Orange armbands on Peace Monument/Civil War Sailors Monument, J6 2021, 1:06 PM. Within minutes of Ray Epps leading tip of the spear through Capitol Police barrier. Any significance? People up there were goading unsuspecting crowd members to "move forward."…
1:36 PM, January 6, 2021: Green tape unit designator markers on individuals wearing tactical gear, goggles and respirators. At top of walkway to crypt level of Capitol, West Front, Senate side. Some might be same as above.…
Were the @CapitolPolice set up by other agencies to fail on J6?
I keep thinking about the Capitol Police chief at the time, Steve Sund, who testified that FBI, DHS and others provided advance intel that Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc., would be there, but that no trouble was expected.
How could FBI/DHS intelligence to the Capitol Police have stressed that there would be no trouble?
Why won’t FBI deny to Congress that it had assets among the violence planners?
Two years ago: Heroic Dr. Li Wenliang warns other doctors in Wuhan about the virus outbreak. The Chinese Communist Party soon forces him to sign a “confession” renouncing his warnings. Then he dies.
Two years ago: Top Wuhan Institute of Virology scientist suspects a “lab leak” of what will be known as the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.
Two years ago today: Chinese Communist Party spreads false story of virus origin, tells UN’s World Health Organization that the virus originated not at the lab but at a “wet market.”
Rise of the Commissars: Pentagon unveils vague new rules on ‘extremism’ following January 6 riot — even ‘liking’ a social media post could land a service member in trouble. Extremism includes opposition to DoD’s ever-changing ‘gender’ issues.…
Since Twitter doesn’t have a “like” function that permits one to express varied sentiment, just pushing the “heart” button as a marker will be construed as “liking.” No word if re-tweeting will be construed as slavish endorsement.
These three generals are dangerous. They are agitating a narrative to install political commissars in our armed forces and divide the military along partisan political lines. This resumes an op that began in May 2020 to pre-determine a political outcome.…
Suddenly in focus: A strategy behind the rapidity and broadness of Defense Secretary Austin’s woke diktats and the administration’s Wuhan Virus-based purge of Armed Forces personnel who won’t blindly submit.
Notice the narrative shift that coincides with the three commissar generals’ Washington Post op-ed. This isn’t about fighting the Klan or other fringe elements. It’s a pretext to target half the country.…