One thing that amazes me in all the discussions about Sweden "successful experiment" is given what they achieved with basically nothing, they probably could have managed the pandemic *really well* with simple mitigation measures.
"It wasn't a total disaster, let's celebrate?"
"Many countries (& members of their press media) have marvelled at Sweden's 'going for natural selection' strategy"
But hey that was then.
Now, too many died from Covid, but it was only bad luck because after all it wasn't Covid.
Yeah clearly 'Sweden's experiment was far less costly than the rest of the world imagines' -just imagine the dead didn't die or something, and there you go
So just one time I would like to see the projection reversed
Enough of "If the world had acted like Sweden", and at least once, "Where would Sweden be if they hadn't decided they wouldn't even try to control the pandemic"
(Official strategy, from Giesecke)
Note it may vaguely matter now because, as it turns out, the pandemic is *not* over.
Ignoring it isn't either.
But that never has, doesn't and won't stop the virus
And as surprising as it is, I'm not that happy with the current world's variant factories
My feed is mostly depressing
So many depressing, but also pressing issues that need indeed to be addressed
Tho in order to survive it (& for my followers to survive my feed), I pledge to post more other stuff that remind us how the world can also be good, fun, hopeful & uplifting
Dark irony is a way to cope but can't be the only thing
Going to hell&back is a good way to put things into perspective, &it's good to be able to build your own happiness no matter what, but sometimes it just feels the f*cking thing could make an effort to come your way by itself
Guess gotta keep hoping for really good maybe one day
But maybe now, if tricky sometimes, is good enough?
I mean I'm the daughter of a paedophile ex-wife of a paedophile (who also happen to be a psycho) who used to be harassed daily, buried under debts and feared for her life
I get the uproar
I mean corruption in govt is one thing, openly absolving it another
The 1 thing is, it was utterly predictable
They were elected by cheating the rules to apply a policy whose one & only “benefit” is the ability to get rid of the rules
Ofc they’re going for that
@EdwardJDavey @Keir_Starmer @CarolineLucas
It’s basically between cronycracy and democracy now -This ain’t normal times
Building a coalition would not only make sense, but send a strong message
The ball is in your court, together you stand, divided you (and the country) fall
Sweden's strategy in a nutshell, as emulated by UK govt
(From May 2020, article by strategy architect Johan Giesecke -The man who hired Tegnell)
"The battle is lost" @chrischirp@dgurdasani1@carolecadwalla
Note this is based on the "marvelled" theory that herd immunity was to be reached once everyone was infected, because (that's another article:…) potential providential immunity we can't see, nor understand would kick in.
I get the will to believe infection would provide immunity, but use that hypothesis as a base for a "take it on the chin" strategy when no long term observation was available and the virus -as a virus- was susceptible to mutate, that I can't get.
From times to times, I diverge from politics and say stuff about my life.
Sometimes awful, sometimes fun.
Sometimes it can be both at the same time.
Like that time my "dad" (been adopted since them by the man who raised me) lost us on a volcano.
But it was "OK", it was pretty 😬
I was 10, my baby brother was 6.
Our month of holidays with "dad" was an occasion to "compensate" how we were "pathetically raised" by our mother (as in, normally if that's a thing).
So we were lucky enough to visit 2 to 3 museums a day (to be cultured) and get trek training.
When we arrived on Stromboli Island, we had already spend almost a month in Italy, mostly visiting 6 hours a day while reading out loud the Michelin Green Guide and replying to insighful questions to make sure we'd remember everything.
Say we were tired would be an understatement
"Trusted source" is indeed tricky to assess.
But two simple steps -check the journalist's record, and look for corroboration sources- are good ways to separate what's reliable from dishonesty/propaganda.
FTR it should be taught in schools
(Kids can get it -and need to)
And it's not just about politics: It's about disinfo in general.
Last year my then 8 yrs old came home from his dad telling me about this boy who could "set things on fire with his eyes" (something he had seen on TV)
"It's a true thing mum, some experts said so!"
To assess the veracity of the claim, we did an Internet search.
First search page claimed the boy existed and "experts" had confirmed it.
So we took a look at the sources. Their name, their other claims. Kid soon realised they were talking bullsh**.
Today after work, the kids and I will climb into our (sofa) spaceship to go camping in the depths of the Imaginary sea (aka in my room) on planet Spircllllllr (Kids picked the name) somewhere in Dragonfire constellation.
Since we can’t afford an actual trip -we went big.
A few tricks if you can’t afford to leave too but he never gone camping in a room or leaving room
-You actually don’t need a tent (we don’t have one.) Sleeping out is fine.
-Background sounds do the trick
-Once the light are out (or dimmed out) go for your exploratory excursion
Each can describe what they see -note it can be quite long. We once spent two hours looking out the stars through the sky windows describing the various dragons flying by.
-Make up the story of the place you are in. Its inhabitants, cooking, weird langage. how it was discovered…