More than 1,000 faculty members at Univ of Michigan have vowed to teach online today, or to help those who do, defying an order from president Mark Schlissel. Faculty members say they don’t want to teach in person because of risks of getting COVID-19.…
Here is a relevant thread.
Faculty members are among the professions whose future might be affected by Covid brain damage. Not sure how the university thinks it will fare with significant harm to tenured faculty.
Addition: the genetic combinations of Omicron and Delta that form when someone is infected by both can be expected to result in new variants with a wide range of properties.
Don’t think about the virus as what it is today but what it might become.
The virus has a very large space of possible options. Omicron has 60 mutations, another combination of 60 mutations will result in very different properties.
If we don’t want more possibilities there is one sure way that will prevent it: reducing the amount of virus that is transmitting. We are doing the opposite so far, there is more virus not less.
"We must now add murderous incompetence, culpable negligence, perfunctory conduct of government response, wantonly foolish ideology-driven reliance on organisations and individuals who conspicuously lacked the necessary attributes to perform their assigned tasks. 2/
"Abbasi equated the lethal results of political decisions during the pandemic to ‘social murder’.This describes what occurs when those in power force the population to live in conditions that increase,inevitably,their risk of avoidable and premature death.…