Body Go Tell Am. . . (Part 4) 

1./ “Mmmhh. . . Mmmmhh. . .” What was that tickling sensation? Amaka was caught in the throes of the most restful sleep she’d enjoyed in recent memory. She curled deeper into the foetal position flexing her feet as she did so.
2./ Her body was limp with lassitude and she was suffused by an overwhelming feeling of well-being. The tickling continued. What was that? She snuggled deeper into the warmth of her decadently plush hot-pink velvet throw.
3./ It was usually draped across the back of the sofa for exactly this purpose. Her AC could get to the super chilly sub-16℃ zone and snuggling under the throw while lounging in her elegant yet comfy living room was one of her favourite things to do.
4./ The tickling was now accompanied by a voice. A deep male voice with the husky, baritone timbre that she would ordinarily attribute to a radio DJ.

Amaka stilled for a moment, had she drifted off to sleep leaving the TV tuned a radio station?
5./ Why was she asleep on her sofa and hearing a male voice saying, “Do you plan to wake up anytime soon? Or are you out for the count for tonight?” There was a certain familiarity and suggestiveness to the teasing laughter in the tone of the speaker;
6./ yet, although he sounded familiar, she was momentarily disorientated in person and place. Ugo? From the fast-food place? Why was he . . . In that moment, it all came back to her. She must have nodded off after the best orgasm she could remember in a long time.
7./A shiver of remembered pleasure rippled through her body. Amaka felt her nipples pucker up accompanied by a flutter between her legs. This was followed almost at once by a wave of shyness when she remembered her utter abandonment on this same couch not many minutes earlier.
8./ She wanted to burrow under the covers and never come out. What would he think of her? Ok, it wasn’t as though anyone thought she was some kind of chaste maiden. But Ugo? He was a kid for crying out loud. He couldn’t be a day over 25!

What had she done?
9./ Was it tantamount to cradle snatching? Did that make her a cougar? The very image caused a burst of hysterical laughter to erupt from her.



A cougar?

That was one for the books. But damn! If this was what cougars got served, she could see the appeal.
10./ Her skin flushed in mortification as the memory of Ugo’s hands and mouth on her, and in her; his knowing and expert fingers inside her, all over her swamped her. She felt some residual moisture between her legs and involuntarily clenched her vaginal muscles. Damn!
11./ Was she ever going to be able to look him in the face again? She was definitely NEVER going to buy chicken at that branch where he worked ever again. Obviously, he was trying to wake her up. Maybe if she didn’t answer, he would disappear.
12./ Maybe then, she wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of facing him after the way she had abandoned herself to the mastery of his touch earlier on.

“I know you’re awake.” Ugo spoke softly, close to her ear. That sexy DJ timbre again. He kept on speaking.
13./ “I would really like to shower. Can you show me where I can do that?” Hearing his request, Amaka knew there no point hiding any longer. She had to woman up and come out of hiding. It wasn’t as if she’d never had sex before; or dealt with awkward post-coital moments.
14./She had been in tough situations professionally & romantically and had triumphed. This was nothing. She had faced down teams of belligerent field workers on offshore platforms and had them eating out of her hands by the time she was done. Why should she be nervous about this?
15./  “Well, maybe the difference between this and the platform with belligerent field workers is that they hadn’t seen you in the nude, nor were you lying with legs spread open begging the FPSO full of belligerent workers to make you cum.” A voice in her head whispered back.
16./ Amaka suppressed a groan at the memory of her earlier wantonness.   
Ugo tapped her shoulder gently and spoke again as her eyes fluttered open. “I’d really like to shower if you don’t mind.”  

She had drifted off to sleep almost immediately after she orgasmed.
17./ He suspected she had been through an emotional wringer of a day and was exhausted. But although he felt terribly grimy, he thought it would be presumptuous to wander about her home trying to find a shower. Loathe though he had been to wake her,
18./ he could see no way around it without invading her privacy. Reluctantly Amaka opened her eyes. The moment of truth… How would he see her? How did she see him? Had things changed irrevocably? Could they revert to their earlier uncomplicated platonic interactions?
19./ Did she want that? What did he want? 
Ugo looked straight into her eyes. In reaction to what he saw in them, he bent his head and put his mouth on hers. He hadn’t planned to. He’d only leaned close to whisper and wake her.
20./ But the swiftly suppressed vulnerability he saw in her eyes when she opened them before she masked it got to him and Ugo found himself kissing Amaka.

Why did he feel protective of her? She was older than he, was worth more money than he knew
21./ and still on the trajectory to earn even more and was obviously set for life. Whereas he was a nearly penniless young man. Ok so maybe he had shedloads of potential but in reality, they all amounted to uncertain prospects. Who ought to feel protective of the other?
22./ Yet he felt that way. Did he feel like that because as an advanced student in the school of hard knocks he felt older than his years? The kiss which he intended to be soothing was quickly developing into something more.
23./His prick wey no get sense or home-training don dey ‘on’ again.

He was reminded that despite his pleasure & satisfaction in watching Amaka come apart spectacularly from his ministrations, that he was yet to cum. But he really needed to shower before anything more went down.
24./He couldn’t be giving off smells reminiscent of a combo of fast-food restaurant mixed with a dash of mai-shaye,onion flavour with an overall effect of Mama Nkechi just out of the kitchen vibes. No way! She would eat him before the night was over but she would be eating a man,
25./ and all she would taste was his own natural manly freshness, not left-over chicken flavour blended with cheap, Lagos hustle, dried perspiration.  
Amaka knew she was far gone when despite the orgasm she had experienced a scant few minutes ago,
26./ she was getting so aroused from Ugo’s kiss that she wanted to strip him of his trousers and guide him into her moistening feminine core.  

Ugo raised his head and spoke with mild regret in his voice; “I really need that shower.”  
In response Amaka rose from the couch.
27./ Her t-shirt had ridden up and was a crumpled mess but it was still on and it saved some of her blushes. How could she still feel self-conscious after all that had transpired between them?

“Come with me.” She was about to point him to her guest room
28./ but thought better of it and led him to her bedroom. Again, Ugo was wowed. Not so much by its magnificence as by the fact that it was obvious that she or her decorator had gone to great lengths to create an oasis of relaxation. Her bed was big. It was a beautiful, ebony,
29./ 4-poster one with a massive velvet-padded headboard and sheer muslin draping covering all its sides. The draping was tied back presently with matching velvet bows, so maybe it was decorative or maybe she only untied it when she was going to bed.
30./ He didn’t notice much else as she pointed him to the ensuite. It was a stark contrast to the neutral tones he’d noticed in her bedroom. Done entirely in shades of matte and glossy black; tiles, and sanitaryware inclusive were black but accented with burnished gold fittings.
31./ Whoa! Damn! There were levels to this luxury shii!

Ugo quickly stripped and stepped under the ceiling mounted showerhead.  
The hot water was soothing yet invigorating. The pressure of the water jets against his skin felt like a massage. Stepping out of the shower,
32./ he felt ready for anything. He selected a fresh towel from the gold rail which had several monogrammed black towels hanging neatly on it. The towel rail was warm and the towels were crisply dried and warm to the touch. He knew about towel warmers
33./ but they weren’t part of his daily experience. He returned to the bedroom with the towel knotted loosely about his waist. He looked across at Amaka. She was sat at the edge of the bed on what he presumed was her side of the bed staring at him.
34./ He wondered if she realised that he could read the sexual hunger in her gaze. Was it deliberate? Did she want him to know that she wanted him? Or was it inadvertent and she would mask it as soon as she realised? It was a huge turn on for him to have Amaka desire him.
35./ He had nursed his one-sided lust for her for so long and it was gratifying to know that he must have pleasured so well that she was now hungry for more.  

Breaking the silence, Ugo asked, “Is it okay to use your roll-on?” He was standing before her dressing table.
36./ It held an array of toiletries and beauty products. 
“Why not?” Amaka asked with a wry smile. I think we’re past that. He mischievously wondered what her response would have been if he asked to use her toothbrush.

Her gaze on him was still full of sexual desire.
37./ Still holding her gaze through the mirror, Ugo responded to the hunger in hers without filtering his words.  
“You know you can always ask?” He said quietly. He wanted verbal confirmation of the hunger in her eyes, he wanted her to verbalise her hunger,
38./ to hear from her that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He wanted her to ask for more.  
 The sound of his voice almost felt like a physical caress. Amaka’s eyes widened as he held her gaze in the mirror. He was looking straight at her
39./ and the hunger she felt was reflected in his eyes. His eyes mirrored all the dirty thoughts in her mind. She looked away. What was it about this young man that had her acting like this? What was this undertone of self-consciousness?
40./ Was it because of the oh so obvious age difference? She ought to ask him exactly how old he was. An inner voice told her to reserve that question for later. It could ruin the mood. So, she did something different.

Enough of allowing him take the lead.
41./Biting down gently on her lower lip to still her nerves, unaware that the effect it gave off was a seductive, come-hither look. She crooked her forefinger, beckoning him over. In that moment, with his arm up-raised, roll-on in hand, he reminded her of Michelangelo’s David
42./ save for the critical difference that he was far better endowed in the genitals. Ugo paused in the act of applying roll-on to his underarm and looked straight at her. Mirrors were a wonderful sex toy. The fact that he didn’t need to turn around,
43./ but that they were communicating so much using the mirror was a turn on of another kind. His cock was stirring again. Thank God for youth and vigour. He could more than match her hunger.
44./ Lagos with its mad hustle and bustle might be doing it best to kill his dreams and his libido but anyhow e be, God no go shame am. His dreams sef still dey. He just needed to figure a way out to scale through from the present level. He allowed his towel to slide lower down.
45./ The bulge of his growing erection was visible. Amaka repeated the motion with her finger and winked at him. Ugo was intrigued. Okaaaayyy… Good girl gone bad kinda things? No more Ms. Nice Girl? He was definitely here for this.
46./ With his back to her, she could make out the firmness of his butt cheeks despite the thickness of the towel. She wanted to touch. To run her hands up and down his body. Ugo made a 180° turn and in 5 quick strides, he was standing in front of her. Amaka reached out,
47./ tugging at his towel making it drop to the thick pile rug on the beautiful bleached hardwood floor. Ugo was already semi-erect. Looking up at his face, she buried her face in the light fuzz of hair at the juncture of his thighs from where his semi-erect member poked out
48./ demanding her attention and inhaled his natural, musky, scent mingled with faint undertones of her citrusy shower gel. The scent was erotic.

Cupping his bottom with one hand, she took the shaft of his cock in the other guiding it to her lips.
49./ Ugo shuddered when her hand wrapped around his cock began a steady back and forth motion simulating the thrusts he knew he would eventually make into her most private parts before the night was over. He threw his head back in pleasure and thrust forward.
50./ He was now in her mouth and a few drops of pre-cum leaked out. Amaka could taste him on her tongue. She wanted more. She took more of him deeper into her mouth, all the way in,
51./ rolling her tongue around his shaft all the while she was taking him deeper and simultaneously rubbing his balls with firm pressure. He was big. The cliche about tall, lean men was true in his case. She wondered if she would she be able to take the full length of him in.
52./ The sensation was a lot for Ugo. The warm wetness of her mouth was sending him. He placed his hands on her head, wordlessly telling her to sustain the pressure and position.
54./ Amaka made an unintelligible sound of understanding in her throat. She didn’t want to speak and lose her momentum or the feeling of power that came with having him in her mouth or her pleasure in the eroticism of the fullness of having him in her mouth.
55./ She was aroused and getting wet again. Her nipples were painful hard nubs and her entire body was tingling with arousal. Amaka was making soft noises indicating her pleasure as her head bobbed back and forth while she sucked on him. Ugo gritted his teeth and shut his eyes,
56./ concentrating on the pleasure she was bringing him. This was definitely worth those months of lusting after her. He reached his hands down trying to touch her breasts.
57./Who would have thought that the prim, self-possessed & self-assured woman with every hair in place when she came into the restaurant would have this side to her? She deftly moved one hand to grasp his butt while the other was increasing the pressure on the shaft of his cock,
58./ Amaka was driving him wild. He could feel his orgasm building. He was usually able to hold back longer, but this was Amaka and a fantasy come true. He wanted to cum in her mouth. Would she swallow? The decision was taken out of his hands because he began to cum,
59./ and she was still milking him with her hand, sucking, deep-throating and spontaneously swallowing. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes to savour the pleasure, only to open his eyes so that he could watch her lost in the act of giving him pleasure.
60./ Ugo was unable to hold back the spontaneous groaning noises any more than he could stop his cum from filling her mouth. Amaka didn’t stop sucking until he loosened his grip on her shoulders and went still. Bruh! If he was dreaming, please let him not wake up.
61./This one sweet him die! Amaka’s head was bent & she was leaning against his crotch. He lay her down on the bed & clambered on to pull her to spoon into him.

“Are you ok?” Ugo spoke into the darkness. She had tossed off her t-shirt and was lying naked in his arms on the bed.
62./ The room was dark save for the glow from the dial of her bedside clock and the sliver of light from the slightly open bathroom door. 
“Yeah. I am. Are you?” She threw back at him. 
Ugo laughed softly. Should he be open and honest?
63./ Or was it time to revert to the games men and women typically played in these situations? He decided to be honest. “I’m better than I’ve been for a long time.” He admitted.

Lying in the darkness, Amaka bit her lip. She was consumed by a new curiosity about him.
64./ She’d never thought she would find herself in bed with this man and here she was. The words burst forth from her. “How old are you?” 
“Does it matter?” He riposted. 
Amaka laughed self-consciously. “Probably not. But I’m curious.” 

“28.” He answered simply.
65./ “No way!” Amaka stiffened in his arms and quickly did the mental math. 19 years! Sugar. She was a cougar and a cradle snatcher.

She had been with men younger than herself. Twice. But not this much of a gap. What had she just done?
66./ Ugo didn’t like her reaction and what it probably signified.  He turned her towards him and cupped her breasts. Even though he wasn’t a boobs guy, he liked her breasts. Nuzzling her chest, he circled one nipple with his tongue,
66./ nipping it gently with his teeth and sucking at the same time. His fingers continued to stroke the other one. Amaka forgot the age difference as her body reacted to his touch.

“Yes please.” She moaned with her eyes shut. Ugo positioned himself for better access.
67./ The sensation aroused by his sucking on her breasts and fingers playing with her nipples went straight through Amaka’s body to her core. Involuntarily, she rotated her hips and bucked upwards, nudging him to penetrate her.
68./She had enjoyed having him respond to her giving him pleasure a few minutes ago. But now she wanted more. How would it feel to have him penetrate her? To feel the slide & thrust of him as he filled her?
69./ A shiver of anticipated pleasure shook her body her legs spread open wider to urge him on. “Please Ugo.” she pleaded. 

“Please what?” Ugo asked. He was vain enough to want to hear the words. He had spent countless hours wondering what it would be like to have this woman.
70./ He needed to hear her say what she wanted. Needed the reassurance that it was “doing her” the way it was doing him. 

“I want more.” Her voice was breathless. He kept one hand on her breast circling her nipple and watching her areolae pucker up in reaction.
71./ His other hand was exploring its way towards her pussy. He pushed his middle finger in gently. She was wet, but not enough to satisfy him. He brought his finger to his lips, sucked it to wet it and went back. Using two fingers now, he continued his exploration of her.
72./ Amaka’s hips couldn’t stay still. She wanted more. As pleasurable as his finger play was, she needed to feel all of him, needed him to fill her. But she was shy again. Damn. He was going to make her say it. She thought about it. What was she hungry for?
73./ Make love to me didn’t describe the hunger ravaging her body. She wanted more. She wanted him to give her something she hadn’t had in a while. She didn’t want tender, she wanted wild and hard. She was hungry.
74./ She pulled his head close to her, kissed him deeply then pulled away and whispered in his ear, nipping slightly on his earlobe as she spoke. “Fuck me. Now.” 

!!!Ugo’s cock twitched and hardened more. This woman was full of surprises.  
“I don’t have any condoms. Do you?”
75./ he asked.  
Amaka was disoriented for a moment. She knew she did. But she didn’t want to lose the momentum. “I’m clean and safe, are you happy to pull out?” She asked.  
Ugo didn’t need any further bidding; he was happy to trust her and ride raw.
76./Raising her legs to his shoulders, he knelt between her legs & entered her. He began to thrust & her hips rose to meet his thrusts.  
“Ah! Las las, na this bum-bum go kill me.” Ugo thought. He held one butt cheek in each hand, kneading and running his fingers across her skin.
77./ Amaka’s body was a bundle of sensation. Pleasure zinged through her nerve-endings. Her breasts bounced in rhythm with his thrusts exciting him further as he watched them. She matched his every thrust and the slurpy noises of his thrusts sliding in and out of her tight,
78./wet pussy added to the eroticism of it all. Ugo’s hands went to her breasts, playing with her nipples, tugging on them and rolling them in his thumb and forefinger.  

Amaka was moaning out loud. “Please, please, don’t stop. Don’t stop. Yes. Like that. Ooooh . . uunnnh. . .”
79./Ugo knew that he was not going to be able to stop even if a gun was held to his head at that point. He was close. So close. This was too good. She was wet and tight and deep. What more did a man want? Plus, she knew how to move and she was flexible.
80./ Amaka squeezed her vaginal muscles locking him tight within. Ugo jerked in reaction and he knew he was lost.  
“I’m cumming” He ground out and quickly pulled out. It was a near thing. He spilled onto her tummy.
81./ The pale cream liquid of his cum on her looked like him marking her as his own. Amaka laughed inwardly at her flight of fancy. Good sex was a bastard. It made you imagine things that weren’t there.
82./ Back To The Present
In the dark of her room, the tears were still falling. Amaka was furious at herself. Why was she crying? She was the one who told him to go away. She knew it was the right thing to do but it was no consolation.
83./ It had been a fantastic weekend and it wasn’t only the sex. After the first time when he spilled his cum on her stomach, he announced that he was hungry and wanted to go and scavenge for snacks. Like two mischievous kids, they ran back to the kitchen.
84./ He wanted something savoury so they made hotdogs, warmed nachos and dips and lay spooned on the sofa to watch TV. He wanted to watch animation. She chose Shrek. It was the most carefree fun she’d had in ages.  
She didn’t think she had fallen in love. In lust maybe,
85./ but beyond that, Ugo opened her eyes to a world she had closed out generally on her climb up the ladder of success, but particularly in the past 2 years since her break up. 

She didn’t doubt that some women could do the exclusive career thing and be fulfilled,
86./ but she realised that she wasn’t one of them. She needed more. But she didn’t want less than she thought she deserved either. As much as she enjoyed Ugo, she was honest enough to admit that she wasn’t right for him. He was a great young man and they had mad chemistry
87./ and great fun together. It hurt to cut him off. But what were her options?

Keep him on as a fuckbuddy while putting herself out and hoping to meet someone else. She tried to imagine the reaction if she took him home. Her mother would go spare.
88./ Worse. If he took her to his family? Or her as his plus one on outings with his friends? Would they go in her car? Or? 🤷‍♀️

Everyone would assume that she was keeping him with money. Nothing could be farther from the truth. But who would believe it? Too many hurdles,
89./ too many little niggles that would poison it all. They’d fallen asleep in front of the TV and sometime about 3a.m. he woke her and they went to bed. In the morning they had more sex. Made breakfast and went down for a swim in the pool within her building.
90./ They had the pool alone and he dared her for them to have a quickie in the water despite whoever may be watching.

There was a sense of daredevilry that made it fun. Amaka tingled remembering how it felt to have him discreetly pull down her strapless one-piece,
91./ shielding her body from prying eyes with his body; and sucking on her breasts while the slight morning breeze blew on them. It was fun, but it was surreal. They spent the weekend holed up in her apartment after that. Eating, having sex and just being together.
92./ It was real time out of time. By Sunday evening when he was leaving, her body felt tender and despite thinking she was fit, muscles she hadn’t used in a while protested from the weekend’s activities. It hurt to say goodbye. He asked her when he would see her again.
93./ She hadn’t been able to answer. She knew she had to find a new place to feed her chicken addiction. Or maybe it was time to quit chicken entirely. Her tears slowed down now. Yeah. It had been a great interlude. A necessary eye opener even.
94./ But quality guy as he was, he wasn’t the one for her, nor was she the one for him.  
The End.

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DH:I’m 19 years old. I finished secondary school 2 years ago. I wanted to go to university, but my parents have no money.
3./ I cannot even collect my WAEC result because I’m still owing the school for my WAEC fees.

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