A study out of Northwestern University shows post-booster antibody levels not only exceeded antibody levels documented after natural infection with COVID-19, but after two doses of vaccine, AND levels after both natural infection AND vaccination as well.
Let’s talk about that!🧵
Here, researchers measured anti-receptor binding domain (RBD) IgG and surrogate virus neutralization of the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the human angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2) receptor, before and after COVID-19 boosters in healthy adults.
Participants e-consented and completed online surveys regarding COVID-19 viral history and vaccination status. Finger stick dried blood spot (DBS) samples were self-collected prior to booster administration and 6-10 days after receiving mRNA booster vaccine (paired samples).
Results were compared with data from a prior community-based study using the same protocols, which quantified antibody responses after diagnosis of COVID-19 or administration of a second dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
So what did they find? Researchers documented large antibody responses after the administration of the booster, with antibody levels that EXCEEDED levels documented after natural infection with COVID- 19, after two doses of vaccine, or after both natural infection AND vaccination
(i.e, Hybrid Immunity). Surrogate neutralization of B.1.617.2 (Delta) was high but obviously reduced in comparison with wild-type SARS-CoV-2. Researchers concluded this data supported the use of boosters to help prevent breakthrough infections and suggested that antibody-mediated
immunity may last longer than after the second dose of vaccine. “While waning antibodies may contribute to breakthrough infections, it is important to investigate the effects of boosters on cell-mediated immunity.”
YES, you cannot forget about cell-mediated immunity. Antibodies are just one part of the immune response BUT they can help us prevent the occurrence of breakthrough infections, especially in those that can’t mount a sufficient immune response in time. bbc.com/news/health-59…
Good thing is I have some additional studies I can give you guys that can give some more insight and help with study limitations! To start, the burning question: how long do they last? Initial data out of Israel shows 9-10 months, potentially even longer. timesofisrael.com/pfizer-booster…
Published in The Lancet. Peer-reviewed. Large sample size. Sound methodology. Real-world data. The study provides the largest peer-reviewed evaluation of the effectiveness of a third "booster" dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in Israel. thelancet.com/journals/lance…
Real-world data out of England on booster effectiveness shows OVER 90% vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection when comparing boosted vaccinated individuals to unvaccinated individuals. NOTE: these results were in HIGH-RISK groups. khub.net/documents/1359…
Do booster doses increase neutralizing antibodies AND T-cell responses against SARS-COV-2? This study out of Chile on a booster dose of inactivated vaccines shows JUST that. medrxiv.org/content/10.110….
So, for the rest of us, what's the point of boosters? Preventing infections. Controlling transmission. If we CAN prevent infections in the most vulnerable populations, that’s a huge win and boosters seem to allow us to do just that. Prevention is key. medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
If you’re wondering what difference a booster makes.
Real-world data out of England on booster effectiveness shows OVER 90% vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection when comparing boosted vaccinated individuals to unvaccinated individuals.
•When comparing VE of boosters vs. a primary two-dose series as a baseline, the booster ADDED 81-85% protection against symptomatic infection. That is ON TOP of what one already has from their primary two-dose series.
Speaking from personal experience as I just went online to check for myself, you can just book a booster shot at any pharmacy. They don’t really care about who’s eligible. If you want one, get one. You’re not taking it out of someone’s arm. They’re throwing vaccines away.
It is likely we are going to see the loosely defined restrictions drop today, as they have been increasingly confusing for most and everyone 18+ will be allowed to get a COVID-19 booster.
There we go. FDA clears Moderna and Pfizer's Covid vaccine booster shots for ALL U.S. adults. Just like that. cnbc.com/2021/11/19/fda…
I’m seeing a lot of confusion today. Would it help if I composed a thread on boosters? I do have some real-world data that may be helpful.
Also, good morning! ☀️
There seems to be a lot of confusion today regarding the subject of boosters so let’s see if I can make this a little bit easier to understand so that you can make an informed decision. Let’s do this.
To start off, new real-world data out of England on booster effectiveness shows OVER 90% vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection when comparing boosted vaccinated individuals to unvaccinated individuals. Most have probably seen the headline that boosters will be
Yes, the vaccines ARE effective against the Delta variant. Yes, you will want both doses for maximum protection. Yes, they’re effective against preventing symptomatic infection, severe disease, AND hospitalization. Several studies have proven this now. Stop the misinformation.
Also, yes, this does include Johnson & Johnson. Why are variants unlikely to FULLY evade vaccine-induced immunity?
•Vaccines are polyclonal (Abs)
•CD8+ T-cells covering 52 epitopes across the spike protein
•CD4+ T-cells covering 23 epitopes across the spike protein
Real-world data out of Ontario, Canada regarding vaccine effectiveness (reduction associated with full vaccination) shows:
“Breakthrough” infections DO NOT mean vaccines don’t work. Remember, they are preventives NOT cures. One can still contract COVID once vaccinated. As long as that vaccine is preventing you from facing severe disease and worse, it IS working and doing what it was designed to do.🧵
Regarding the concerns about waning immunity. Please remember, this is likely referring to infection. NOT effectiveness against symptomatic infection, NOT effectiveness against severe illness. While neutralizing antibodies decrease over time (as they ARE supposed to) protective
immunity provided by memory B-cells and T-cells is STILL present. Remember: Immunological memory consists of antibodies, memory B-cells, memory CD8+ T-cells, and memory CD4+ T-cells. These responses give us enduring protection even against newly emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Fantastic news for your day. Rates of COVID-19 cases, patient numbers, hospital admissions, AND deaths are now ALL falling in England. Week-on-week infections have now dropped for 18 days straight AND cases are falling in ALL age groups.
Read more here: ft.com/content/e11add…. This article also gives a great analysis on the rest of Europe and shows in well-vaccinated countries like the Netherlands and the UK, while cases have climbed close to past peaks, hospitalizations AND deaths remain at LOWER levels.
Keep in mind, this is with no new measures currently implemented in England. Vaccinations, boosters, and acquired/hybrid immunity are doing the heavy lifting here as they should!💪💥