Nutrition * Psychology * Innovation * Critical Thought
Honesty & Hot Takes a given!
I write, speak, present, perform, coach and conduct workshops.
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Oct 13, 2023 • 24 tweets • 5 min read
I don't post a huge amount about the #mRNA vaccines as it is a tense topic for many and my content is designed to be solution-orientated, thought provoking, useful or positive.
But I did want to share some info on the recent paper on heart damage showing for asymptomatic people.
Study title: Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients
"Frohlich argued that as organisms are made up of strongly dipolar molecules packed rather densely together (c.f. the 'solid state' cell), electric and elastic forces will constantly interact."
"The excited molecules/membranes will vibrate at various characteristic frequencies resulting from the coupling of electrical displacements to mechanical deformations."
Jan 25, 2023 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
I predict very similarly for us here in the UK linked to the cost of living crisis on the back of the pandemic stressors.
When a man is feeling insecure about his 'masculine powers' it affects his prostate especially.
Some things that may become retarded: progress, development, growth, plan, economy, implementation, system, processes, & ejaculation!
Jan 24, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
I've listen to Wayne Dyer on & off for a few decades now.
He was a self-help author & speaker from America.
He was a fairly big influencer when I started my self-improve journey when I was a teenager.
I just came across this lovely story again so thought I'd share it:
Wayne's walking down the beach one day and a lady with a Mid-West accent stops him to chat.
She shares where she is from and that she's thinking about moving to the area and asks him what it is like living here.
Wayer asks her what people are like where she currently lives?
Jan 23, 2023 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Today I used the Human Design System to get my chart
to give myself some clarity.
It somewhat links to i-ching which I already use now & again.
It uses your birth date so you:
1. Discover Your Type & Strategy 2. Understand Your Inner Authority 3. Begin Your Experiment
There are 4 Types and mine is 'Generator'
My 'Strategy' is to make decisions by responding to stimuli.
This was accurate as I personally choose to be highly stimulated in my day & generate a lot of ideas, emotions & energy.
Dec 12, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
⚖️Look at this study & its insights into our need for balance in the body.
Magnesium (Mg) & calcium (Ca) are a balancing pair - they need each other for optimum function.
I advise folks to eat dairy & meat (+ others) for plenty of calcium yet to consider additional magnesium.
When working with me I suggest folks consider getting the following blood tests to get a peek at these elements:
We can then calculate Mg:Ca ratio status - the balance between the two!
Dec 11, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I can't help but think so much of science is backwards.
There seems to be many an assumption that one thing affects another thing in the yang 'active voice' mindset.
When you also consider a yin 'passive voice' potential you can play with the ideas around physical 'forces'.
Perhaps the world does not work on the notion of forces but instead assents?
Maybe our greatest scientific minds in the public domain have been men using a stronger masculine paradigm and a conflict mindset to assume the world works from a force and yield relationship dynamic?
Dec 10, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The financial cost of using my program has not yet been set as I need to take guidance on this topic.
There will be a cost to you in other ways though - through your:
My program includes a system to manage expectations, a contract & pledge aspects.
This is because boundaries, responsibilities and tone are important.
When we know what to expect and why, we can relax & trust more.
This also allows creativity and honesty to flow.
Nov 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Magnesium regulates Vitamin D levels
Vitamin D3 aka 25(OH)D3 aka calcifediol in blood is regulated at around 30ng/mL.
Magnesium reduces the level if higher.
I have yet to learn why this happens so your thoughts are welcome.
"Magnesium supplementation increased the 25(OH)D3 concentration when baseline 25(OH)D concentrations were close to 30 ng/mL, but decreased it when baseline 25(OH)D was higher (from ∼30 to 50 ng/mL)"
When a scientist does not agree with the majority position bad things can happen.
This happened to aluminium researcher Dr Chris Exley while at @KeeleUniversity
This is his substack blog explaining how aluminium forms can have negative effects on life:…
Dr Exley observed rainbow trout avoiding aluminium in their environment linked to pH.
"Avoidance that was demonstrated at pHs of 5.00, 5.50, & 5.75 was abolished at a pH of 6.00. Fry avoided very low Al concentrations, being sensitive to [Al] > 1.00 μmol L−1 at a pH of 5.00."
Nov 23, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Has anyone disproved my theory that covid is only an issue due to widespread magnesium defieciency yet?
"Magnesium deficiency increases platelet aggregation & adhesiveness, & inhibits growth & migration of endothelial cell, potentially altering microvascular functions"
"Magnesium deficit have been shown to potentiate endothelial dysfunction by means of the activation of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB), a well-known transcription mediator of proinflammatory pathways."
Nov 14, 2022 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
🧵Magnesium oxide🧵
MgO is a 'cheap' form of magnesium & the most common one available from over-the-counter providers eg supermarkets, health shops, chemists
It has the highest percentage of magnesium to chelate but can be too harsh for some - resulting in urgent toilet trips!
'MgO' is the chemical formula for Magnesium Oxide
It is made up of 'charged' molecules aka ions
The positively charged magnesium Mg2+ ions bond with negatively charged oxygen O2- ions
Structure can be shown like this:
Green - Mg
Red - O
1. Eating animal products daily as these contain the highest levels of many of the anti-calcification nutrients I talk about below.
(I only base my recommendations on latest science not social trends).
Jan 11, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
It is more likely that humans are doing what they have always done...
... than there is a massive co-ordinated conspiracy where lots of people are deliberately choosing evil
Humans generally:
😶Do as they are told by perceived authority figures
😶Do not want to be responsible for poor decisions
😶Think & live in familiar patterns
😶Care & worry
When they have an 'upline' telling them what to do they feel safer as that person has the accountability.
Nov 22, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Based on current knowledge this is my diet perspective:
Really low carb
Unsaturated fats
Frequent fasting especially in Spring/Summer
Seasonal local foods
Quality animal proteins
Saturated fats
Eating less & occasional fasting in Autumn/Winter
This is because your nervous system is the most important thing to protect.
Anything that stresses you when you are trying to navigate an already hyper stimulating and stress inducing world is not ideal.
Nature means the body can deal with more cortisol during colder months.
Nov 18, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Staples in my fridge/cupboard across a fortnight & meals:
Goat milk for kefir
Honey (various - am a honey fiend)
Porridge oats
Berries (fresh and frozen)
Apples (mostly organic as crazy pesticide levels)
Various organic veggies
Fresh meat
Venison heart
Liver pate
Baked beans
Stock cubes
Coconut milk
Black garlic
Dried mushrooms
Milled seeds
Dark chocolate
Sea salt
Olive oil
Berry juice - pomegranate, cranberry, raspberry etc
Bone broth
Mineral water - glass bottle
Nov 18, 2021 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
The microbiome: beginners🧵
The next period in health will orientate around the microbiome.
This is actually health knowledge focus forgotten due to blood test culture & reductionist ways.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, concluded this towards the end of his life:
I am noticing people talking about the microbiome incorrectly and this is an important topic so I have put this thread together.
The human microbiome is a collection of diverse microorganisms that live throughout your body - both inside & outside of it.
Your situation: 1) Concerned about having a poor reaction to the vaccine/booster 2) Have decided to take the vaccine/booster as feel like you have no choice
Key recommendation: Supplement with magnesium glycinate month before & carry on after the injection
Magnesium will help your health, sleep and immunity right across the board. There are thousands of studies into some of the ways magnesium helps with disease, disorder etc.
If you are new to me or magnesium please read about us here:
I have become more conscious of my food & drink choices.
LOSS: Carbonated drinks
eg. cola, lemonade, sparkling spring water
GAIN: Quality mineral water in glass bottle
I also leave the water bottles in sunlight and bless the water with gratitude!
LOSS: Seed & nut oils
eg. Oils made from flaxseed, sesame, sunflower, corn, rapeseed etc
= Crisps, fries, most freezer foods & sauces with these oils in