@lottieflying Given the asymmetries of Power between ordinary people and Institutions of Power, Wealth and their news Mefia who all work together to limit the 'public discourse' it's easy to not see the majority of decent people who ARE taking care as best the circumstances afford them.
@lottieflying That is a strategic aim, to dim our view of each other, as a way to exhaust, irritate, dismay, confuse and otherwise defect grass roots unity and political organisation.
Gaslighting us all the time...
The Powerful understand that if and when we break that spell, it's game over.
@lottieflying You, I and many, many people nationally and globally are breaking that spell. Yet even as that happens, more avoidable harm is caused, and we cannot but feel the pain, feel the frustration when we know we know how to avoid those harms.
I imagine a circle of the most inspired, persistent and clear activists, holding hands, facing outwards and I am in that circle, and I can feel that behind me is a circle of really, really good people, always at work, even when I forget.
@lottieflying The circle includes ancestors, it includes the spirits of future activists, because our work is part of a historical work, confronting violent hierarchies, abusers of leveraged power, acting in ways that impede their violence, undo their power. Progress is slow, yet determined.
"Nearly 40 per cent of respondents said that they wanted another lockdown due to concerns around rising Covid infections and NHS capacity as the country enters flu season."
@lottieflying and so some days it is much harder to bear, and this is part of what it is, as it is...
We cannot afford to switch off that sensitivity, because it is a core part of why we do what do - because we care, in the most humane way imaginable.. vulnerable and strong at the same time.
I am a sound engineer, musician, performer and have not played in venues since September 2020. I do morning shows and a weekly 2 hour show on Wednesday evening on Facebook and I have written a stream of covid era songs, parodies to tell the truth.
@lottieflying Somedays it's been really difficult, with financial restrictions, missing my live work and the social element of that, and being really furious.
A playlist of my covid songs.
I am lucky - I have my craft to help me get through this, and a small audience
@lottieflying I've had Covid once, in March 2020, and it lasted for 5 weeks, with significant sequelae for 5 months, and then the Vaccine helped resolve most of those symptoms, I spent the summer running, writing, gardening. I live in social housing and it's a bit precarious. it's tough.
Savige Javid has a financial interest in delays in receiving medical attention. #Sajid
Private Eye this week
"In truth, Sajid Javid was a key player in the international banking developments – and catastrophes – of the past three decades.
Javid began his financial career after graduating from Exeter in 1991, when he got a job with Chase Manhattan Bank
WWI did not start with the assassination of Duke Ferdinand - the anarchist who shot him was part of the long standing battles for dominance that had raged across Europe for centuries.
The Germans, French, the British and Russians had alliances that we part of their various Empire plans, Empires built by warfare...
All War Is Child Abuse.
The grandchildren of those who died, and those who survived, traumatised, all know this.
@JolyonMaugham@mrjamesob Goldsmith is gaslighting, a bully tactic 1. Lockdowns only happen when spread of virus is so out of control that health services might collapse - in other words a lockdown is a failure to stop the spread. 2. The reason this is a problem for the government is because it threatens
@JolyonMaugham@mrjamesob their position, their status, their power. The reaction of the population IF the NHS collapsed under the strain is the problem they fear, not the actual harms caused to people. 3. Govt. allowing uncontrolled spread as we tweet, on the basis that Vaccines protect their position
@JolyonMaugham@mrjamesob The reality is they do not care one whit for our health or well being unless and only when it threatens their power. 4. c.150,000 deaths, 1 million long covid, more cases every day, 3 million business people excluded from economic support, poverty increased - they don't care
2005, Blairs Government introduced Work Capability Assessment.
Have you ANY idea just how much harm that caused to real people, which was predicted at the time? ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
Has anyone been made to account for Austerity, which caused 150,00 excess deaths?
The English System is built to insulate the officers of State from accountability for crimes they commit on 'Her Majesty's Service' which is the Crown as State, not the Queen as the person.
It is a Ruling class pretending at Democratic Accountability.
#BeKind dwylcorneilius.blogspot.com/2021/04/kindne…
Kindness is ancient. Kindness makes us humane. Kindness is big. Being humane is a thing. Being humane is the biggest thing. We cannot be fully human if we are not also humane.
When we study the evolution of the human neuro-endocrine system and how it functions we discover something. It is optimised for a peaceful life, with occasional moments of stress. It is not optimised for constant, chronic stress.
Egalitarian life is generally peaceful, healthy, grounded in solid emotional attachment, mature affective state self regulation which reduces incidence of lost tempers thus prevented general violence - peaceful people tend not to have short fuses. Peaceful people are patient.
1. Low income people are made to feel bad about being worth only a below living wage
2. Then we are made to feel bad about accepting state support
3. Then we are made to feel bad that we don’t own homes, and must rent.
4. Then our rent pays others mortgages plus their profit whilst they take the increase in property values. This extracts wealth from us to the lenders whose shareholders off shore that wealth.
5. They then use that wealth to fund think tanks, lobbyists and political donation to persuade politicians to maintain all of 1-4, to continue extracting wealth.
6. Middle class mortgage debt is designed to make that fear socialism and hate the poor for triggering guilt