They call it a “treat”, mock the poor for not being able to afford it, say it’s unhealthy.
Milk is the single most nutritious food on the planet. It has everything you need. It’s the only food in existence that was literally designed to be food
People today have never even had real raw cream top milk. They’ve never seen it done right. They have no idea how a milking animal can save an entire family.
They drank blue skim milk as a kid and think it’s the only thing that exists. It’s gross. You’re gross.
But even if you can’t get the best stuff around, regular whole milk still shows health benefits for many people. It still has a full spectrum of nutrients. It’s a vital source of nutrition for many people. It has been a consistent and affordable staple for families everywhere.
There are large variations in quality of milk and most operations have extremely unethical practices. But they don’t care about that. They’ll put regulations in place that only hurt the small farms doing it the right way. They only care about shaming you and making you weak.
It’s a joined push from the cultural, health, ecological, and economic spheres to remove that which makes you strong and independent.
Many people today believe they are lactose intolerant, and will avoid dairy. We are told that most people stop producing lactase after infancy, and therefore must stop consuming dairy. Yet when these people go get raw milk from a farm, they have little to no issues. Why is this?
Let’s start with lactose. What is it?
LactOse is the sugar in milk composed of galactose and glucose. It’s what gives milk its sweetness. When they say someone is lactose intolerant, what they are saying is that they do not produce lactAse, the enzyme which breakdowns lactose.