#dkbk qlizu proherobk

"Alright, what did I say this time" katsuki looked at the giggling nurses tending his legs, bit curious bit embarrassed

They both looked at katsuki, then back at each other and starting giggling harder

Katsuki rolled his eyes,please! Just tell him already
" did I propose him or some shit"

" Propose? Yeah there were few proposal but" the one on his right, the pink haired one,pressed her fingers on her lips to hide the teasing smirk "you were more focused on the /honeymoon/ part"


what the fuck


"What?" He panicked
"deku you have nice ass"she acted out to the make believe pseudo midoriya izuku, who was originally her partner standing in front of her, with kiss face

it doesn't sound that bad-

"Bet you have a fat cock" the partner, a raccoon girl, /moaned/

The raccoon hugged herself, running her hand on the body sensually

"Wanna bend over that table of yours. Wanna get fuck hard and slow. Mhmm" she acted out while her partner gave a kissing noise background music

The two of them made a high pitched whale noise in unison and
Effectively killed Katsuki's will to live along with

He bit his pillow in embarrassed, Face exploding to cherry red

Oh god please no

Please please please fucking no

There's no way he had embarrassed himself to this level

Katsuki closed his eyes, puffing his cheeks
It's been 7 years since he had met his childhood friend aka midoriya izuku in this hospital, 2 years since izuku have been his personal doctor

Over this 2 year, katsuki had a ample amount of hospital visits. Being the careful pro hero he was, the number wasn't great enough
to make the hospital his second home but wasn't small enough to go unnoticed

Here's the thing- each time katsuki comes here injured and they have to put that devil of drug into his system, katsuki's Romeo side- who is only reserved for one person - does poetry to his Juliet
Who happens to be his childhood friend- doctor- midoriya izuku

But until now the Romeo had been decent and just /flirty/

this time- this time the fucker got horny and tried to jump on his beautiful Juliet

Wasn't Juliet underaged like their relationship, Romeo should
Have waited dammit

Now he's go to horny jail and Katsuki's put in a awkward position around this said Juliet

"Did I fucking stop there?" katsuki asked, in a small voice
He himself can't believe how small he sounds

"Of course you didn't" the pink one said,suddenly with a matter of fact tone"you also expressed your desire to ride that cock and continued to mumble how it's okay to go too hard cause Mr midoriya can always fix you.We started laughin
at that part" she said it like she's reading prescription, which makes it whole lot of worse

Katsuki is thinking of buying a nice place at the cemetery, with a nice view and all

He needs to bury himself there, sooner than he thinks, Matter of fact right now

"Can I go? Home?"
not until Mr midoriya says so"the pinki smirked,lifting her clipboard "we are gonna fetch him okay,do your best"

The raccoon girl gave him two thumps up with the same smug face,wiggling her eyes brows"do your best bakugo-san,we can always fix your ass

He really wants to go home
Once they left,Katsuki tried to sit

He tried hard not to think about the whole thing for obvious/it's too embarrassing/ reasons and focused on his body instead

It seemed like a logical thing to do?

He tried to moved his feet and toes as expected everything was working Like
Normal, except the pain

"Mr midoriya surely did a good job"

Katsuki smiled at his 'Mr midoriya'.It feels odd on his tongue

Izuku had been professional from the first meeting, talking only about the heath and conditions

He never once brought up their past, only addressed
Katsuki as "dynamight San" or "bakugo San"

it hurt him at first, made him feel uneasy

But he eventually realize it's for the better and he also should stop dwelling in past and return the respect he was receiving

but his tongue ran before he could think
"Mr midoriya" turned into "deku"
"Excuse me sir" turned into "oi nerd" and the practiced "soft and respectable tone" turned into his usual angry one just after few sentences

He tries,he really do but it's just not enough
But Izuku,the sweet cinnamon angel of a Juliet, never once acknowledged or pointed out his bad behaviour

as expected

The little Juliet is so sweet it makes his Romeo cry

Katsuki pressed his lips to a thin line. At first, when he first saw Izuku, at once he wanted to do
Something for him, make him feel special

He thought it was because he wanted to make amends for his past behaviour no because he was crushing so hard he wanted to ride him in examining table

It really took him few anesthesia talk and two overly nossy nurses to understand his
Own true feelings

Katsuki sulked. Why is he suddenly acting like a high schooler who just had a crush

He's a grown ass man

And what was those bottom talk. He always thought he would be the one fucking
The katsuki dynamight bakugo, an explosive hero, alpha man, wanting to bottom for a shorter lighter cuter man

Sounds ridiculous and shocking, even to him

Katsuki closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, imagining the scenery

He kind of Likes it? No he prefers it
Bending down and getting fucked over a table in some honeymoon sounds way to nice

Yeah he's crushing harder than a highschooler

He should ask him out for some coffee ( and hopefully bend over the coffee table)

Katsuki gathered his courage, well he had a lot of it so it wasn't
Really a hard job and Waited for the knock

And soon enough the Mr midoriya Aka katsuki's not so secret Juliet entered the room, with no hesitation or blushing you would expect from a guy who just heard a detailed version of starring someone's wet dream
It makes katsuki like him even more

"Izuku go out with me" he did not waste any time

"Please lie down bakugo San , I'll only take few minutes"

"No I'm serious, go out with me"

"Let's finish this tests real quick so you can go home, okay"

Stop ignoring him dammit

Katsuki took a deep breath, before rambling the entire thing in one breath

"Look, I don't know what you're thinking but I mean everything I said, Even including the marriage honeymoon thing whatever. So
Go out with me Izuku"

Katsuki looked at izuku, expecting some heartwarming
Stare like they do in the Movie

Izuku was staring,yes, mouth open,eyes twitching /horrified/

If katsuki were just some random person walking by he would assume someone had ask Izuku to donate both of his kidneys

Katsuki stared back in the eye, not knowing what else to do
Izuku's reaction is making him weight how much he had fucked up

All he wanted was to show his commitment in wanting an relationship, serious relationship not just one night for izuku's " izuku"

But it seems he's wording has failed him and his feelings. He's terrible with words
And each day reminds him that unique ways

Deku?" Katsuki starts, this is getting awkward

"Can I just do my job?"

"Right" katsuki didn't drag this conversation any further, this was embarrassing enough make his face burn and anything else added would just be the ice in the burn
He looked at his sides, not wanting to meet izuku's eyes and answered each question Quickly

He just wants to go home or maybe bang his head outside too,where Izuku can't see

It doesn't sound like a bad idea,if he just does it hard enough to rush back to hospital and get drugged
Again, Maybe the Romeo within can Stitch up a poem and convey the actual feelings

It would be hilarious move for God dynamight but a job well done for katsuki

But one one lesson learnt- he'll treat his fan girls more nicely from this day

Getting ignored hurts like hell!!
"You're pouting"

"What- i- I'm fucking not" katsuki rubbed his cheeks,they feel itchy

"okay listen, how do I say it" izuku huffed, Definitely feeling guilty about his reaction "you're my patient you know.Let's -lets just keep it that way okay?" He squeezed his hand, looking
hopeful with those dopey eyey

What is this? Hint?

Is izuku saying he wants to be asked out outside his work? Not be bothered when they are patient- doctor?

God hope katsuki isn't misunderstanding this. Today has been embarrassing enough for a person to max out
Katsuki muttered a small "okay" without knowing what was okay

True or false the hint was he doesn't know but he's going to try it anyway cause he isn't giving up on Izuku any time soon

And so when Izuku Agreed his release,katsuki started roaming the hospital instead of
Heading home.He's not confident about his next move but he's determined

"oi pinki" katsuki called Out The pink haired nurse whose name he never bothered to remember even though it's still written on her chest right now"when Deku gets off work?"

"Mr midoriya?Wait what did you
just call me?

"yes him.when does he get off?"

"Do you not know my name? I've been around you for like 3 years now"

You know what "nevermind" katsuki's going home. He'll try some other day, with actual plan and some foolish suggestions from his stupid yet experienced friends
" hold on. Don't leave! Why do you need to know?"

Cause he has business with the information? Seriously why do people questions back "why?" He's asking cause he needs it

Mind Your own fucking business

"Just fucking tell me"

"You tell me first"
" for fucks sake, wanna take him some place nice- there! now tell me"

She stared at him, surprised

Katsuki scowled. He had enough people staring at him like that today and it's really getting on his nerves now


"I'm just surprised you have the face to face him
even after the detailed description of your honeymoon pleasure"

"Shuttup!" Enough with that, that talk is the root of all These

" Why do you need to stalk him - just ask him here. He's still in the hospital"

The girl stares at him AGAIN and Katsuki swears he's going to combust but then she starts to vibrate, puffing her cheeks

Katsuki have enough loser Friends to know she's trying hard not to laugh "WHAT'S SO FUNNY"

"You got rejected" and she starts laughing "hold on hold on
She needs to hear this. Her ship is sinking. It's sinking!!"


What's she talking about?

Katsuki just stood there, lifeless and watched the girl furiously type on her phone

Her phones starts to buzz like crazy after the first texts and each buzz killed little piece
Of him when he realised he might be a Inside joke here

Katsuki bakugo entered this hospital as a prestigious hero who just happen to break his leg,and exiting this hospital as a heartbroken hero turned into joke

You think he might be embarrassed but you see he maxed out not too
Long ago

"Fuck it I'll just ask someone else"

"Wait wait don't go, sorry about that"

Katsuki narrowed his eyes, Judging if the Upcoming question Is worth it

" So what happened?"

Totally not worth it, he'll ask the raccoon girl instead

"Okay you don't have to tell me
Just give me your number I'll text you when he gets off. Mr midoriya always stays till his works done"

Katsuki figured much. Izuku has always been workholic

"I'll make him a little late after the text so you can catch up. Don't speed to come here"
Katsuki appreciates the help, he really does but when he's getting so much he tends to get suspicious

"Why are you suddenly so cooperative?"

She giggled

"Is this for your ship thingi"

"You won't understand Mr bakugo" she waved her hand a 'bye bye' "go for that ass"
Fan- girls are weird

He knows he'll be part of gossip pretty soon but fuck it, who cares

"Thanks" whatever

Tbc 💚🧡


Bakugo opened the bathroom door, pulling his t shirt over his head

Every time he comes home from a hospital visit, he goes straight to the shower

He feels like the germs of other patients are crawling on his body and he wants to get rid of them, kill them now
The bath was quick, with lots of scrubbing, followed by a quick meal

He had yesterday's leftover soup. And some grapes afterwards. It's just enough for the purpose

He's a optimistic guy but even he knows he needs to keep it real and expectation low
He's almost sure Izuku would not except his offer and even if he do, out of politeness, it would be just a cup of coffee

Hence the light meal. He does not want to get his heart broken in a empty stomach and get grumpier than usual
He's afraid he might say something unpleasant and make things complicated

but at the same time he doesn't want to eat anything too heavy

He's being hopeful okay? Maybe Izuku would agree and give him a chance
Call him stupid but he thinks after toying with him the entire day, the god above would like a change of pace, different scenarios

Nobody fucking likes to watch the same shit over and over again with the same two people

His destiny might be altered just for the entertainment
Bakugo puts the dishes on the sink, mind occupied with too much thought

He's thinking about the colour of dress, his speech Or what they should eat- in short all the trivial things he wouldn't normally spare a second

It tastes weird to him but not unpleasant
He put his phone on the nightstand, playing the first video that popped up after searching for dating advice in Metube while he searches his closet for something he would look good in

To his Luck -bad one of course- his phone pinged at the 1:57 minutes of the video
And he had to run Like a burglar getting chased out of the house

He didn't leave his house in such hurry in his entire life- which is embarrassing cause well he had state level emergencies before but it seems like confessing was more important than that....
Within 10 minutes bakugo was Infront of the hospital

He may or may not have broken few traffic rules

Well bakugo was in love and love is blind. It clearly didn't see the traffic signals

Sue him, he doesn't care
What he did care was the cute man in freckles, green fuzzy hair and the cutest annoyed face standing ten feet away from him

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Here was katsuki, standing with a black "not yet sports car but good enough" car in black jeans and leather jacket
Looking like a price charming, and that's the greetings he gets

" I have come to thank you for saving my life today" and marry you but not now

"You just had a broken foot"

" I'm a hero! Just think what a broken foot would have cost me"

"Are you stalking me?"
Izuku looked visibly angry and slightly panicked

Katsuki knew, he knew he's rushing things but he also knows that the damage the villain left was too great and his minions were still on the lose

Katsuki will not be given a moment to breathe after he gets back,at least
For two weeks

He can NOT wait three weeks to call Izuku his boyfriend

Now that he knows how much he wants Izuku it's physically impossible for him to stay away

He knows it's silly- he hadn't felt anything for the past months he had been staying stuff in the meds, but right now
It feels like a impossible task

Katsuki straightened up from the relaxed posture, ready to defend himself or explain his motives

He knows for a fact that izuku's misunderstanding

Which isn't surprising. Katsuki's someone who's misunderstood just as much he misunderstands
"gimme a chance. look I get it why you don't want to go out with me. I get it. I've been a little shit to you for a long ass time. I'm actually happy that you've become picky about the person you allow in your life but just- ugh- give this katsuki a chance. Lemme show you how
How I can treat you"

Katsuki may not know poetry in sobar state but he can say what he wants to say

And right now he's desperate to show the changes in him

"If you don't want a dating meal or thank you meal,just have a apology meal.......... please?"

Damn katsuki harbours
Way too many Emotions towards Izuku

Why didn't he notice any of them sooner?

Izuku looked stunned at first, then thoughtful and midly curious, which is a progress itself, compare to the looks he was giving katsuki just few seconds prior
" it's free"

Izuku laughed a laughter, smaller than his usual ones but just as bright

"Guess Can't say no to free food!" Izuku chirped sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, leaving katsuki stunned

Waiting really? Did he just agree? He still looks hesitant but he's taking
The step?

That easily?

After watching few movies and staying around his stupid friends love life he was expecting some yelling and cussing- well drama

He did not expect it to go This well and He almost didn't believe it until Izuku entering his car

What the fuck!
He entered the car soon after, of course not before giving a thumps up to the four eyes staring at them intensely behind the massive tree

This is the only 'thank you' those two fan girls would get

"where to?" Katsuki asked, buckling his seatbelt, Still feeling out of element

" I have no idea"

"Some place nice,a Good warm meal. And then some coffee for your tired ass"

Izuku laughed "I keep forgetting you're rich now"

Ugh he likes the thousands volt laugh so much he
Cringes at his own sappiness

"Just to be fucking clear, I wasn't stalking"

It's not stalking if it's done out of love. Shakespeare wrote it himself!

"Katsuki I better not find you under my balcony" Izuku joked

Katsuki smiled. Izuku's being friendly- finally- how cute
"oh so if they do it it's romantic, if I do it it's creepy"

"I'm getting restraining orders"

"I don't even know your address" He barked back, with no bite

Izuku Only laughted, harder this time

I'm back bitches

( I didn't mean to call you bitches, it's just that song :(
Katsuki pulled over by a sushi shop, izuku's recommendation

Well it wasn't exactly izuku's recommendation. Katsuki was listing different types of food one by one and Izuku happened to make more humming noise on sushi than others and that was it for katsuki
Don't get him wrong, when you get close to none indulgent of someone on a matter but also want to maintain the conversation on whatever light topic you have going on, you gotta do what you gotta do

And for katsuki, it was finding about sushi
He looked at the shop. It's small and can't seem to have a crowd around

He doesn't have high hopes for it but since Izuku recommended it, the food shouldn't be bad

But then again the nerd have a bad taste comprehension. Everything tastes brilliant to him

That is, if it's the
Same Izuku

Katsuki picked up the black cap, siting in the back seats to put on

He purposely slowed down so Izuku could get out first and Katsuki could match his pace

He's done rushing stuff
Izuku eventually get out of car and settled in a corner

Katsuki didn't seem the need to it. Each table was separated with thin cardboard walls. Privacy was already insured

On top of it, regardless the shop being small yet busy, everyone seems to busy with the food to search for
The "dynamight" to begin with

It was not necessary to take a corner seat but katsuki is happy that izuku was thoughtful about their little "date"

Katsuki smiled secretly. A guffy kind of smile

He was on a date! With his crush!
He took the seat against Izuku, trying hard to control his smile

And lucky he had a little time to restrain himself and bring a neutral face since Izuku was hyper focused on the small monitor next to their table, clicking his orders

"I'm sorry I'm just a bit hungry"
"that's what we're here for. Order fuck tons. I'm paying"

Izuku gave him a stare, a kind katsuki doesn't recognize then clicked few more orders on the monitor


What the hell was that?

"how was your day?" Katsuki starts, clicking his own orders

He suddenly feels awkward
So he starts with a basic question.

Something you would ask after 'hi how are you?" The lady of '5 minutes date' of Metube had also suggested it

It's not like he's expert on 'how to start a conversation' or on 'how to handle dates'

Both sounded like a chore to him, something
He would rather avoid in the past

But right now, he's excited for both

Ugh the irony

"okay" Izuku hummed

"Did anything interesting?" Katsuki pushed

He really was interested in the nerds day

"Well I did some stuff" Izuku titles his head, confused at katsuki's
"you have my full attention" expression

"You want me to go in details?" Izuku sounded more confused than before

"Yeah sure" katsuki bit his cheeks, restraining himself just a bit

He's scaring his partner dammit

At this rate,katsuki's will come out like some creepy trying to
Lock izuku in the basement

"Well I was called in at around 4 am" Izuku starts after a bit hesitation and glances at katsuki and continued After seeing the blond was actually serious "there was a emergency. Lots of heroes were rushed in. A villain attack" Izuku carried on
Katsuki put his arm on the table, unintentionally, to he could rest his chin on his hands and stare at izuku

Listening to izuku now was like receiving gift toys from Santa when he was little

He felt like the happiest person on earth and wished Izuku would never stop talking
Then Izuku hit the 7 minutes mark

That was the moment when it felt like the day katsuki found out Santa wasn't real

Cause Izuku had started mumbling and Katsuki can't make out one word the nerd was saying even through he had pushed his ears towards Izuku to hear better
"Okay okay I get it. Okay FUCKING STOP MUMBLING" katsuki yells out, startling the others around him, including Izuku, Including himself

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was MUMBLING, oops sorry sorry" Izuku starts apologizing right away, shaking his arms in front of him
In a dismissive manner

Katsuki grimaced


He had messed up

It was going so well, Izuku was getting comfortable, opening up and Katsuki just had to ruin the peace

Fuck him and his patience

"didn't mean you yell. You're Mumbling and it was hard to hold the conversation"
Should he apologizes?


Let's not take any chances

Izuku stared at him, same way he did when katsuki asked about the order

"You have changed, kacchan"

Katsuki was ready for many things before asking Deku, rejection, heartbreak, whatever.

But not this
It had come a long way, he knows. He's still brash and angry but now he knows better than to give in to his ego, or to cherish the ones that love him, hold them close, protect them. Now he knows some things are more valuable than his career, his spot on ranking

Or his life
" I mean you still yell at TV and fights and when I first saw you at the hospital and how you were acting. I really didn't think you had changed so much and wanted to keep my distance but i mean - what happened to the guy who was pushing me, burning me or just being mean"
Yeah what happened to that guy?

"and you? what happened to the guy who was Weak, tiny always crying and definitely didn't have the guts to reject ME twice ?"

"Hey that's a good question" Izuku put his fingers on his chin as if thinking deep "where did he go? I think I think
I lost him"

They both laughed at izuku's silly joke, On themselves, on their journey and the troubled past

Before falling into a blissful silence

The silence was comforting, a pat on his back

He feels like he's finally on the right track with Izuku. After years of his own insecurity, misunderstanding, hurt- he's finally is excited for the future that awaits
"Hey the food is here" Izuku reached for the running track beside them and pulled down 6 plates, where katsuki pulled down only 4

Now that the heavy awkwardness has left with soft blanket of comfort, they might just order more food and bask in each others presence
They are old pals after all, there are so many catching ups to do

"I started working out" izuku started first, flexing his biceps. There wasn't really anything to flex, it looked like a normal arm just firmer to the most observant eyes " you can't really tell but it's there"
he pointed at the thickest part

Katsuki snorted. There really wasn't anything to show off. His high school self had thicker arms but it's so cute to see the nerd work hard to change

" It suits you"

"Did kacchan just"Izuku stared at him, before covering his blush with his hand
" oh my gawd"

This intense reaction just from a single compliment?

'So cute' Katsuki thought, making a weird happy noise in his head 'marry me nerd'

" Yeah. You're doing good" katsuki tries again " if you continue you'll be big and less geeky"
Okay he's not good with complements. That's been already established

He's got to be knock out for those

But it was enough for someone like Deku,who never had a pro hero coming at his door to praise his nonexisting biceps

He now have both his arms around his head,screaming

"Okay okay okay enough…... Enough….. about me!....h-how was your day? Was it good"

Katsuki picked up a sake, dip it in the sauce before putting it in his mouth, staring at his princess hot tomato red Juliet
Wow katsuki's turning into cheesy again, must be the sunshine and rainbows atmosphere
" My day revolved around ya"
In too many context

Izuku laughed, pinching his cheek. They must feel hot " well... didn't know you were so … um. .. poetic"

'Only for you my love'

" Only when you knocked me out"
Izuku whizzed, throwing his head back. which is weird

"This is not helping…"

What is not helping? Flirting? For Izuku-maybe not? For katsuki- it's Doing fucking wonders
"I mean you doing poetry was already weird but you saying those to me is just-"

"Oi" katsuki cut him off. Cause what the fuck- Nobody's talking shit about his future husband "I meant all those poetic stuff I said. Even if it didn't rhyme or have any hidden deep meaning Inside,
It still came from the heart"

He doesn't even remember what he said. But he trusts his Romeo heart. It's part of him after all, the fucker had to be great
Izuku looked surprised, which is great. katsuki just need to keep talking

Ugh, he regrets not talking about this the first time he heard he said stuff to izuku. his feelings would be so much clearer. He always thought those were random thoughts, coming out of guilt for
all the things he had done.

But no bully sends love letters to his victims
"And those getting fucked stuff " katsuki blushed a little. He never had felt any sexual tension of any kind before. He always thought it's just one of those many things he's not interested in, until today " it was surprising to me too. I've never felt this for ANYONE ELSE before
but it's been only for YOU, you hear ONLY YOU"

Wow, Katsuki hasn't spoken this much, showed this much emotion in the entire year. it better be fucking received
"Are you trying to say you're …… are you saying I'm your…….. oh my.." izuku averted his eyes, finding interest in the filthy plates instead, not finishing his important sentence " this is the weirdest day of my life"
Katsuki's too! His day had never been this eventful and he's enjoying every seconds of it 

He should order more food


2 more updates to go before it ends :)
Katsuki turned towards the monitor, clicking order like a little kid

He hasn't felt this excited for a long time

" Let's play the game" Izuku blurted out, fanning his face, desperately calming his raging blush "I really need the distraction"

Okay, sure
"What game" katsuki grinned, he's going to ace it regardless

"We have ten plates" izuku gathered their plates and placed them in the small open box at the corner of the table and the monitor lit up with a track

Oh, a racing game
"Watch me win" katsuki cracked his knuckles, getting ready

Izuku gave him a thumbs up " I know you can do it"

Katsuki smirked, feeling cocky "it's child's play"

And it was

to him anything is child's play anyway

One minutes in and He had already won the prize
It was a blue looking animal with something green on its back

" You can have it" katsuki handed the toy to Izuku, feeling extremely good about himself

" Aww thanks kacchan" Izuku took the toy and instantly starting examining it

What a cute nerd
He wish he would always cheer about the little achievements of his life standing by his side

"You go next"

katsuki wanted to cheer for him to
" Eh? We don't have any more plates?"

" Let's order more"

Katsuki vigorously clicked on the monitor, tuning down Izuku's pretest. He's sure he can't eat much more and have to share with Izuku,but it's not just about meal no more
The food came quickly and they were "more eating less talking" cause Izuku had a race to win

Izuku played the game, not as confidently but katsuki almost screamed when he won

Izuku got a yellow looking animal, something called Pikachu
He seemed way more excited than he was about the blue animal

So Pikachu is more famous than the blue one he won?

"I wanna go again" katsuki declared

This is unacceptable. He deserves the best
"Are you sure?" Izuku looked concerned cause that's a lot of food, even for someone as big as katsuki "we can always come next time"

Katsuki stared at izuku. At one side- his brain was itching for another try and win the best prize even though it was a Matter of luck and other
side his heart was pinching at the promise of "next time"

Even if Izuku doesn't give him second date, he can always use this card to get a second get together

It's guilt tripping, definitely wrong but katsuki was desperate

So yes- his heart won
Stupid brain- can't even put moral sense into his own heart

"Yeah okay. Next time we'll see"

Izuku smiled and Katsuki bit his lips

Does the nerd realize he just promised something good right now?

"I'll go up front and pay up"

" I should also"
"I said I'm paying so I'm paying"

"Fine but next time will be mine!"

"Sure" katsuki almost giggled

Calm down stupid heart!

Katsuki excused himself to go upfront. The date went extremely well. Almost too well
Now- the only thing he needs is something poetic, something that would be climatic that would be the climax of their date

something that would make izuku think about him
When katsuki returned to his table, Izuku was outside, taking a call

It seemed important so katsuki decided to wait in the car patiently for him to finish

Izuku took longer than he expected

"I'm sorry I just needed to-"

" Yeah I get called in randomly too- don't sweat it"

"Do I need to drop you off at the hospital?"

"For now- no. But maybe I'll be called in"

"So home?"

"How about coffee first"


Katsuki started the engine and made a small ride to the nearest café.
It was rather light. Even though they are old buddies and had a lot of things to catch up with- They ended up talking about their parents and their well-being.

And for most part, Izuku seemed a bit out of it, which katsuki assumes because of the call earlier
It's better not to knock there

Besides it's the perfect opportunity to think of something romantic like he intended to

Izuku ordered a latte while katsuki asked for something simple

Katsuki wanted to pay for this one as well but Izuku insisted that he would feel too bad if
katsuki did and he should be let paid

Next time, katsuki reminded himself

But before they could enter the car- Izuku stopped

"I want to tell you something kacchan"

Katsuki looked at Izuku, giving him full attention
He wanted- needed to say lots of things as well and was waiting for the perfect opportunity

He did not expect for Izuku to start
"When you called out to me today- I had my doubts. I thought you wanted to mess around. Then you did poetry and said those amazing lines- well kacchan is amazing- but now that I'm standing here, Infront of you after having such an amazing time, after you gave me such amazing time
I can barely believe myself"

izuku looked down " I may not be able to do poetry but you're like a poem to me"
Thank you. I'm looking forward to us"
Katsuki stared at izuku, breathless

"If you don't mind that is…." Izuku fumbled with his words, looking at katsuki's face


"I didn't mumble the whole thing did I ?"

No….He heard him loud and clear
Katsuki bit his lips, trying hard to come up with something equally beautiful but failing miserably

he just can't

His mind would not stop playing the words, think anything other than the words he spoke over and over
And maybe, maybe he doesn't need to say anything, doesn't need to come up with anything romantic-

this moment is already perfect

Meant to be, like them
Katsuki smiled

"Marry me, Izuku"

The end ~~~

They ended up married after three years of dating 🤦‍♀️

• • •

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31 Dec 21
#Kirimina and #dkbk au where kirishima asks bakugo for sex advice cause mina had a hard time coming recently and he wants to make her happy

katsuki Had once mentioned, albeit accidentally, how good izuku is on bed and how satisfying their sex life is
and now
kirishima is tailing her like a puppy for tips

she eventually snaps and had to call a simple sleepover with Her friends aka kirishima, mina, kaminari, sero and of course Izuku so kirishima can ask him himself, and it wouldn't be so suspicious or awkward
But Izuku being Izuku went extra mile to help his friend in need and finger fucked katsuki for everyone to see and take notes so they can be good at it
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1 Aug 21
#Dkfembk #fantasyau
lady of the valley izu and barbarian dragon king kat

"That's so expensive!!" Katsuki slammed her hand on the wooden table, bewildered "my citizens will starve to death"

The advisors gave her side eye, displeased with her outburst or with her to be specific
"harvest this time hasn't been good. We have no choice"

Katsuki sat back at her chair, appearing calm and rational even when her blood was raging with anger.

She knows where her advisors were coming from but no one can afford this price, aside from few noble families
Katsuki intertwined her fingers on her lap, keeping the thumbs pressed together, looking for a different path that wouldn't drove majority of commoners to death

" Why was there such a decrease in this time's harvest?"

"Lack of rain" another advisor she's yet to know the
Read 84 tweets
17 Jul 21
#dkbk #dkfembk #nsfw #fingering

Izuku tenderly pat the cotton of katsuki's pantis, lightly tracing her labia.

He knows it's going to take lot more than this to wake her up but he likes to take his time

He likes to feel the soft bubble of wetness under his
fingertips, spreading with each touch,before going in

He likes this part of the morning

It's been few months since izuku had taken katsuki as his intern and the hardest adjustment was waking her up at the uneven times of the morning without souring up her mood for the day
She is so NOT a morning person

So izuku had adapted more fun and pleasurable ways to wake her up

And just like any other morning (dawn) izuku was pressed firmly against her sleeping figure, squeezing her tit and playing with her pussy
Read 31 tweets
6 May 21
#dkbk #femkatsuki
Butler and royal au #nfsw

Izuku walked through the garden behind The royal castle, rasping grass under his boots with each step. He clasped his gloved hands together and blew air on them, bringing them closer to his face

"It's cold" he noted. It had rained
Less than an hour ago, making the surroundings colder and darker than what was expected to be.

It was welcomed. The humid scent of a lily mixed with rain waffled around him, along with low sounds of frogs from a nearby waterhole

It was soothing, it was
Even though as much as izuku was enjoying his walk to katsukis room, it came to a abrupt stop

There was katsuki siting on fountain, eyes focused on a book she was holding

Izuku smiled. It was unusual for katsuki to be anywhere else other than her room at such late evening
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