So much of the worlds land in covered with animal farming.
Some of them are small.
Some of them are huge and these ones even have their own slaughter areas with toxic lakes full of blood and runoff.
The tiny black dots are cattle.
There is one thing that they all have in common. They are all destroying biodiversity. They are polluting the water & also responsible a large percentage of climate breakdown gases.
There are some who say that we need more cattle and that they help. But we know that is wrong.
I know that is wrong because of something called 'Succession'. Succession is when new a baby trees grow to replace the old in a forest.
In grazing systems these baby trees cannot survive.
Older trees are damaged too with debarking. For a tree this is like being skinned.
EVERYTHING is about the land.
When we see this fully we realise what is happening to the land and why we need to change how we view it.
If we cannot do this then we will loose millions of species.
Many like this beautiful Dormouse are on the edge of extinction.
Every acre we can take away & give back saves lives & this is such a crucial time.
So PLEASE lets all work together & give this area here back in the heart of dairy and cheese making 🙏
Dig deep & share for the earth & her beautiful species.
Veganism recognises that all creatures are sentient & that every living creature has the right to live their life free from exploitation, persecution & suffering.
1. This egg is 'chipping' If you look closely you can see the egg tooth of the little chick inside. The egg tooth is at the tip of all babies beaks and helps them break free from the shell.
2. The little chick inside the egg rotates around the egg until he or she has made a removable lid. They are clever little babies & they cheep to call to their mums all through this process.
3. Then with wriggling and pushing suddenly she/he experiences the outside world for the first time.
I am full of tears today as during the storm last night a pine martin ended the lives of 4 of my old rescued chickens. They were all 8-10 years old & semi wild. There is one very scared hen left & I must catch her today & keep her safe tonight 😢
I feel heartbroken because they have blessed my life for a while. I let them become wild & free.
I love all animals & I think of the chickens that are tortured every day as I lay mine under a tree in their final resting place.
For those of you who really know me you will know that today my heart hurts more than it did yesterday & all the other days gone before.
This is why I am here. This is why my whole life is about trying to end suffering.