• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim only these type of questions are/should be asked during interviews
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
✪ What is a programming paradigm?
✪ Mention various programming paradigm types.
✪ What is structured programming?
✪ What is OOPs?
✪ Why is OOPs needed?/Advantages of OOPs
✪ Where should OOPs not be used?
✪ What are major features of OOPs?
✪ Mention few popular languages that support OOPs.
✪ Does <your_language> support OOPs? How?
2️⃣ Class, Object, Interface
✪ Define a class.
✪ What is an Object?
✪ Does class take memory?
✪ What does a class provide/define?
✪ What is a property in a class?
✪ What is a method in a class?
✪ What is an abstract method?
✪ What is an abstract class?
✪ What is an Interface?
✪ What does "static" mean wrt Properties and Methods?
✪ What is encapsulation?
✪ What is Data Hiding?
✪ What is Data Binding?
✪ How does <your_language> do encapsulation?
✪ What is abstraction?
✪ How is abstraction accomplished?
✪ What is Inheritance?
✪ Give an example of Inheritance
✪ What are advantages of Inheritance?
✪ Are there any limitations of Inheritance?
✪ What are different types of Inheritance?
✪ Which type of inheritance does <your_language> support?
✪ What is a super class/sub class?
✪ What is polymorphism?
✪ What are different types of polymorphism? Explain.
✪ What is Method Overloading?
✪ What is Method Overriding?
✪ Tell the difference between Overloading and Overriding.
✪ How does <your_language> support overloading and overriding?
4️⃣ Constructor and Destructor
✪ What is a constructor?
✪ What are different types of constructor?
✪ What do you mean by a default constructor?
✪ What is a parameterised constructor?
✪ What is a copy constructor?
✪ When is a constructor invoked?
✪ Is a parent class constructor invoked when a child class constructor is invoked? In which order?
✪ Is creation of an object mandatory? If no, when?
✪ Can an interface have a constructor?
✪ What is a destructor?
✪ When is a destructor invoked?
✪ Is destructor invoked automatically or manually?
✪ Does <your_language> support defining a destructor?
✪ In which order destructors are invoked in case of inheritance?
✪ What is garbage collection?
✪ How does <your_language> do garbage collection?
5️⃣ Design Patterns
✪ What is a design pattern?
✪ What is GoF?
✪ Mention categories in which all design patterns are classified.
✪ What do you mean by creational design pattern?
✪ Define all creational design patterns.
✪ What do you mean by structural design pattern?
✪ Define all structural design patterns.
✪ What do you mean by behavioural design pattern?
✪ Define all behavioural design patterns.
✪ What do you mean by Singleton?
✪ Why is singleton necessary?
✪ Doesn't Singleton break the purpose of OOPs?
✪ What is a Facade?
✪ What is a Factory?
✪ What is a Builder?
✪ What is a composite?
✪ How is composite different from inheritance?
✪ What is an adapter? Give some example.
✪ What is a decorator? Give some example.
✪ What is a Proxy?
✪ Explain different type of proxies.
✪ What is chain of responsibility?
✪ What is a bridge?
✪ Difference between a bridge and adapter?
✪ What is service locator design pattern?
✪ What is dependency injection?
✪ Difference between Service Locator and Dependency Injection
✪ What is MVC?
✪ What is a DAO?
✪ What is a DTO?
✪ Define the strategy to describe a design pattern.
The next 🧵 of this series will provide questions from
1️⃣ Class/Interface Design
2️⃣ More on OOPs
3️⃣ More on Design Patterns
Find "Interview Questions" that I post for few other subjects, 👇
Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) Interview Questions
• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim only these type of questions are/should be asked during interviews
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
Series: 1️⃣
Level: Beginner
1️⃣ Algorithms
2️⃣ Data Structures
3️⃣ Array
4️⃣ Array-Algorithms
✪ I am Swapna from India 🇮🇳
✪ I had 10+ years of Experience
✪ I was a Software Architect
✪ I quit job in 2016 for health issues
✪ I am now a Tech Educator
✪ I will soon have my Blog, Portfolio and YT Channel
• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim during interviews, only these type of questions are/should be asked
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
Series: 1️⃣
Level: Beginner
1️⃣ Basics
2️⃣ Tags and Elements
3️⃣ HTML Structure
4️⃣ Headings, New Line, Blank Space
5️⃣ Tables
• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim during interviews, only these type of questions are/should be asked
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
0️⃣ Basics (What, Why, How)
1️⃣ Traversal
2️⃣ IsEmpty
3️⃣ Size
4️⃣ Fetch an Element
5️⃣ Insert an Element
6️⃣ Delete an Element
7️⃣ Time & Space Complexities
✪ What is a variable?
✪ How to name a variable/Choose a valid variable name?
✪ Is "$" allowed in variable names?
✪ Can variable names begin with a numeric digit? If no, why?