WH liason, Peter Navarro, called Peter McCullough because hydroxychloroquine, which reduced replication of SARS CoV1, was being blocked for release. We had stockpiles. "Rick Bright and others seem to be colluding to block [Hydroxychloroquine].."
"Plant was burned down,"
and mercenaries were involved.
This is explosive.
This is why Democrats rallied around [Bill Gates & WHO -affiliated] Rick Bright, and submitted a "whistleblower" report. He's suing the govt for money! YOUR $$.
See below.
My questions for McCullough would be:
Who brought in the mercs? That's some high-level "incompetence" doc.
Seeing as how there's *treatment* plans, wouldn't that invalidate the EUA?
.@P_McCulloughMD Attributions:
- Chill coming from academic institutions
- "lockstep" solution developed
During the HB 4471 hearing, Parks says: The vaccines were never designed to prevent transmission.
Says the "effectiveness" is specifically referring to attenuation in the lungs; not in the nose / mucosa, which is where a virus would actually be infecting.
The EU says Spikevax "was effective at preventing" #COVID19
Is/Was? But then..
"The impact on the spread of the virus...not yet known."
"It is not yet known how much vaccinated people may still be able to carry and spread.."
What's a "dummy injection"? Why not say placebo?
When I asked for proof of #COVID19 isolation (+ satisfied Koch's Postulates), I was given the following links. Let's take a look.
Note this article comes from McMaster University.
"Multiple researchers had predicted a coronavirus that would evolve and..…
jump into humans."
Here's where the anti-parasitic theories (re such as IVM) would come from:
"These viruses are obligate intracellular parasites... they can only replicate in cells."
"We can use tricks to draw out a virus."
"In this case, the researchers tried a method Banerjee [& team worked on with MERS]: culturing the virus on immunodeficient cells." The claim is that immunodeficiency allows it to spread unchecked. "It worked." This lends to the basis of..