The address, labeled by Nansen as Genesis Trading OTC desk, has insanely accumulated $FTT for 3 weeks and is now holding 38M $FTT(~28% circulation), making it the largest $FTT holder if we don't count the locked tokens in the vesting smart contract.…
$FTT has become the biggest ERC20 token in Genesis Trading's wallet, with a total value of $1.5B. The 2nd largest holding is USDC ($188M).
For ppl don't know Genesis:

Genesis is the largest OTC service provider in the crypto space. During Q2 2021, Genesis traded $29B of spot volume.

Genesis is also a liquidity provider for CME Group for Bitcoin futures and Grayscale relies on them for GBTC in-kind subscriptions.
Not sure if this wallet is only for OTC trading. If it is, then the size is oversized for $FTT.

$FTT is currently trading at $5.4B marketcap. A $1.5B trade sounds crazy.
Maybe some early investors want to exit without impacting the price and some other whales are willing to take the bag?

Idk. This has never happened before since FTT's launch.
I made a dashboard on dune analytics to monitor the correlation between price and the wallet balance.

I don't see the significant correlation for now but we can look at chart afterwards.

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More from @FTX_Benson

9 Nov
1/ Thoughts on @Solana Name Service (SNS) and @Bonfida.
1. @Solana Name Service could be bigger than @ensdomains
2. @Bonfida has established the foundation for simplified payments on @Solana with its naming service.
3. Revenue from Solana Name Service goes back to $FIDA token via buy and burn, contributing to the value of $FIDA token.
4. @solana Name Service has real use cases and in my opinion holds more value than NFT does.
Read 14 tweets
2 Nov
【為什麼你該關注 FLOW 上的項目】

我之前提過,現在牛市 VC 錢淹腳目,很難找到被低估的 GEM,想要找 GEM,除非你的眼光比大部分人好,可以先於市場挖掘到下一個潛力賽道,不然就得從熱門賽道中的冷門項目去找機會,循著第二個思路,我個人認為
FLOW 上的項目可能會出現一些 GEM。

FLOW 是一條比較少人關注的鏈,不像其他鏈搞 DeFi 挖礦、撒錢衝 TVL 那一套玩法,由於整條鏈都缺乏造富效應,因此一直都沒有獲得社群多大的關注。

FLOW 的 VC 陣容基本就是天王級別的——a16Z+Coinbase +Animoca Brands,甚至還獲得了像 Michael Jordan 這種頂流大V投資,而合作夥伴 NBA、UFC、育碧也都是一方之霸,技術長則是 ERC721 的技術制定者,也是當初迷戀貓的創辦人,可以說是 NFT 之父。
Read 11 tweets
23 Oct


因為牛市VC錢淹腳目,連二線項目的私募額度都很常被 oversubscribe,更不用說明星團隊了,一線項目基本出道就很貴
(譬如Star Atlas剛出道FDV就5B+)

Animoca Brands就是如此,原本他們portfolio質量都挺好,但最近只要跟NFT和GamFi概念沾上邊,然後團隊不要太差,要拿到AB的投資並不困難,已經開始投到二線團隊了。

這些工作室在原本的領域可能奮鬥好幾年都做不出爆款,但在幣圈只要一個pitch deck就能拿到上百萬美金的募資,這是他們以前很難想像的。
Read 4 tweets
18 Oct



我是2018/3入圈的,當時進了一間台灣的交易所(後來倒了)才開始接觸幣圈,由於進場即熊市,除了投到 Bitmax 私募之外,在幣圈的投資基本上是全部賠錢,在漫長熊市中我只敢丟 Bitfinex 放貸,找一些保本的機會來玩,直到 2019/7 發現 FTX 很有潛力,就把全部身家砸在 FTT 上。
2019年有非常多新交易所上線,而眾多交易所中,我只選擇了重壓FTX,甚至還趕在FTT IEO之前,連夜寫了篇文章帶了700多台灣人去買,如果我沒做功課,很可能會投到一些根本活不到現在的交易所。
Read 8 tweets
18 Oct

2年前(2019/7),我在Medium寫下了一篇FTX介紹文,預言FTX會成為BitMEX最強大的競爭對手,當時我用全部身家梭哈了 $FTT ,拿了兩年後成了自由之身。

如果此推有超過200個轉推跟500個讚,我會以 $FTT 為例,分享如何在幣圈找尋並拿住值得長期投資的幣種。

1/ 幣圈的長線投資邏輯

什麼是可以長線投資的好標旳?我們先假設你要找的是能夠幫你帶來 ALPHA 的 GEM(老外術語,意思是有機會爆炸成長的寶石),所以我們先跳過 BTC、ETH 這種大市值幣種,專講找潛力爆擊項目的方式跟邏輯
Read 23 tweets
18 Oct
1/ Thoughts on FTT and FTX (Not Financial Advice)
2/ In the past 2 years, FTX has grown from nothing to the No.3 exchange on the market.

When FTX was launched (2019/4), there were already big players in the derivatives market such as BitMEX, OKEX, Huobi, Bitflyer; and Binance was ready to enter the game.
3/ It's a miracle that FTX can break through the siege. What is the key? I think there are two things: innovation and execution.
Read 24 tweets

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