I bought a food processor & air fry veg & potatoes
LOSS: Highly processed food & take away meals
eg. any food I could not make myself in my kitchen
GAINS: Shopping at the farmers market & eating things like fresh venison heart, local cheeses & homemade soups. Getting random organic vegetables delivered & learning more about food
LOSS: Fortified foods
These substances are leading contributors to death & disorder:
😠Vitamin A
😠Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine
There is less danger from other B vitamins & Vitamin D but fortification is not ideal.
GAINS: More natural diet, better health.
My perception is fairly unique
The biggest factor in health is 'natural'
I believe it helps to eat with☯️balance:
Eat in: 1) natural light during the day 2) warm dim light after sundown
Eat: 3) dairy/plants/fruit in sunlight hours 4) meat heavy after sundown
🔄With the cycles of nature
Eat: 1) foods in season 2) local produce (or produce from where you were born / your ancestors ate)
Eat more: 3) greens, vegetables and plants in the spring + summer 4) fruits, roots, and meat in the autumn + winter
Melatonin production happens 24 hours a day - this goddess healer and master antioxidant is not only a night-time pineal gland thing!
Melatonins regulates so much including your:
💎leptin (hunger drive)
1. Sync with the sun
Suggested Hacks:
A. Embrace sunlight in daytime
Eat outside, take breaks outside, walk & cycle more, work/exercise outside, walking meetings
B. Embrace darkness after sun down
Switch overhead lights to dim lamps or candles, swap video for audio media
2. Use infrared light to your advantage
Suggested Hacks:
A. be in the sun early in the day and later in the afternoon to boost melatonin production from the red light spectrum
B. use a red light devices eg. infrared sauna unit, blanket or bag, red light therapy device
Your medical professional is often only able to treat you once they have evidenced your condition.
They cannot trust your first-hand reports but need evidence they can see in your bio-responses, scans or blood tests for example.
This means they miss a lot. This is an issue.
The most significant thing medics are unable to 'see' is your accurate magnesium status.
A blood test DOES NOT indicate the level of magnesium in your cells/tissue/organs. Less than 0.8% of you total body magnesium is (tightly regulated) in your blood:
@nikkalidimitri Where can I find a doctor that is willing to apply my research into magnesium being the most significant aspect in covid on critical patients?
All symptoms point back to excess intracellular calcium causing a chain of events. Magnesium addresses this.
This has likely been missed due to blood test culture yet Mg tightly regulated in blood at less than 0.8% total body amount so bloods are not reflective of tissue status. Looks like this could have been overlooked in many diseases perhaps.
Magnesium deficiency linked to dietary intake, cultural diets, stress, age, diabetes and hypertension etc as well as closely linked to vitamin D status.
I have also designed a novel administration method to help Mg supplies stretch as oral route limited absorption & IV a shock.
My research leads me to understand electric light use + low levels of magnesium are the primary causes of Alzheimers.
Melatonin is the primary remover of aluminium yet cortisol is too high to make enough & we do not have enough darkness at night.
To improve your dementia use my Stark Dark Protocol
Address Environment: 1) Make bedroom totally dark. No standby lights. Use blackout blinds etc. 2) Switch off WiFi. Leave phone outside of room. Sleep away from electric sources. 3) Alter bed to use inclined bed therapy if poss.
S1. Heal damage:
4) Drink warm milk with colostrum before bed to heal gut permeability. Human best, then goat, then bovine. For 2-4 weeks. I use baby bottle to mimic suckling per nature's design. 5) Take magnesium glycinate supplement 1hr before bed in dark. Stay in darkness.
1) Give your body magnesium supplementation as you will have been deficient for years in calcium rich diets. It is needed in every cell & for hundreds of processes.
2) Get lots of sleep plus fresh air & sunlight. This reduces stress & improves immunity.
3) Protect your cells from oxidation by ensuring adequate intake of ALL of these:
👍Vitamin C (water soluble acid)
👍Vitamin E (fat soluble compound)
👍Selenium (mineral)
👍Zinc (mineral)
👍Manganese (mineral)
These all benefit skin health, epithelium and cellular health.
4) Deal with current oxidative stress (aka redox state) due to higher levels of oxidants v antioxidants in the body.
I call this balance the 'Stress to Nutrient Ratio'.
You need lots of anti-oxidants to process the oxidants being created & deactivate them to balance this out.