THEADETEE: So other than @MZHemingway who literally wrote a book on it, I think I'm the only reporter who has done a real deep dive on election intergrity issues in multiple states involving interviews & analysis of original source documents. WI, PA, AZ, and GA. 1/
THREAD: Delaware County, PA lawsuit has many more details beyond the whistleblower videos I posted last night. Posting several excerpts until complaint is live.
2/ Here are the videos from last night, to refresh your recollection.
THREADETTE: If the government wanted to up the rates of COVID vaccination, they would do this: 1) Tell Americans that unfortunately the vaccinations do NOT protect against infection or being able to transmit COVID other than in X% (if that is accurate).
BUT 1/
2/ That people vaccinated are less likely to X, Y, Z, with transparent and accurate numbers. 3) That people with natural immunity are as protected if not more protected BUT not forever and provide best info.
4/ Explain that there are side effects and especially for some groups (women w/ J&J, teens-ish w/ others), and give accurate details of that AND risk they face versus risk of COVID. 5/ Note PCP should help individuals & parents make decision for those in categories at X/Y age.
@bradheath And Brad, this is why you're my favorite left-leaning reporter: because you at least try to be unbiased. Well, that and that you are never rude (and followers don't be rude to Brad!) and actually engage on the merits. I'll never convince you, but that's okay. 1/
@bradheath 2/ For instance, this exchange: I'm coming at it from the right and you from the left--you just don't see it.
@bradheath 3/ Or this exchange: (And again, I love that you will engage and if I'm wrong I admit it, such as when you called me on Abbott changing election laws).