As an LP, impermanent loss risk is high if one coin moves a lot relative to the other coin in the pair.
If you think 2 coins will move together (ex: $MATIC & $ETH), then you can provide liquidity for the ETH-MATIC pair without worrying too much about the Impermanent Loss.
15/ You can also think of it as an automatic profit taking strategy:
- When $MATIC goes up relative to ETH, you're taking MATIC profits into ETH
- When $ETH goes up relative to MATIC, you're taking ETH profits into MATIC
Automatically balancing your ETH and MATIC positions.
16/ As always, @finematics does a great job explaining Impermanent Loss. Check out this video:
17/ Also check out @ApyVision - they have a great tool to help figure out your LP performance and find LPs with good yield.