“My message this evening is a difficult one… we have received stark advice… that requires the reintroduction of a number of restrictions.” Taoiseach
Taoiseach: "As a country we pulled it back... our hospitals held. We are among the best in the world in vaccination rates. By tonight close to 950k of our must vulnerable will have received a third dose."
"We have stabilised the surge... however, just as we were getting a handle on it... reports emerged of a potentially dangerous variant."
Govt quick to frame this around Omicron.
"We will do whatever we reasonably can to stop this variant"...
Taoiseach says restrictions on travel can limit but not stop Omicron.
"If Omicron takes hold, the potential for a very serious crisis is obvious. The CMO has been exceptionally clear in his advice to Government... The risk of going into Christmas without some restrictions... is just too high."
Leo Varadkar: We're facing a peculiar situation...
"We're tightening restrictions at a time when hospital numbers are dropping and deaths are at a low level. The decisions today are going to be hard to understand..."
"I've been speaking to some members of the business community and want to clarify a few things. The 50% capacity doesn't apply to pubs, restaurants and hospitality. It applies to events."
By similar*, I mean I could land a Pop Shove-It, an Ollie and a couple of 180s and not much else.
Tickled to see some serious people in their 30s having a dig at skateboarders being in the Olympics because it's not very 'counter culture'. Alright gramps, it's a professional sport. This isn't the Central Bank.