Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez Profile picture
Dec 15, 2021 86 tweets 69 min read Read on X
1/ So @mvankerkhove of @WHO has admitted that #COVIDisAirborne, but they avoid saying it on purpose

Does she think that decision has harmed the public health response, or cost lives? No, she says. "People know what they need to do to protect themselves"… Image
2/ I beg do differ. I think that decision by @WHO is one of the LARGEST ERRORS IN THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH

Let's compile evidence of how govts and organizations either don't know how to protect their citizens, or use @WHO's ambiguity to avoid doing so

Pls reply w/ examples!
3/ CANADA: TODAY telling a top airborne transmission scientist (@linseymarr) that she needs to remove her respirator and put on a leaky surgical mask, before sharing the air in a bus! As the highly transmissible AIRBORNE Omicron grows exponentially

4/ INDIA: a government App spreading misinformation that COVID is not airborne!

5/ NETHERLANDS: government STILL telling its citizens that washing hands is most important measure to reduce transmission

When we there are ZERO proven cases of surface transmission & we have known for a year that it is unlikely (…)

6/ SWITZERLAND (where @WHO HQ is): the Swiss parliament meeting without masks for an airborne virus, and using plexiglas barriers that are known to INCREASE transmission by trapping exhaled air & making ventilation more difficult (…)

7/ FINLAND: the head of the Public Health Agency (THL, @mapetti) tweeting about a web page with protection: handwashing is the only mitigation mentioned on the top 5. Still mentions transmission is due to droplets.

8/ PHILIPINES: schools using plexiglas barriers that have been shown to INCREASE transmission in schools (…). Distributing alcohol for an AIRBORNE virus that goes poorly (if at all) via surfaces. And poorly-fitting surgical masks.

9/ DENMARK: Public Health authorities spreading misinformation that transmission through hands is important. But no masks shown in the video... for an airborne virus.

10/ AUSTRALIA: A top government infection control expert (@petercollignon) published an opinion piece YESTERDAY in the Sydney Morning Herald (@smh) recommending face shields (with no masks), as hyper-transmissible airborne omicron arrives...… Image
11/ MEXICO: the Ministry of Health lists handwashing as the TOP recommendation to stop transmission, for a AIRBORNE virus that transmits poorly, if at all, through surfaces (…).

No mention of ventilation or mask fit to the face.

12/ SCOTLAND: the government is reintroducing plexiglas barriers (which INCREASE transmission, per @ScienceMagazine…) for the highly transmissible airborne omicron variant.… Image
13/ MEXICO: health personnel spraying people with disinfectants before entering a shared public indoor space.

But not distributing better masks, when a lot of the masks worn are clearly not fitting well against the face etc.

14/ USA: sign in a hospital elevator does NOT mention masks!

15/ CANADA: the response to a COVID outbreak in a hospital doesn't mention ventilation or N95 respirators, but includes "frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces throughout the hospital"... for a virus that transmits poorly (if at all) through surfaces…
16/ NETHERLANDS: the Prime Minister's podium sign includes hand-washing as the first measure (for an airborne virus that transmits poorly, if at all, through surfaces), but NOT masks!

17/ SWEDEN: Top public Health official Anders Tegnell spreads DISinformation (can't call it just misinformation by now), hiding behind @WHO's ambiguity and lack of clarity: FFP2 masks may INCREASE transmission!! And ignores transmission w/o symptoms

18/ WHY does @WHO refuse to explain clearly that #COVIDisAirborne and to recommend the proper mitigations with a clear explanation (so that citizens could point that out to uninformed (or worse) governments)? See my thread from yesterday:

19/ If you want to protect yourself despite @WHO and/or your government, see the measures that actually work for an airborne virus in this thread (hint: many are free or low cost):

20/ If you want more details on the science, the history etc., see this thread and threads linked therein:

21/ CANADA: after a large outbreak at a University (@uvic), the main recommendation of the Chief Medical Health Officer is hand washing... for an airborne virus with ZERO demonstrated cases of surface transmission...… Image
22/ BELGIUM: Flemish healthcare agency @ZorgVlaanderen, in a tweet about the fight against the coronavirus: “Hand hygiene is the most effective measure...”

HT @mdc_martinus

23/ IRELAND: masks NOT required for retail workers behind plexiglas barriers. Those barriers actually increase transmission of COVID (…, which is airborne!

HT @Orla_Hegarty Image
24/ SWITZERLAND: Federal Health Office @BAG_OFSP_UFSP states that "FFP2/3 masks are not needed and are not recommended"... for an airborne virus! (and they justify it based on @WHO guidance)

HT @Iamgoingtosleep… Image
5/ SWITZERLAND: very poor ventilation in the trains, denounced multiple times but no action taken.

26/ AFRICA: @WHO Africa office (@WHOAFRO) still (12-Oct-2021) spreading misinformation that COVID-19 is spread by droplets that fall quickly to the ground or surfaces.

27/ WORLD: @UNICEF spreading misinformation that surface transmission and handwashing are important for COVID-19, when there are ZERO proven cases of surface transmission and we know it is unlikely (…)

28/ USA: The US State Department (@StateDept) also spreading misinformation that handwashing is important to prevent COVID

The @CDCgov (part of the same government) has been telling us that surface transmission is not important (…)

29/ @WHO itself: COVID-19 Travel Advice Q&A section (…) links to the following guidance: handwashing, plexiglas, 1 m distance, droplet transmission... for an airborne virus

HT @CharityChiken ImageImage
30/ UK: Prime Minister @BorisJohnson disinfecting a chair, setting an extremely poor example, as there are ZERO cases of transmission through surfaces (especially onto one's butt or back through the clothes!)

(Listen to the hilarious audio)

31/ DENMARK: masks OR VISORS (face shields) in hospitals. No masks for vaccinated staff.

HT @Orla_Hegarty… ImageImage
32/ SWEDEN: millions of teachers and pupils are supposed to turn up to school unmasked, with no safety measures, no screening, no filters, no vaccines for 5-11yrs, no CO2 meters.

"Great" results

Herd immunity approach, doesn't work w/ Omicron

HT @wendyisacsson Image
33/ USA: poorly fitting masks worn by medical personnel. But still focusing on surfaces, for an airborne virus that transmits poorly, if at all, through surfaces (…)

34/ USA: After 3 school outbreaks in Washington DC that force school closures, school officials repeat outdated guidance: addresses unimportant surface transmission (disinfection, handwashing...), but NOTHING to address AIRBORNE virus…

HT @ecisabell Image
35/ SWITZERLAND: the train company @sbbnews does NOT enforce mask mandates

36/ FINLAND: @Finnair airline requests that passengers remove high-filtration elastomeric masks, instead use extremely leaky surgical masks.

No doubt justified by @WHO recommending surgical masks as sufficient... for a highly contagious airborne virus!

@Finnair @WHO 37/ WORLD: @CDCgov , 9 mo ago: “...each contact w/ contaminated surface has less than 1 in 10,000 chance of causing infection”

@WHO (ironically on ‘myth busters pages’):

“The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands”

HT @mdc_martinus Image
38/ AUSTRALIA: major problems w/ hotel quarantine system. Frequent transmission, because airborne transmission was ignored

#COVIDisAirborne which means the dumbest thing you can do is put healthy and infected people together, breathing the same air"

39/ SPAIN: children attending school with leaky surgical and cloth masks for an airborne virus. No distribution or promotion of available children's KF94 etc.

10's of deaths, 100's of ICU, 1000's of hospitalizations in children

HT @vega_ts ImageImage

School officials screwed windows shut so teachers couldn't open them

[Got Covid, were told they were infected elsewhere. As when German officials caught lying: ]

HT @AlleneS95742347…
41/ FRANCE: poor ventilation in high speed trains @SNCF. Company says that up to 5000 ppm is ok (12% re-breathed air!!)… Image

@UBCNursing posters (still up) where the only mitigation measure is washing hands & not touch face

For airborne virus (…) that transmits poorly, if at all, thru surfaces! (…)

HT @davepataky Image
43/ PHILIPPINES: Health Ministry @DOHgovph still promotes handwashing for airborne virus. Along with face shields for general population, which are only useful if someone coughs in your face

No mention of ventilation of higher qual. masks

HT @cxteam_lim

44/ MEXICO: Government website still promotes frequent handwashing for airborne virus that goes poorly, if at all through surfaces.

No mention of ventilation or mask fit to the face. But mentions healthy eating!…

HT @JeanMichelFleur Image
45/ CANADA (Waterloo):

Catholic Schools (@WCDSBNewswire) still focused on disinfection for a virus that goes poorly, if at all, through surfaces (…), and is dominantly airborne (…)…

HT @co2detective ImageImage
46/ SWITZERLAND: School Chief @Neuchatel_ch keeps talking about handwashing, refuses systematic tests, continues denying in-school transmission. For a virus that goes poorly, if at all, through surfaces (…), is dominantly airborne

47/ UK (WALES): #Omicron arrives, govt. introduces new measures, including perxpex (plexiglas) barriers... which are useful in cashier/teller situation, but INCREASE transmission when lateral

No mention of ventilation, FFP2 masks etc.…

HT @joefrancis505

2 years into an airborne pandemic (…), @Kanton_Thurgau continues to recommend contact and droplet protections for SARS-COV-2... for virus that goes poorly through surfaces (…). No airborne prec.

HT @Iamgoingtosleep Image
49/ USA (NEW YORK): to get permission for remote school for an at-risk child, have to go see immunologist

Unmasked tests in small, unventilated office, no filters. Doc wears mask hanging off beard. Gaslit it’s safe bc “kids face wall” & surface cleaning

50/ NETHERLANDS: major university (@UtrechtUni) says that masks can be removed in class while seated, for an airborne virus! (…,…)…

HT @covidco2_map Image
51/ CHILE: hygiene theatre of fumigation and surface disinfection in preparation for local elections in the capital Santiago (@Muni_Stgo), for an airborne virus that transmits poorly, if at all, through surfaces (…)

52/ CANADA (Toronto):

The Hospital for Sick Kids (@sickkids, @SickKidsNews) forced a child & his mother to remove highly protective N95 masks and put extremely leaky surgical masks... for airborne virus! (…,…)

53/ @WHO: @WHO distributing masks to its staff (here member of Techical Team) that seal poorly against face and leak 50% or more (…)

So, no @mvankerkhove, people DO NOT know how to protect themselves (OR OTHERS) from airborne virus

54/ USA: The CEO of @SouthwestAir (@gary_kelly) testified w/o mask in the US Congress for 3 hours, arguing that masks were not needed in airplanes [which is totally WRONG BTW].

As he coughed, and tested positive for COVID shortly afterwards...

55/ CANADA (Alberta, competing for worst in CAN):

Calgary Board of Education (@yyCBEdu) prohibited the installation of parent-purchased filters in schools, "because of potential health risks"

An uneducated Board, not paying attention to the science.…
56/ UK (SCOTLAND, @scotgov @scotgovhealth): focus on cleaning in medical practices. No airborne measures. No wonder #Omicron is growing so fast there...

HT @SalcedaAlicia Image
56/ BRAZIL (Rio de Janeiro, @SaudeGovRJ): poster at health clinic, just last week.

Still focusing on handwashing, surfaces, droplets... no mention of airborne, masks

[may be outdated, but has not been replaced]

HT @hope_brasil Image
58/ AUSTRALIA (Brisbane)

Vaccine clinic had @WHO signs on proper hand-sanitizer use, for a virus that goes barely, if at all, through surfaces (…)

But no signs about masks or any airborne control measures

HT @math_rachel Image
59/ SPAIN (Seville, @SevillalandiaCh kid camp):

Disinfection theatre OUTDOORS, for virus that goes barely, if at all, thru surfaces (…).

And they are showing this to encourage ppl to go, bc they "are following all health protocols"

60/ SPAIN: Town of Alfas (@LAlfasES) activates a plan of cleaning and disinfection (including outdoors) in response to the increase in COVID cases (9-Dec-2021). For an airborne virus that goes barely, if at all, through surfaces (…)

61/ SPAIN: Town of Campo de Criptana (@Ayto_Criptana) reinforces school cleaning schools, hiring 5 new cleaners, in response to increase in COVID (13-Dec-2021)

For airborne virus that goes barely, if at all, through surfaces (…)… Image
62/ USA (South Dakota Governor @govkristinoem):

"Follow the science... encourage them to consistently wash their hands"

If ppl choose not to be vaccinated "focus on exercising, taking their vitamins"

No mention of masks, ventilation, outdoors...

63/ SPAIN (Prime Minister @sanchezcastejon, in National Address as Omicron arrives)

Mentions only masks (without mentioning FFP2 or importance of fit) and hydrogel (for a virus that doesn't go through surfaces:…). No ventilation etc.

HT @la_resistensia_
64/ SWITZERLAND: a choir singing without masks 🤦🤦‍♂️🤦

When we know that singing results in much higher aerosol/virus emissions, and where there have been dozens of outbreaks in choirs during this pandemic (e.g.…)

65/ AUSTRALIA: Government Advisor and prominent member of Infection Expert Control Group (…) @CollignonPeter explains how droplets now behave like aerosols (I call them "magic droplets" ), while continuing to deny airborne trans.
66/ SPAIN (Parlament of Catalonia @parlamentcat): the president of the parliament is wearing a transparent mask that is absurdly non-protective… ImageImage
67/ SWITZERLAND: National TV (@RadioTeleSuisse) showing a person wearing a transparent plastic mask. All the air goes through the gaps, so this offers NO filtration (for an airborne virus!…,…) ImageImage
68/ UK (National Health Service @NHSuk): NO mention of ventilation at vaccination centres. Only surgical masks, hand sanitizer, and regular cleaning of surfaces.

A great way to catch COVID while you're getting your booster…

HT @joefrancis505 Image
69/ SPAIN (Regional Gov. of La Rioja, @lariojaorg): promoting and defending useless transparent masks, for an airborne virus (…,…)…

HT @SergioCoscolin Image
70/ CANADA (Ontario, Ministry of Health @ONThealth): Ontario is paying @Facebook to run ads telling people that handwashing is very important for Omicron (when this virus is airborne, and goes barely, if at all, through surfaces:…)

HT @CharlesMicah Image
71/ CANADA, IPAC (Infection Prevention and Control @IPACCanada)

Winner of poster 2021 contest: hand hygiene and cleaning (for a virus that goes barely, if at al, thru surfaces)

PPE without specifying N95 or fit

NO ventilation, outdoors, filters...… Image
72/ Note that not everything is this bad. I am also compiling a thread with GOOD messages and practices.

Curiously, often in the same countries and side-by-side with the bad ones. The lack of a clear message by @WHO et al. perpetuates this situation.

73/CANADA (Quebec, Public Health @sante_qc Director @ArrudaHoracio ):

Very ignorant comments on masks: "Have you tried to wear N95 all day? N95 not fitted is not as good as a good surgical masks" (@JenniferKShea showed otherwise: )

74/ SPAIN (Galicia Regional Govt @Xunta): massively buying useless transparent masks for deaf people. Therefore exposing them to infection, as well as not protecting the people around them, should they be infected.… Image
75/ NETHERLANDS: Federation of Medical Specialists (@de_specialisten) says FFP2 NOT needed

FFP2 masks not needed for an AIRBORNE virus (@WHO: , even though @WHO is recommending them! ()…

HT @equibotanica Image
76/ IRELAND: COVID test Ctr (with 21% positivity rate) ppl asked to REMOVE FFP2 & put on leaky surgical masks!

Documented cases by @Harvard doctors of transmission despite surgical masks:…

Some non-infected will be infected there!

77/ CANADA (BC, worst in CAN): Top Public Health Official Dr. Bonnie Henry keeps wearing a cloth mask with visible gaps, for a virus that even @WHO agrees now is AIRBORNE! ()

Extremely irresponsible to set such a poor example!

78/ ITALY: Ministry of Health (@MinisteroSalute) keeps spreading misinformation that handwashing is important for an AIRBORNE virus (even @WHO admits it now: ) that we have known for 1.5 yrs barely goes through surfaces, it at all (…) Image
79/ SPAIN: A #Barcelona City Council member (@Elisendalamany) says public transport is safe because they "continue to invest in cleaning & disinfection of their buses and trains daily"

For an AIRBORNE virus that goes barely, if at all, through surfaces.

80/ @WHO: @DrTedros keeps wearing leaky surgical masks (@Harvard has confirmed outbreaks with those:…) for a virus that even @WHO admits is airborne! ()

Solidarity w/ poorer countries? Did he get Sinovac or Sputnik for that reason? Image
81/ FINLAND: Director of Dept. of Health Security at Finnish CDC (@mika_salminen of @THLresearch) in a singing event without masks as AIRBORNE () omicron spread like wildfire

Setting a HORRIBLE example

82/ SPAIN: Spanish Government (PM @sanchezcastejon) ONLY measure for omicron: mask OUTDOORS mandatory

But bars and restaurants w/o masks!

Complete THEATER, when we know transmission outdoors is at least x20 lower than indoors (… Image
83/ SWITZERLAND: Head of Health department (@gd_zuerich) of @KantonZuerich takes off his mask to cough!

For an airborne virus () when we know that coughing generates many more aerosols than talking (…)

84/ RUSSIA: journalists are being disinfected ahead of a press conference by Russian President Putin (@KremlinRussia_E)

This virus goes poorly, if at all, through surfaces (…).

The ignorance of #COVIDisAirborne knows no borders

85/ AUSTRALIA: New South Wales Health Dept. (@NSWHealth) only mitigation measures in Twitter feed are nearly useless: sanitize your hands regularly.

For AIRBORNE virus that goes poorly, if at all, thru surfaces (0 proven cases…)

I deleted a Tweet 86, because it turned out of be incorrect. Not sure if the thread continues by itself. Just in case the next tweet (87) is here:

• • •

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More from @jljcolorado

May 26, 2024
1/ Survey of CO2 indoors during trip

CO2 (above ~400 ppm outdoors) indicates the amount of exhaled air (& virus) trapped in a space

Also per recent scientific results by @ukhadds, CO2 helps SARS-CoV stay infectious in air much longer

@united flight boarding, pretty terrible! Image
2/ This is the trip so far:

-Low outdoors
-Pretty high ~2000 in @RideRTD bus to airport
- ok ~800 at @DENAirport, except restroom ~1500. Not sure why restrooms at this airport are so often poorly ventilated
- Then boarding on @united, ventilation OFF, so huge increase till ON Image
3/ For details of the recent results on how and why CO2 makes SARS-CoV-2 stay infectious much longer in the air, see this recent thread by @ukhadds

Read 9 tweets
May 8, 2024
1/ "After four years of fighting about it, @WHO has finally proclaimed that viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID, can be spread through the air"

2/ "It took four years to get here because some leaders in public health, medicine and science clung too tightly to precision and semantics"

"One particular moment of shame came on March 28, 2020, when WHO tweeted: “FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.”

3/ "Words matter. When people heard that COVID might spread on surfaces, they wasted time wiping down groceries. People who misunderstood airborne spread needlessly wore masks on outdoor walks and veered off sidewalks to avoid their neighbors."
Read 7 tweets
Apr 18, 2024
1/ @WHO has published a report on updated terminology for disease transmission

I've seen some debate about it. My take:

- Terminology itself is ok. Big progress
- But no recommendations of how to protect!


Press release:……
2/ The report was likely the result of intense pressure on @WHO during the pandemic:

- They denied that #COVIDIsAirborne on March 2020
- They finally accepted it 2 years later…
@WHO 3/ To their credit, @WHO did invite some of their critics to be part of the committee.

What was the terminology before. In medical circles:

- droplet transmission: if it happened in close proximity, or if particles were > 5 microns

- airborne transmission: if it happened far
Read 34 tweets
Mar 28, 2024
1/ New paper in @ScienceMagazine: "Mandating Indoor Air Quality for Public Buildings"

Explaining current status of indoor air quality standards (in short: bad or non-existent), the huge health benefits that would arise from them & proposing a path forward…
2/ "People living in urban & industrialized societies, which are expanding globally, spend more than 90% of time indoors, breathing indoor air (IA)."

"Most countries do NOT have legislated indoor air quality (IAQ) performance standards for public spaces"…
3/ "Few building codes address operation, maintenance, and retrofitting, and most do NOT focus on airborne disease transmission."

"We propose that Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standards be mandatory for public spaces"…
Read 14 tweets
Oct 4, 2023
1/ Checking the ventilation by measuring CO2 as I travel to the #AAAR2023 conference

@RideRTD bus to Denver airport. Bus route had started 3 min before I got in, already 1500 ppm

Typical of these @RideRTD buses, poor ventilation Image
2/ Not getting any better as time passes in the @rideRTD bus to the airport...

7% of the air is being re-breathed, it has already been in someone else lungs when each of us breathe it. Image
@RideRTD 3/ Given the often poor-to-mediocre ventilation in US transportation systems, I wear N95 masks (not KN95, less good)

In this case @3M VFlex, which I tested at 99.99% filtration for myself

It also stays sealed when I talk, doesn't distort my speech (& add to my Spanish accent) Image
Read 14 tweets
Oct 2, 2023
1/ Video de mi presentación sobre "Transmisión de enfermedades por el aire: cómo funciona, por qué se malentendió, y cómo reducirla"

como parte de la presentación del libro de ventilación de @aireamos

2/ Las diapositivas se pueden bajar de este enlace.

(Son de una charla más larga así que tienen más detalles, pero están todas las de la presentación de @Aireamos)…
@aireamos 3/ Miguel Ángel Campano @MA_Campano y @Aireamos han sido los motores del libro de ventilación:

Read 4 tweets

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