1/ The recent article by @lucykassa (an all-out TPLF supporter) & @geoffreyyork (whose support to TPLF is clear at a close look) is written in service of the #TPLFTerroristGroup. So why write about TPLF’s atrocities in Amhara? Why now? Is it connected to @ProfKindeya response?
2/ @geoffreyyork who has often reported on current conflict, is a usual re-tweeter of @martinplaut and @KjetilTronvoll, co-wrote an article with @GetachewSS on Amhara people attack 16months ago in Oromia, failed to mention Amhara victims by TPLF till now. Side revealing retweet👇🏾
3/ I believe the purpose of this article is manyfold. First, as the conflict now seems to be getting to a conclusion and realities from the ground will surface soon, this is a face saving move to escape the aftermath he will face as a fake news reporters.
4/ 2nd, since he believes that it is not too obvious that he is pro TPLF, by co-writing an article that looks is against TPLF (which is really is not) with Lucy, he is not only trying to give cover for a fellow TPLF supporter and save her but also to glorify her as a journalist.
5/ Here’s a tweet (Tweeted and retweeted like this) portraying her as a hero of a journalist with an unparalleled reporting of the complete picture of the horrors women have experienced and paid a price for it.
6/ Going into the article itself, the first three paragraphs are more about the co-operation of TPLF and Oromo insurgents and how close are to Addis, making a reference to the sexual violence as the same kind of sexual violence perpetrated by Ethiopians and Eritreans in Tigray.
7/ After 1 paragraph about a victim’s account, the story goes back into the false narrative of how the war broke out when Ethiopian military supported by Eritrean Troops launched an offensive b/c the region defied the fed gov’t demanding autonomy! For the love of God!
8/ And then it goes on to say that many of the victims didn’t get health care because of the government’s blockades and quotes @Nisha_Varia to corroborate this claim. Which areas this entire paragraph talks about is not clear to me, and I believe on purpose!
9/ References like Gergera as 100 south west of Lalibela, 50 km from Nifas mewcha all seem to be indicating the areas that the TPLF has marched through in their advance further down south to Addis.
10/ The article then gives a few disturbing accounts of victims (which was all but a necessary evil), it ends with some references to the Amnesty and the joint UN-EHRC reports (which interestingly, they didn’t want to write about till now) but look at the points it took from them
11/ From Amnesty Report:
- Nifas Mewcha, about 50 kilometres from Geregera
- revenge for earlier rapes of Tigrayan women by Ethiopian soldiers
- humanitarian agency can’t enter the area because of security concerns caused by the government’s verbal attacks on relief agencies.
12/ From UN-EHRC report
“more than 1,320 hospital visits in Tigray in the first 6 months” preceded by “globe couldn’t verify but witnesses say dozens were assaulted” in earlier paragraphs tells a story about what the story wants to tell. The rest is all sides this all sides that!
13/ Then comes @ProfKindeya‘s two full pages response to the article which not only denies the allegations but also equates its ‘faulty’ methodology to that of the Amnesty’s report, and asks the question of how these witness accounts were obtained. at the very least, the article
14/ provided TPLF with an opportunity to oppose it while rendering Amnesty report questionable. And if later, the globe says something that puts the validity of witnesses into question, then it will downright use it to undermine the similarly investigated Amnesty report.
15/ This is not a neutral article, neither are its authors. If anyone is under the illusion that the article is remotely against the TPLF, look closer again. It serves only the writers and the TPLF. The few stories of victims was a price to pay for self preservation. #NoMore
1/ One of those #debunking threads @HelenClarkNZ former UNDP administrator and now a close colleague of @DrTedros is the latest #TPLFAgent screaming Genocide nonstop and finally came up with a most disingenuous article on the guardian yesterday. A closer look reveals who she is.
2/ The article aside, let’s look into the pattern of 40+ tweets since the start of the conflict which reveal that Amhara and Afar lives are of no concern to her as she doesn’t even mention them. Moreover, she keeps silent whenever she thinks her allies are winning
3/ Apart from 1 tweet expressing her sadness about the start of war in Ethiopia on Nov 10, 2020, she didn’t have any comments on Ethiopia until Jan 23rd which marker a start of her active involvement. What prompted it? Humanitarian Concern? Look at 3 of her 1st tweets on the war
1/ Some things never change. If you are under any illusion about how the #TPLFTerroristGroup is using the humanitarian aid situation in Tigray and think TPLF is concerned for the people of Tigray, here’s a thread on TPLF playbook used 37 years ago and one that is being used now
2/ BBC article by @martinplaut in 2010
“Millions of $ in Western aid for victims of the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85 was siphoned off by rebels to buy weapons, a BBC investigation finds”. The article is based on witness accounts of ex TPLF leaders and the CIA assessment of 1985
3/ Gebremedhin Araya (TPLF former treasurer) and Dr. Aregawi Berhe (TPLF co-founder) gave a very detailed account of this & estimated $95m channeled into rebel fight. The CIA concluded that some funds for relief operations are almost certainly diverted for military purposes.
Last two weeks in a nutshell – a typical example of #RegimeChange
Till around mid-October the media had been covering majorly humanitarian crisis in Tigray, so much has been said so I will leave that alone. Let’s dive into events since then.
MSM follow the narratives of and quote @reda_getachew & @ProfKindeya to a point that I think they are 🇪🇹‘s correspondents for all of them, they all created stories based on their cries about Ethiopian attack on TPLF and ignored almost completely his claims their attack on Amhara.
Oct 18 – 29 the MSM headlines:
About Airstrikes in Mekelle – Reuters 7 stories, CNN 4, France24 9, Aljazeera 5, BBC 14 while about attack in Amhara – Reuters 1 story, CNN 0, France24 0, Aljazeera 0, BBC 1 and an interview with @reda_getachew confirming ‘carnage on Amhara front’
Oh @nimaelbagir, for the love of God, you’re killing me with your stupidity! Here’s how I read your latest on ET arms shipments. And @cnni , if this is just a few reporters, I think it’s time to let them go. They’re costing you. [1/15]
Story: “Cargo documents and manifests seen by CNN, as well as eyewitness accounts and photographic evidence, confirm that arms were transported between AA airport and airports in the Eritrean cities.” Let’s look at them, shall we? [2/15]
…[lengthy BS about the war and ET]… “As planes went back and forth between the two countries, massacres of Tigrayans in the city of Axum and the village of Dengelat by Eritrean troops took place on November 19 and November 30 respectively. [3/15]
@sparkomat In case my letter is not readable in picture format, here it is in a thread. My take on a story you produced from Amhara Region for Sky News and why I am in complete opposition to it. [1/17]
This is your first reporting out of the Amhara region and I find it interesting that you failed to mention any of what is on the ground. I say this as a person who knows that there is no way you cannot not see the damage and destruction in the region [2/17]
(and if you have talked to people, what they have witnessed) not to mention the IDPs and their situations and focus on the troops. Your description of the region makes your audience believe that there are only people ready for a bloodbath and not victims, [3/17]
1/ Can somebody explain this to me? Is the 🇺🇸 trying to justify sanction on 🇪🇹 while giving its blessing for #TPLFTerroristGroup to continue attack on Amhara & Afar regions regions during special briefing via telephone Bryan Hunt and Erik Woodhouse on Sept 20?
2/ The question was on details of restriction of aid by the Ethiopian government and it ends with “Can you talk about the extent of the aid that they are stopping, and do you believe the TPLF is also in any way hindering aid from arriving in Tigray?” And the response was
3/ Mr. Hunt: “….the TPLF military offensives in Amhara and Afar make the delivery of humanitarian assistance in those regions more difficult. Certainly anytime there is ongoing conflict, it adds a degree of complexity to humanitarian assistance operations, but we believe that