This courageous action took place one month after a wave of militarized raids on Gidimt'en land, where police with assault weapons, dogs, and sniper rifles arrested 30 people, including land defenders, journalists, and legal observers. Join the #WetsuwetenResistance#DivestCGL
JOIN THE WET’SUWET’EN RESISTANCE 🔥 We call on all nations, allies, accomplices, and supporters everywhere to RISE UP in solidarity.
🔥 Come to Camp
🔥 DEC 20 WEEK OF ACTION TOOLKIT: #wetsuwetenresistance
More info & developing stories:
IG: @yintah_access
Twitter: @Gidimten
Facebook: @wetsuwetenstrong
Youtube: Gidimten Access Point
TikTok: GidimtenCheckpoint
1/ Yesterday we finished 7 days of trial for the Abuse of Process motion brought by Sleydo’ Molly Wickham, Shaylynn Sampson and Corey Jocko that alleges violations of their Charter protected human rights during their arrests in November 2021.
2/ In this section of the proceedings we presented our evidence regarding the critically flawed enforcement plan leading to excessive arrests, Charter breaches, and dehumanizing treatment in custody.
The crown started calling their witnesses including Superintendent Floyd (formerly a bronze commander for CIRG). During cross-examination Floyd admitted that some of the evidence was not in line with directions by CIRG leadership to respect our Charter rights and RCMP policies.
It is with immensely heavy hearts that we share the news Dinï ze’ Madeek, Jeff Brown, was sung into the spirit world last night, surrounded by family and loved ones.
Madeek was unwavering in his support, his responsibilities and passion for defending the yintah. 1/
He did the work of three Dinî ze’ when two of the house names were vacant and carried the entire Gidimt’en clan until those names were lifted by the current Woos and Gisdewe.
He was committed to our system of governance and will be taken care of as his highly respected name requires by his house members, clan and nation. This is a huge loss for our community.
"...a prime objective of this collaboration was removing barriers to the production of fossil political momentum began building in 2016 for Canada to implement the UN declaration, this “concerned the team” at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute...
...That was because the UN declaration contains a clause stating that Indigenous peoples have the right to give “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” before governments make decisions that could have a large material impact on their traditional territories...
...Some legal experts see this as a reasonable way to ensure that Indigenous communities are equal partners in decision-making...
July 7, 2022
Unceded Wet’suwet’en Yintah (Smithers - BC) –
Gidimt’en Checkpoint response to NDP Attorney General issuing criminal charges to four additional land defenders
2/Today, under the leadership of NDP Attorney General David Eby, the crown prosecutor criminally charged four land defenders, including Gidimt'en spokesperson Sleydo' Molly Wickham, for breach of an injunction granted to Coastal Gas Link (CGL).
3/The injunction restrains land defenders from accessing their unceded territory.
The Crown declined to charge six others with criminal counts. In court, the Crown acknowledged the RCMP had not properly read the injunction to those present on site...
Photo: June 22 - A Wet'suwet'en member approaches RCMP & private security as they idle at Gidimt'en checkpoint.
1. Members of the Gidimt’en Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation have filed a notice of civil claim against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, B.C.’s Minister of Justice, Coastal Gaslink Pipeline LTD., and private security contractor Forsythe.
2. The lawsuit follows months of targeted harassment and intimidation, through which hundreds of police and private security personnel have attempted to coerce Wet’suwet’en people into abandoning homes and village sites on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory.
1/ Today, on National Indigenous Peoples Day, we want to bring everyone’s attention to the yintah. On a day when many politicians will be out showing their faces at events meant to celebrate our culture they only subscribe to when it serves them.
2/ They do not want to acknowledge and follow the laws of our land. Laws that have been in place since time immemorial. Laws that restrict their access to our territories and resources. No, they just want to see us dance and sing and go home quietly.
3/ The destruction of Wet’suwet’en yintah and the imminent threat to Wedzin Kwa is not what they want to discuss. But this is our reality. One year after the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act became LAW we are still fighting.