OK it'll be more from /2
This was predictable from the very start
This was seen as an opportunity for disinformation from the very start
And highjacked accordingly, by the funders of chaos that, among others, supported Trump/Brexit/Cambridge Analytica
The exact same players playing the exact same game
Again, all but surprising
(Note this network of shadowy funding coincidentally promoted by RT also funds campaigns to dismantle public health. The "pandemic opportunity" to help with that was *not* missed)
It makes sense they're moving to climate change denial as that was the end game *from the start*
"Surprisingly", countries (eg Russia) & billionaires (Atlas Network shadowy funders) who need oil&gas profits will fund/support/organise *anything* that helps
This is just one part of the story -There are many other players, but the end game is always the same.
People will stand for their interest.
And some people's interest is to doom us all, with all means available.
Oh my
Today my 5 years old invited his (also 5 years old) girlfriend.
At one point they went silent.
Yes, that's when you want to go check.
I found them together in bed, drapes shut.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"We're making love" my 5 years old say.
😬 You're WHAT?!? 😬
I mean, he's 5.
We did NOT have this conversation yet.
He knows about daddy's seed meeting mummy's seed in mummy's belly, but the part about how the seed transfers there exactly has not been discussed yet.
Me: "What do you think that means?"
He: "It's how we'll have a baby" 🤨
Other than that, turns out he knows nothing.
His (5 years old) girlfriend was more knowledgeable:
"When you are in love, you go into the bed, you turn off the lights and then the boy puts his leg on you".
And here we went for the discussion about how kids don't grown up stuff.
I assume it's quite easy to manipulate panicked migrants who've just been told they were going to be sent back to the country they fled starting Thursday
They are basically bullets for Lukashenko
h/t @HannaLiubakova@TadeuszGiczan
And here it comes
Commit agression through proxies (and/or with the help of secret services), then play the victim blaming the resistance to agression while denying any responsibility
This is so Putin’s book 1.0.1 he should file a complaint for infringement of the copyright
Yes, that’s ironic.
An out of control Belarus requiring “pacification” by an “ally” as it can’t deal by itself anymore is not just gifting Putin a territory he has eyed on for years, but also a border with its other target territory.
I just tried making a phone call on the calculator
Focussing on work is going to go gre💤t
Oh good
As I re-read my 200 French History to spot as many mistakes as I can (it's more than 100,000 words, so yep mistakes slip through), I just noticed that the (human) corrector tasked to do that before me actually *added* mistakes
Gee thanks
(Don't trust Word's corrector FGS)
I re-read everything three times on different days to make sure there would be no blatant mistake and now I have to re-read every f**king single 100k word because the person tasked withcorrecting my text added errors...
So there's no way to get rid of it?
Oh there is.
And it also would get us rid of other viruses (eg remember that thing called stomach flu?), and quite a few nosocomial infections
it's called *ventilation*
Today is WWI Armistice.
When the conflict started, French soldiers were wearing a very patriotic uniform (roughly the same than in the 1870s).
Very easy to spot from afar.
It was the point.
It was to make sure our artillarymen could see their pals and avoid shooting them.
It was indeed very efficient: Even in the messier battle, it was *really* easy to spot French soldiers.
Slight problem: It was *really* easy for the enemy too...
In July 1914, a decision was taken to remplace them with grey uniforms made with blue, white and blue threads.
But - Production facilities where located where the fights raged. Finding colouring agents was, well, tricky -It was war.
So "quickly" a plan B was set:
In August 1915, a new light blue uniform was officially adopted.
Soldiers had to wait until the end of 1916 to be all equipped.