babie dragonji meeting foxxian in the wild for the first time wearing loose robes oozing peak milf behaviour… babieji’s big golden eyes dilating in awe bc he didn’t know fox spirits really existed! xiongzhang only talks about them in bedtime stories! and then he falls in love
babie dragonji dressed all prim and proper at the age of five and then there’s this huli jing frolicking about with his chest right out, unconcerned about predators!!! lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one!!! except babieji runs headfirst into the evil one
“excuse me,” babie dragonji says, all stiff-lipped, his small hands yanking right at the hems of slutty milfxian’s robes. he takes off his smol winter cloak around him and hands it to the fox. “you must be cold.”

foxxian, of course, does not register babieji’s actual intentions.
“oh, so cute!” foxxian bends down low to speak to dragonji at eye-level. lwj’s chubby cheeks flush bright red. now he can see everything inside of foxxian’s robes! everything! not only his cleavage! the rest of his chest too! “don’t worry, I don’t get cold! I have my fur!”
“I insist,” babie dragonji huffs. “please have my coat.”

“oh, so honourable! so gentlemanly! you’ll grow up into such a fine, respectable man!” foxxian gushes, a hand ruffling through lwj’s hair.

lwj does grow up into a fine man indeed. (but maybe not so respectable in bed.)
babie dragonji is so overcome with feral hornee energy that he just chomps down on foxxian’s nine tails. they’re big and fluffy and they KEEP dancing and twirling about in the air like they’re trying to entice suitors in a mating dance. and babie dragonji will be that suitor!!!
lwj’s brain basically goes: tails so big and fluffy… so distracting… must chomp…

wwx: since when did dragons eat foxes?!

lwj: in very fact,, dragons are at the very top of the food chain,, so you should fear me.

wwx: hahaha!!! okay.

wwx never takes babieji seriously 🥺
sometimes when babieji gets too overactive (“wow! children are such a handful!” wwx thinks, “luckily I don’t plan to have any myself!”) wwx plucks babieji off his tails where he’d been chomping and carries babieji with one arm, sticking him to the side of his waist. “bad dragon!”
lwj attempts to breathe fire through his nose. nothing comes out, of course, only the faintest of steam at this point.

when he grows up, he will show what being a bad dragon /actually/ entails.

(just wait for him to grow up! he’s simply biding his time!)
big dragon brother lxc notices there is a problem when lwj keeps disappearing from his afternoon playdates with nhs and instead,, waddles off into the forest by the lake. lxc wonders if lwj has found for himself another friend… he decides to follow him one day (in secret).
he’s delighted to see lwj spending time with a fox spirit who (clumsily) takes care of babieji in the warmth of his own nest!

lxc falls out of the bushes he’d been hiding in, rudely interrupting the two.

“let me introduce myself,” lxc gives an award-winning smile. “I’m lxc.”
“oh, another dragon!” wwx chirps, scrambling to make his acquaintance. he drops lwj back down to the ground, something which lwj angrily objects to.

wwx’s robes are still loose! his chest is out for xiongzhang to see! xiongzhang will fall in love with foxxian for sure!!!!!
“I see you’ve been taking care of my baby brother,” lxc says. “I apologise if he has been bothering you.”

“Not A Baby,” lwj mutters. way to go, big brother, for underselling lwj to the love of his life!

“not a bother at all! he’s so cute,” wwx grins, pinching lwj’s cheeks.
“it is rare to meet fox spirits like yourself,” lxc smiles. “how did little wangji find you?”

“he just came up to me one day and offered me his cloak,” wwx says. “so well-mannered! he said I must be cold. but foxes never get cold!”

“and dragons never share,” lxc ponders. hmm…
“xiongzhang is very busy with sect affairs and needs to return now,” lwj hurriedly insists. “please leave me and wei ying.”

“oh, lan zhan, you just love me so much and want to have me all for yourself, don’t you?” wwx teases, scooping lwj up into his arms again.

…well, yes.
“I see,” lxc grins at the situation before him. “is only one dragon allowed in this space?”

lwj stares hotly at his big brother. “only one predator allowed for one prey.”

“he’s so silly! always talking about being a predator, hahaha, children love these things,” wwx laughs.
“dragons are notoriously territorial,” lxc hints. “perhaps there is still a great deal you need to know about dragons.”

“oh, like what?” wwx hums, hugging lwj to his bosom.

“well, dragons love their treasure,” lxc says. “and once they imprint on you as one, they never let go.”
“that’s cute! lan zhan, let’s go treasure hunting one day,” wwx tells babieji, who’s now curled up happily against his open chest.


“we’ll gather all the treasure you possibly want, okay?”


“only the best for our a-zhan!”


rest in pieces poor fox, lxc thinks.
okay I gotta go host a work event now but I will be BACK for more babie dragonji and milf foxxian. I love them so much my brainrot will never go away
babie dragonji does his best to show foxxian that yes, indeed, he is a Big Boy and can take care of him.

sometimes when he visits foxxian in the forest, wwx is still snoozing in his nest so babie dragonji lays his cloak over him and pats wwx in his sleep.
sometimes the glare from the sun still filters in through the trees so babieji still runs around grabbing for a couple of Big Leaves so he can shade foxxian from the Might Of The Sun.

sometimes foxxian’s bruised cheek has dirt so babieji licks it clean.
sometimes, if lwj is so bold, he goes around hunting for some fresh breakfast for foxxian (who’s still sleeping). he uses his smol dragon claws to capture earthworms and insects and then places it all in a little wooden basket. for his one and only wei ying.
but babie dragonji is still a babie, and this he comes to accept when one day, as he’s scurrying around the forest trying to make sure wwx’s comfortably napping, he sees a shadow looming over him and realises a huge eagle has descended to—EAT HIM.

babie dragons are very tasty!
all at once, wwx’s one eye snaps open, sensing the immediate danger.

not on his watch!

the huli jing’s nine tails flare wide open, dancing behind him as he walks, very intimidatingly, towards the eagle. shrouded in darkness. wwx’s eyes have turned a type of bloodthirsty red.
it seems one of the Wen sons, of the eagle clan, has decided to pay them a visit. the last time they had an altercation, wwx told them if he ever saw one of them again he’d kill them without hesitation.

and now, preying on his one and only lan zhan? today, they meet their death.
wwx swoops in to pick lwj up from the ground and cradles him protectively up against his chest.

“this one is not meant for food,” wwx hisses, extending long, sharp red claws of his in a fierce battle stance. “this one is MINE.”

babieji’s lower lip trembles. wei ying…!
“I didn’t know you had an appetite for dragons as well,” wen chao grins, licking his lips. “don’t you know they’re most delicious when they’re still children?”

“if you dare harm even a strand of his hair,” wwx clutches lwj tighter. “I’ll feed you to the adult dragons myself.”
the dragons are widely feared. they sit at the top of the food chain, after all. they watch over these lands, and command over the rest with an iron fist.

wwx kisses the top of babieji’s head—babieji had been quietly trembling—and says, “don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
wwx is a handful to deal with, wen chao knows this much.

“the dragons are only nearby,” wwx sneers. “and you are on THEIR territory. I happen to be acquainted with the Clan Heir, myself.”

so wen chao ends up fleeing once he realises there is no way he can win against milfxian.
babieji looks up and sniffs in wwx’s face, saying, “wei ying is not that acquainted with xiongzhang.”

not even a thank you! THAT’s the first time lwj says! wwx can’t believe it!

“I am friends with him,” wwx teases, pinching his cheeks. “you won’t let me be friends with him?”
“no,” lwj huffs. “wei ying already has me. one dragon should be enough for wei ying.”

“hmm,” wei ying teases again. “but I am very greedy! I want all the dragons in the world!”

“NO!” lwj cries out.

wwx’s just glad lwj doesn’t have lingering trauma from almost being eaten.
one morning lwj comes waddling into the forest.

“wei ying, wei ying, wake up,” lwj says, prodding at wwx’s cheeks. “my family wants to meet you.”

“your family wants to—WHAT?!” wwx hops right out of the nest he’d been sleeping in. “why?!”

“I told them you saved my life.”
“plus,” lwj seems unhappy to add. “xiongzhang wants to thank you properly.”

“haaa…?” wwx hiccups.

“I think it is good, for wei ying to meet them,” lwj says quietly, hopefully. “it’ll be your first introduction to the family…”

“what was that, lan zhan?”

hand-in-hand, lwj carefully leads wwx across the bridge over the lake that separates the forest from the home of his clan.

wwx enters a place decorated entirely with gold.

the dragons too, are very welcoming creatures.

“huli jing!” lxc greets happily. “we meet again!”
“you saved my baby brother’s life, and we are forever indebted to you.”

“Not A Baby,” lwj mutters again. he looks up to his shufu standing next to his brother, and rightfully informs him, “this is the one I Intend To Marry.”

wait. wwx blinks. WHAT?!
“children are so silly,” wwx laughs nervously, brushing lwj’s comment off. “lan zhan loves playing house with me!”

“foxes are indeed a symbol of fertility,” lqr mumbles, stroking his beard contemplatively. “strong enough to carry our bloodline. good choice, wangji.”

“mn,” babieji says, beaming—BEAMING?!—with praise from his shufu.

lxc laughs nervously. “help yourself to our food,” he says to wwx, gesturing to the buffet spread on the table. “by saving wangji’s life, you’re one of us now. you’re always welcome here for food and for shelter.”
wwx does help himself to the food. it’s the most sumptuous, most luxurious spread he’s ever seen in his life. babieji stands on his chair next to him and helps wipe at wwx’s mouth with a handkerchief every time he gets food stains around his lips.
“why do you live alone in the forest?” lxc asks, curiously. “where is your family?”

lwj glares up at his big brother. “wei ying has his own difficulties.”

“that’s alright,” wwx smiles. “I live alone! my parents passed when I was very young. it’s always only been me.”
“wei ying has me now,” lwj quickly says, afraid of wwx being sad. “and… maybe xiongzhang. and shufu.”

“so charitable, suddenly,” lxc teases.

“I love you too, lan zhan,” wwx grins, hugging babieji close.

lwj smiles. just barely. just wait for him to grow up, wei ying…
one day lwj’s lessons delay him such that he is not able to visit foxxian in the morning, as he usually does. (an inept teacher, lwj thinks. xiongzhang should be better at time management!)

lwj hurries to wwx’s nest in the forest, hoping wwx has not left it yet.
luckily for him, wwx is still there. however, it seems in his absence, wwx has… taken on new company.

(he was only delayed for a few hours! hours!!! and now wwx has become interested in another!!! foxes know no loyalty!!!)

in wwx’s nest is a long, slithery… snake.
the snake is mature and almost fully grown, as wwx is. this is the first time lwj is seeing him, and yet wwx already seems so close to the creature. he’s rubbing ointment onto the snake’s flesh, chiding the snake for his carelessness. it seems the snake is injured of some sort.
“a-cheng, I told you to stop picking a fight with the wens,” wwx sighs.

“they’re irritating!”

“your skin can’t regenerate enough to deal with your injuries!”

for the second time in lwj’s babie life, he feels intense jealousy. wei ying should be rubbing his skin! not him!
lwj lets go of the little basket he’s holding, and tumbles deliberately down onto the ground.


babie dragonji scuffs his knee, and a little bit of his tail, but all that is worth it once he draws foxxian’s attention to him.

“lan zhan! are you okay? poor baby, come here!”
hehe. lan zhan is wei ying’s /baby/.

lan zhan limps over to wei ying’s nest, pretending to sulk into his fists. “It Hurts.”

“there, there,” wei ying all but throws the snake aside in place of lwj. “I’ll rub some ointment onto you.”

“since when did you befriend dragons?” the snake laments, eyeing lwj. “you know they’re our predators, right?”

“aiyah, jiang cheng, my lan zhan could never do anything to hurt me!” wwx grins. “he’s so cute!”

“I could eat wei ying right up,” babieji says.

“see?” wwx laughs.
“he looks harmless NOW…” jc frowns. “you better watch out in the future.”

“watch out for what?” wwx jokes. “lan zhan says he’ll marry me! there’s nothing to watch out for~”

“mn,” lwj affirms, squinting at jc. “marriage with wei ying.”

jc gawks. “and you’re okay with that?!”
“what, marriage?” wwx continues to joke. “I’m already one foot in the door! I’ve already met the dragon clan~”

“mn,” lwj says. “already met my family.”

“wei wuxian, I know you think you’re joking, but my fear is you don’t realise the tenacity of dragons,” jc chokes out.
“what’s so bad about marrying my little lan zhan?” wwx grins, carrying babieji up and squeezing at his chubby cheeks. “I get to play with him all the time!”

“we will do more than playing in the future,” lwj nods seriously, agreeing.

jc gives up. next time, wwx will SEE.
one sunny afternoon they’re in the forest hunting together when wwx comes across a herd of rabbits.

“look!” wwx exclaims, all starry-eyed.

lwj’s already on it. his dragon claws come out. “I’ll skin them for you.” he’s a Big Boy! he can hunt for his fox!

wwx gasps. “Lan Zhan?!”
wwx stoops to the ground, and opens his arms, allowing for one rabbit to hop right in. “they’re so cute!”

lwj… fears he may have gravely misjudged the situation.

“don’t kill me, mister dragon,” wwx imitates a baby rabbit’s voice, as he cradles it. “I’m too cute to be eaten!”
“hm,” lwj says. back in cloud recesses, they always taught him that smaller animals such as rabbits were only meant to be food. but if wei ying finds them cute… “they are cute.”

“spare us, little dragon!” wwx pouts, raising one of the bunny’s little paw. “have mercy on me!”
“…hm…” lwj says. wei ying’s pleading voice is very intoxicating…

“don’t you like rabbits too, lan zhan?” wwx chirps.

lwj gazes at how happy wwx looks, holding those bunnies, and nods. “they’re my second favourite animal.”

as of today.
omg diwa drew the hottest milf foxxian with his TITS out and babieji insisting to cloak it, based on this thread 🤤🤤🤤 give the art some love here!!!
babieji is, once again, making his way into the forest one morning when he overhears a woman’s voice speaking to his wei ying.


babieji hides behind some bushes, and decides to do some eavesdropping.

“a-xian! I love you, but isn’t it time to move out of here?”
“yanli-jie, what are you talking about? I love it here.”

“yes, but isn’t it the dragons’ territory anyway? I’m surprised they even allowed you to stay!”

“I charmed them my very self!”

“yes, but… oh, xianxian, you’re not young anymore, you need to find yourself a companion!”
babieji freezes. a… companion? but HE’s the companion! he’s wei ying’s companion! they decided this long ago!

“I do have a companion! he’s called lan zhan, and he’s a dragon.”

babieji could weep. all this time, he thought wwx wasn’t taking him seriously, but it turns out…
“he’s not the five-year-old dragon a-cheng told me you’ve been hanging out with, is he?”

“hey! lan zhan’s my best friend! we’re best buddies!”

…nevermind. lwj had his hopes way too high up.

“you can’t keep hanging out with a child forever,” she says. “you need to move on.”
wwx actually goes silent at that one. that’s what gets lwj nervous. wwx’s not the type to be so easily swayed, so lwj had faith; and he thought they’d been happy, but… but maybe lwj’s companionship isn’t enough.

he tumbles out of the bushes, and runs forward to hug wwx’s legs.
“don’t leave me,” lwj whispers out, urgently. his short dragon antlers tilt over in sadness. “you have to wait for me to grow up.”

“oh, lan zhan?” wwx’s eyes are wide. “did you hear… all of that?”

“he’s just a baby,” the woman says at the sight of lwj, albeit with a soft sigh.
“this is my shijie,” wwx introduces to lwj. “you can call her yanli-jiejie, just like me!”

“please don’t make him leave,” lwj says, gazing up at her with quivering eyes. even jyl’s heart weakens upon seeing it. “I like it with wei ying around. I want wei ying to stay.”
wwx’s smile is strained. “you heard the boy,” he tells jyl. “I can’t go. it’d break his heart.”

“I just don’t want you to be lonely forever,” jyl sighs. “the child will grow up, and then…”

“and then I’ll take wei ying home, forever,” lwj insists. “we’ll be a family.”
jyl seems bewildered by such a promise—to which wwx sheepishly explains, “ah… lan zhan says he wants to marry me.”

“oh,” jyl laughs. “I thought a-cheng was joking…”

“if wei ying marries me,” lwj frowns. “he won’t be alone. forever.”

jyl grins. “I’ll take your word for it.”
for some reason, jyl actually seems relieved to hear lwj’s words. could it be… she actually takes lwj’s words at face-value? wwx seems confused by such a thing. after all, lwj is just a kid…

ah, well. anything to get her off his back! jyl stops pestering him after that.
lwj and jyl get along pretty well, actually. jyl fields him questions about wwx’s living habits in the forest, and lwj answers them all.

“I visit him every morning,” lwj says. “I take good care of wei ying.”

jyl wipes a tear from her eye. “you’re what I’ve been looking for.”
“you’re weird,” nhs says to him one day, as lwj is forced into another one of his afternoon playdates. “da ge says you hang out with the pretty huli jing in the forest all the time.”

lwj does not take kindly to the insult. it’s bad enough that xiongzhang locked him in here!
“say that again,” the baby dragon scoffs.

“he’s all grown, and you’re just a baby,” nhs points out. “do you think he really likes spending time with you?”

he hits him where it hurts the hardest. “…already plan to marry wei ying,” lwj frowns. “wei ying promised.”
“he’s just humoring you! adults do that to all babies,” nhs taunts. “we’re just balls of fat. and the pretty huli jing has better options.”

babie dragonji’s lower lip quivers. his two short hands reach up to palm at his own chubby cheeks. “…fat? I am unattractive to wei ying?”
“your huli jing is all lean and tall,” nhs nods firmly. “why would he like a baby dragon like you?”

lwj’s big dragon eyes wobble, and they grow watery. “mn.”

nhs has made several points. lwj is not lean and tall. he is not even strong or muscled. he is unattractive to wei ying.
he heads off to find xiongzhang after his playdate, tipping on his toes to knock on the door to his room.

lxc slides the doors open to greet a babieji that’s—on the verge of crying.

“there is a problem,” lwj wheezes, choking back tears.

“oh no,” lxc quickly ushers him in.
lxc picks lwj up with both hands and seats him down against his lap. it’s only then that lwj begins to passionately narrate the issue at hand, wiping frustratedly at his bright red eyes as he does so.

after he is done, lxc thoughtfully says, “I think I have just the solution.”
babieji hiccups, “what can I do?”

lxc boldly suggests, “handstands.”

“handstands?” babieji asks, tearily.

“mn. a sure-fire way to lose your baby fat and win wwx’s attention!”

…and that’s the story of how babieji begins practicing handstands everyday in his life after that.
sometimes wwx is playing in the lake when babieji comes to visit him.

“hey, lan zhan!” wwx waves, from afar. “over here!”

babieji sees that wwx’s robes have been carelessly left in a heap on the ground, and feels his head begin to steam. the—the improperness! the indecency!
is wwx truly swimming in the lake…in the nude?!

he may be expecting to marry wwx in the future, but, but until then, this…! this is way too much for him to take!!!

“wei ying, I will come back another time,” lwj informs him, ears flushed.

“nooo! why? come swim with me!”
“it is improper… before the w-weddin—“

“lan zhan! there’s nothing to be ashamed of! and you’re so cute, now I want you to swim with me all the more!”

a huge splash, and wwx successfully pulls lwj into the waters with him.

“see? it’s all good!”
this is wei ying in high definition—glistening wet with water droplets trickling down his bare, well-toned chest.

lwj feels faint.

“t…there are rituals to follow… traditions… must preserve wei ying’s honour…”

“honour? what honour?” wwx laughs, pulling lwj into his arms.
babieji is slammed right against a naked chest, his red ears rubbing against a nipple. GAH!

the dragon dunks his head into the waters instantly. see no evil, think no evil! begone hornee thoughts!

…then he realises he’s now staring at wwx’s lower half of his body underwater.
when he pulls his head up from the lake, babieji promptly informs wwx, “we have to get married now.”

“eh? right now?”

“yes, right now. we no longer have a choice.”

“but I’m enjoying my swim, lan zhaan! can’t we just do it after I’m done?” wwx jokes.
“fine,” lwj unties his forehead ribbon and ties it onto wwx’s wrist. “this will suffice for now.”

and so they are married, in traditional gusu lan fashion.

(years later, lwj would insist this moment was when they first got married. wwx remembers the events rather differently.)

• • •

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More from @sweetlolixo

30 Dec 21
#2haspoilers I need somewhere to scream as I read 2ha so mute this thread if you need to
#2haspoilers side note there isn’t a vivid description of how the Ghost King looks like (unless I missed it) and considering he has lost 1 eye I just imagine him as a really huge Hua Cheng looking over the town and terrorizing it in my head and THE IMAGERY IS SO FUNNY TO ME
Read 8 tweets
15 Dec 21
baby dragonji meets baby foxxian for the first time when lqr takes wwx back to cloud recesses. deeply frightened by all the dragons he sees, wwx holds lqr’s hand tight.

lqr: [about to announce he’s adopting foxxian]
lwj, looking at wwx: shufu, you brought back dinner💦
wwx: 😨😭
lqr: wangji, this fox is not for eating.
baby dragonji, confused: but it is dinner time and he is a small animal
baby foxxian: [already bawling]
lqr: he is a huli jing, an esteemed fox spirit. he will live and study alongside you, and become your peer. take good care of him.
lqr: promise me you won’t eat the fox
lqr: wangji
lwj: …I promise
lxc, behind him: I promise I won’t let him eat the fox

[15 years later, at wangxian’s wedding]
lxc: in my defense, he didn’t eat the fox
lwj: oh, I will be devouring a fox tonight. 🐉💦
Read 8 tweets
3 Dec 21
what if foxxian and dragonji grew up together in the palace but neither had the courage to confess. so, when lwj returns triumphant from the war—the Lans have served the Weis for generations as warriors—the Wei emperor asks him what reward he wants. and lwj asks to marry foxxian.
some backstory: when lwj is not out there fighting great battles for his emperor, he’s wwx’s personal bodyguard, tailing him around the palace... I just love the thought of dragons being the designated warrior clan that serves the emperor (and in turn, pretty fox princes)!
something about the trait of dragons being extremely steadfast and loyal to those they serve AND also being so inhumanly powerful and strong that makes them the ideal warrior type—just gets me! also, the intensity of their devotion makes their love sometimes scary (but so good)
Read 36 tweets

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