As shown on her impersonating account @ BestInventoryPr , Radicalized cyberstalker #RamlaAkhtar, expelled from #Gojal after she physically assaulted elderly people in #Gulmit, is taking pride US #AlexReynolds@lostwpurpose copied her hate speech against 🇵🇰 #Chapursan Valley.
First, AlexReynolds @lostwpurpose shared #RamlaAkhtar insane & hatred allegations, without any proof, on Facebook Page "Backpaking Pakistan" taking advantage of Pakistan judiciary loophole, while such defamatory allegations would be prosecuted in the US.…
Instead of admitting her outrageous behavior, Alex Reynolds got the support of her business partners #SebastiaanRijntjes and #WillHatton who used the most slandering words to counter those who incited them to a more ethical posting.
Alex Reynolds whose business relies on Pakistan amended her "Chapursan travel guide" which positively reported her experience of #Chapursan Valley with Ramla Akhtar's defamatory and unsupported allegations.…
Doing so, Alex Reynolds, replicated Ramla Akhtar forgery who hijacked a family guesthouse website to turn it into an impersonating and defamatory weapon against a poor mountain family from Northern Pakistan.…
Alex Reynolds contribution to Ramla Akhtar endeavour for depriving a family from its livelihood made the cyberstalker ecstatic. If Reynolds would have been more cautious, she would have learned that Akhtar was acting as a consequence of her own adultery, not as a travel adviser.
Doing so, while making business in Pakistan, seems to be nothing else than a wrong marketing move. Actually, it should be reminded that Alex Reynolds was a minor influencer until she was promoted by the bad buzz which boosted her youtube channel.
American Alex Reynolds, build her Pakistani audience on bad buzz which proved to be more profitable than actual reporting of factual observations. This is why she partnered with Ramla Akhtar, the cyberstalker promoting violence and hate speech in #Hunza…
Ramla Akhtar, who is famous for her hatred against foreign visitors (including Alex Reynolds until she supported her campaign) in Pakistan, is particularly hostile to the attractive #EvaZuBeck who build her audience thanks to male Pakistani gora complex.…
Eva Zu Beck, @Evabiankaz, has no interest in bad buzz. She delivers a flattering communication for Pakistan with no substance except attractive visuals fordevelopping her audience. Ramla Akhtar is infuriated about the fact she could not embed her.…
This is how Alex Reynolds, @LostWithPurpose, became the major "credential" for a racist, child abuser, violence promotor, slanderer, calumnious denunciator, against mountain people of Pakistan, Ramla Akhtar, the cyberstalker.…
We eventually found the solution. It will take months. But, we will DESTROY this outlaw from INSIDE Pakistan with the help of thousands domestic accounts and with the help of 🇵🇰authorities. There will be absolutely no mercy. #RamlaAkhtar#Cybercrime#Bullying#Cyberstaking
after 459 Tweets posted, #BestInventoryPR has just one follower, a Pakistani troll. The three other fake "follower" accounts belong to the radicalized
Pakistani stalker Ms Ramla Akhtar who created this scum account.
Such a complete disaster for a Twitter account was not foresinable because no normal person
could have anticipated such an excessive mad behavior. A true miracle! BestInventoryPR should be awarded as the biggest Twitter crap by the Guiness book of records.
Half of #PamirInstitute audience, is from Pakistan more exactly from northern Gilgit Baltistan. A large majority of them is part of 3,290 people (!) who read the debunking by Bernard Grua of the insane pornographic conspiravy theory shared by Ramla Akhtar agst #Wakhi#Chapursan.
Most of this audience also read the 66 comments below the article ascertaining Ramla Akhtar's maltreatment agst her biological daughter, the unwanted result of an adultery. These important and incredible testimonies are archived in a dedicated article.…
Most of them are aware of Ms Ramla Akhtar speeches against children education, especially against the Central Asia Institute which does so much for literacy in Hunza, with fantastic results.
It looks like someone at @postgrowth's was shocked by these revelations. While this an anonymous paper, it could be a fake feed back. Nevertheless, this is what Ms Ramla Akhtar pretends she received from AustralianS.
Rabid & radicalized Pakistani 🇵🇰cyber-stalker, Ramla Akhtar, received an unexpectable fair & generous proposition which could have secured her serenity & impunity, despite her two years & a half disgusting harassment against the Frenchman 🇫🇷, @BernardGrua…
Rabid & radicalized Pakistani 🇵🇰cyber-stalker, Ramla Akhtar, rejected the fair & generous appeasement proposition. Instead she claimed that wanted to go ahead with her confrontation against #BernardGrua
Indeed, even during the observation & "cease-fire" period, she asked for consulting her lawyer (!) the rabid radicalized Pakistani 🇵🇰cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar was sending an insane flood of tweets against 🇫🇷 Bernard Grua which were not countered by him as a proof of good faith.
The brown Pakistani shit bag which uses defamation, doxxing, calumnious denunciation agst me Bernard Grua & my family since 2 years & a half received an incredibly fair & generous offer no western cybercriminal would never enjoy in any civilized country.…
Akhtar, the shit bag, refused the appeasement offer and claimed she wanted confrontation.
The brown hope she could continue to play her cybercriminal game invoking the single mother status. What a complete freak!