John Fetterman: I've had the honor of being on numerous picket lines over the last few months; invariably, these are the men & women we called "essential" during the pandemic. They need to be treated well & paid accordingly. @JohnFetterman
John Fetterman: The #Kelloggstrike in Lancaster was remarkable b/c the company wants a 2-tier wage system & the older, established employees are saying NO & are standing up for the newer workers who would be paid less under that plan. @JohnFetterman
John Fetterman: John Deere tried to create a two-tier wage system & it failed. @JohnFetterman
John Fetterman: "Essential" workers? It needs to be more than lip service. They stuck in there during the pandemic, allowing businesses to make record profits, & they should be paid accordingly. Reward them for their work. I have nothing but respect for them. @JohnFetterman
John Fetterman: Ironworkers were offered a nickel raise in the 3rd year of a 5-year contract. Are you shitting me?? Pay your workers the value they create, & everyone comes out ahead. @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
John Fetterman: We need the PRO Act. We need to come together as Democrats & raise the federal minimum wage & pass the PRO Act. @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
John Fetterman: WE are the party that delivered the new infrastructure bill. WE are the party that believes you have the right to form & join a union. @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
John Fetterman: The #union way of life is sacred, and the strikes we're seeing are righteous. The companies need to deliver to the employees who got them through the pandemic. "Essential" isn't just a talking point. @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
John: I've visited numerous picket lines; I'll be going to another one tomorrow, in fact. Ppl across PA understand that the people on strike are fighting for what they deserve. It's truly inspiring & energizing to see them look out for each other @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
John Fetterman: In these unprecedented times with insurrections, attacks on unions, etc., we need to come together & pass the Build Back Better Plan. @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
John Fetterman: Pat Toomey is truly a gifted politician. He has managed to be disliked & unwanted by both Republicans and Democrats. @JohnFetterman#Strikesgiving#1u
Hamilton Nolan: People need healthcare, higher wages. Climate change is a real issue, as is homelessness. When we get in these culture wars, all the oxygen is sucked out of the room. @hamiltonnolan@inthesetimesmag
Hamilton Nolan: When you're a journalist & part of the media, hopefully you follow these things a little more closely. We've seen the playbook before in the 90s, with gays in the military, flag burning...We need to get to the real issues. @hamiltonnolan@inthesetimesmag
Hamilton Nolan: The Labor movement itself is the vision --they address racial & gender inequality, for ex. The Labor movement can change the electorate of America. People are seeing a democratic organization at work on the picket lines. @hamiltonnolan@inthesetimesmag
Jason Walsh: People have been talking about the Build Back Better bill as a social safety bill, among other things, but we want to talk about it as a jobs bill that builds an economy for more people. @BGAlliance
Jason Walsh: Probably the biggest job creator for clean energy over the last 10 years has been clean energy tax credits. We have prevailing wage & Buy American, which both are incl in clean energy tax credits, not only creating jobs but lifting job access. @BGAlliance
Jason Walsh: We're at a pretty historic point in the history of American vehicles. There will be tax credits for buying electric vehicles (EV) made in the US, & add'l tax credits for EV made by US union workers. @BGAlliance
Bob Ney: If we look back at history, it was VP Biden who went to Obama personally to tell him to go out & talk to the people about the bills he was passing, to get the PR, the credit. I think Pres. Biden would get a lot of credit for making an infrastructure tour of US. @bobney
Bob Ney: I was on 2 infrastructure bills. We would have our bipartisan ribbon-cutting ceremonies, & it was good.
Rick: Lots of pomp & circumstance, getting your picture in paper--I can't believe infrastructure didn't pass 435 to 0.
Bob: It's the dysfunction of Congress. @bobney
Bob Ney: I found it interesting that Xi Jinping kept saying, "My old friend, my old friend," & Pres. Biden said, "Yes, we know each other..." @bobney
Tony DiPerna: What a great week, with Apprenticeship Week & President Biden signing the Infrastructure bill. Great paying wages, benefits--the building trades are the last stop for middle class America. @imiweb@IUBAC
Tony DiPerna: It's a trade, a skill you can take anywhere in the world. #UnionYes @imiweb@IUBAC
Tony DiPerna: We do brick, tile, terrazzo, & so much more, which is why we're the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers. @imiweb@IUBAC
Scott Paul: It's a major achievement to get a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill across the finish line. Many Presidents have talked about it but Pres. Biden delivered. Some Republicans voted YES on it, too. @ScottPaulAAM@KeepitMadeinUSA
Scott Paul: I think it's good for Pres. Biden to be heading to areas where there's a need & where the infrastructure bill will help them meet those needs. Roads, bridges, elec. vehicle charging stations, & so much more. @ScottPaulAAM@KeepitMadeinUSA
Scott Paul: This infrastructure money will help people from Alaska to Hawaii, from Maine to Florida. @ScottPaulAAM@KeepitMadeinUSA
Alex N. Press: @IATSE workers approved a new contract, avoiding a strike of 60,000 workers. The vote was almost split, 50/50. There are two contracts, & the other one didn't pass but b/c of an archaic electoral college-style process, the contract passed @alexnpress#Strikesgiving
Alex N. Press: There is a lot of upset over the vote since it was so close. People were hoping they'd get longer weekend hours off, that they'd have a stronger contract. @alexnpress#Strikesgiving#1u
Alex Press: The majority voted against a contract that was still ratified, & that brings to mind the 2018 UPS contract. This year at the convention, the Teamsters got rid of the 2/3 rule that caused the UPS contract to be approved. Will IATSE change their rules, too? @alexnpress