@PortiaMcGonagal Yeah, about that: I too once had a White friend who slapped my face and called me a ni---r lover because I was dating my man... And I'm not even repeating what was said once I had my daughter & I had a (a few more than 1 but this will suffice) White friend who threatened to
@PortiaMcGonagal talk to my supervisor b/c I call out racism in clinical settings etc and on
The rest just think we are "friends"
@PortiaMcGonagal because I don't have the time, energy or life consumption use to spend calling them out for their racism in all that they do and they do it all!
Nor do I have the time or energy NOR WHEREWITHALL to recoup what it will cost me at every juncture; I mean you just have to live
@PortiaMcGonagal with that sh!t to get anywhere in life. That WW/WP take it as your personal consent for enduring in spite of and under the Superiority of Whiteness in order to do what we do is Machiavellian, and then to be called "a friend" for doing so, is farcical in the extreme!
@PortiaMcGonagal And it's an effing sh!t show they think I don't see.
That they even call that being friends tells me they don't know the first thing about friendship.
It's all based on blackmailed silence via privilege and power and the minute I violate their entittlements with my
@PortiaMcGonagal equality they're lighting quick to remind me of my place and will call the entire system into play to back them up. And it comes like clockwork!
There are WP who will partner with me in calling out racism BUT ONLY UP TO A POINT
@Numbers28 Although it certainly doesn't feel that way, that is acutually the blessing in disguise. COVID removed any chance for denial. It wiped it out. That we are left with the pre-existing reality staring us in the face is uncomfortable but the illusion is gone. Nothing left to do
@Numbers28 but address it with REAL CHANGE THST MATTERS or let the fissures continue to do what was being attempted all along.
As hard as it is to fathom, that entire process, whichever way it goes is (and here too the same as it ever was), up to WP as they've the power and the
@Numbers28 numbers to create a Democracy in REALITY or keep lying to themselves as they let the idea of that my fallow. That this has all been at the expense and on the back of Af-Am & POC is also not new and will continue as long as WP refuse to value Democracy more
@dlonorse@docrocktex26@We_are_Vector@kanoe80@BetoORourke@DNCWarRoom@DNC Correct since 2006 in terms of the PUBLIC FACE OF VOTING.
"Republicans have not won statewide office in California since Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2006 reelection. Indeed, they have become such a minority in California that they now practically count as a third party.
@dlonorse@docrocktex26@We_are_Vector@kanoe80@BetoORourke@DNCWarRoom@DNC Only 24.1 percent of registered voters there declare themselves to be part of the GOP, which is barely half the number who count themselves as Democrats and roughly the same as the share who register as independents."
@docrocktex26@We_are_Vector@kanoe80@BetoORourke@DNCWarRoom@DNC I'm truly tired of not addressing the "so-called" silent Whote Mod Maj for this. I don't think ceding a majority WP state like TX and FL to GOP is accidental... But either way you slice that pie: ITS MAJORITIES OF WP WHO VOTE FOR THIS. There's alot of WP claiming to be DEMs
@docrocktex26@We_are_Vector@kanoe80@BetoORourke@DNCWarRoom@DNC for social credibility but who vote straight GOP up and down ticket across all local State and National house/Senate races while claiming to your face and in poles not to. WE DONT PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT SO SQUARELY BELONGS AND THATS ON ALL WP & CHIEFLY WW VOTERS AT THAT.
@docrocktex26@We_are_Vector@kanoe80@BetoORourke@DNCWarRoom@DNC I'd like to see us stop coddling the BS because it ain't happening. They deservedly should be called on the carpet. My stance these days. You gotta show me via what you do before I believe anything out their mouths. I've yet to see any WP up close and personal like actually
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 Oh Im aware & I don't disagree with that but I do vehemently dispute how you use those facts in constructing your premise. Primarily b/c RUSSIA IS IN NO WAY CAUSAL FOR US WHITE SUPREMACY (WS) nor t/sadistic pathology spawned by it resulting in gen after gen of WPs greedy
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 attachment to privilege & power such that WP continue that process forsaking in all ways the Democracy they give such lipservice to in order to maintain WS in perpetuity.
Albeit tho the clothing of WS changes to suit the going narrative or times, the substance of White
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 privilege and power and what that means for the rest of us DOES NOT CHANGE. And that is the real problem; not Russia.
To the degree you deflect to other countries and people to distract from real causes of the pathology that WS is vs dealing with the character weakness &
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 To even begin the understand the history surrounding facsist RW White Supremacists one needs to deal squarely with the wholly foundational pathology of White Supremacy as it is, was and continues to be deeply embedded in US White Culture. To ignore that and only look at the
@DavidManOnFire@insiderfilms1 history of fascism (which is the same thing by another name) only deals with quote unquote post-foundational 19th century events according to what WP take note of. I could say this goes back to OK City, Ruby Ridge as he WACO and I wouldn't be wrong, but it's a half truth and
It's not a question of who started WS but rather who in majority continues to maintain it and surprisingly it's NOT EXTREMISTS. It's one thing to inherit an unequal system and quite another to continue to maintain it by
"We found that the virus was accurately detected by the rapid antigen test in 87% of patients with COVID-19 symptoms and in 71% of those who were asymptomatic"
Said another way 30% of SUPERSPREADING Delta and Omicron