Care staff are due to be given their marching orders today. Most unions have been useless. If you or anyone you know has resisted this far & are wondering what to do next, this thread will give a few pointers. #Nojabnojob#vaccinemandate 1/
Start by joining the Workers of England Union. @WofEUnion have been the most explicitly anti-mandate union in the country. They have already helped many care staff challenge this mandate. We will soon learn if they have been successful, but they have some great advice. 2/
Solicitors firm @pjhlaw have provided a template letter you can send to an employer that puts them on notice and goes thru various legal mechanisms which they can be challenged on. They also have a letter regarding school jabs. Scroll down this page -… 3/
The government themselves say that you can self exempt until the Covid pass system is operational. This keeps getting pushed back because it is unworkable. 4/…
Most unions are saying there's nothing they can do to help a care worker escape the mandate but that after they're sacked, the union may be able to help with an appeal for wrongful dismissal, so at the very least, this is a pledge the unions must be taken up on. 5/
Many scientists are speaking about problems w/ the jabs. Including many who are still declaring overall support for them. You may want to cite some of the data & studies they talk about. Heres Dr John Campbell discussing dangerous injection technique. 6/
The fight against fascism is a bedrock of the left but during Covid our collectivist principles were misappropriated by a nefarious Tory govt which used this 'crisis' to crack down on civil liberties & line pockets of big pharma lobbyists 1/
The govt cultivated an illusion of incompetence, which scared the public into supporting indefinitely extended, ever increasing social controls in the face of apparent govt inaction. It’s much easier to turn the screw when the people are asking for it. 2/
'Leaks’ of unbelievable remarks such as “let the bodies pile high” were surely theatre, designed to scare us into supporting mask mandates, ruinous lockdowns & poorly tested injections from companies like Pfizer, who were fined $4.3bn for lies about their medications. 3/
I've been challenging the Executive of my NHS Trust for over a year with regular questions submitted to a live Q&A, which is archived publicly on YouTube
The Chief Exec has dodged some key questions, but has given revealing answers to others... 1/
When asked if he'd challenged the govts arbitrary decision to give the 2nd dose 12 weeks following the 1st, rather than 3 weeks (which trial safety & efficacy data was predicated on) he said he had, very strongly, but was told by govt "that's just how it's going to be" 2/
When asked if he agreed with a jab mandate, he said he did not, and that it was "right" that people should have a choice. But that he would implement the mandate when the govt ordered him to. #JustDoingMyJob #NoJabNoJob 3/