare Advantage claiming they could save the govt. money.
Instead they overbilled the US for more than a decade until the Obama Admin investigated. web.archive.org/web/2017021707…
After manipulating rates by spying on patient medical records & using 'consultants' to find hidden patient medical problems so they could raise their 'risk' rate & bill higher premiums from Medicare, then they switched to an AI program to deny their care. cbsnews.com/news/unitedhea…
yWhat may be the biggest part of the agreement, DOJ is referring Raytheon to DOD & other agencies to begin a review to determine if Raytheon or individuals involved should be suspended from government contracts & debarred from future contracts!
So in addition to the corruption & bribery, the risks of Raytheon committing crimes to conceal corruption related to arms sales to foreign governments is a major factor in this case.
Opens contractors up to other off the books deals.
Raytheon as a corporation has now flipped on their executives who made these decisions. Which means Raytheon can only survive as a business & defense contractor if it provides all the receipts for criminal prosecutions.
Raytheon will pay $950 million to settle the allegations against the company for several different criminal schemse the company participated in.
Raytheon accepted a deferred prosecution agreement that becomes a confession at trial if they don't cooperate! justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/r…
The 1st set of charges are in EDNY. Bribing Qatari officials for defense contracts.
Then conspiracy by not report the bribes on the paperwork requesting permission to export the arms to Qatar. This sets a precedent for EVERY arms export deal!
Mayor Adams indicted by the DOJ following an FBI investigation.
And people still want to side with the Swamp against th FBI & DOJ.
Why could they still believe #ButNothingsHappening after 14 years of indictments & convictions?