This is a #thread defending the honor & creed or our great #Imam , #leader , #pious#predecessor , the editor of the whole #shafi fiqh , whose word is the final , whom we seek to understand our Islam universally!
Muhi AdDeen #Nawawi -May Allah be pleased with him-
For years the #wahhabi sect has attempted to claim #Nawawi as a fellow #Karrami!
Lies, fabrications even tampering with his works has been the norm.
But no more!
Today we shall once and for all shut this nonsense DOWN!
What was one of #nawawi primary text for creed issues?
Al #Irshaad By Imam Al Haramain #juwaini
Which even IT called the Gospel of the Asharis! Disrespectful ofcourse !
Some will be slick and say well everyone believes they meant the sunnah!
Yeah but he calls them Ahl Al Haq and our Imams of Kalam!
And he affirms their position!
This is the creed of #Nawawi
Some might try and say but he doesn’t necessarily consider them at this high status!
Well my friend Imam #Nawawi calls them our fellows! This means those who he follows!
He copies what are in the books of #Kalam and he follows their agreed upon opinions!
In Aahaad of #Hadith he agrees with Ahl Sunnah thats they do not assert certainty. #Nawawi states the opinion of Ahl Sunnah!
I’m not even close to being finished; it is already evident that #Nawawi is #Ashari
#Nawawi affirming that no verdicts pre revelation and divine decree this is uniquely an Ashari claim
The Siffah of #Rida according to #Nawawi : is Allah bestowing Good, Kindness & Mercy.
This is the #Ashari Cread.
#Nawawi states clearly Ahl Sunnah use 2 methods:
Tafweed & Taweel.
Pretty sure he isn’t hust influenced at at this point!
#Nawawi: the Yad is attributed to Allah along with his creation to honor him (Adam).
It is not a limb
It is not a tool
It is not a part of him
This is no influence, this is belief!
He is Ashari!
#Nawawi presents evidence for his fellow Kalam Scholars!!
Does Allah have a Sura (Image)? #Nawawi says: No!
Some scholars he says say we leave it as is, but it’s apparent is definitely not means, this is the way of the Majority!
Another group of scholars say: it ought to be understood in a matter befitting with Allah tanzeeh! Still no
Does he have a Saaq? #Nawawi says no, but rather it is to express hardship of that moment.
Wahhbis say: here’s the saaq , there is the Kadam; who has the knee?!
Does he have fingers? #Nawawi says: as I said before our scholars have two methods
Not defining it, elieve the text, denouncing the appart.
Or giving it a possible understanding; He does it ease, because in arabic people say I’ll do such and such with my finger!
Does He have a right hand? #Nawawi quoute #Maziri who said Hand is impossible!
The wording of this narration is simply in a way they would understand, and since this is a righteous matter using the term right is adequate and it is used for acceptance.
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The Shaykh Taught us:
Wahhabis aren’t from the people Sunnah.
As their main enemy is the Sunnah it self.
Wahhabism is indeed a means to give a creature divine attributes so they may worship the antichrist.
They await their master.
If you ponder upon the ideology of wahhabi theology you’ll find they only define attributes in human terms, and never take into consideration any other definitions that involve other creatures.
The God they seek is Man.
Do Asharis support Putin, Bashar, sisi…etc. ?!
But even if we were to say yes.
Don’t we all know for a fact that many others on the opposing side literally support US, UK & the European bloc & Israel!
This type of approach is sick!
No Muslim supports a kafir.
However, there are in each situation a cause to lean towards a direction.
You can’t actually point the finger and say See!
Each individual in each situation plans what they perceive as safe.
As for picking on Ahl Sunnah for doing a seminar in Chechnya; that is just pathetic!
Wahhabis have them in the states monthly half of the time calling us Kuffar!
So why the grief?!
Or should we flip the script and say:
You support the killers of our brothers in Somalia?!
The Jahmyyah & Mu’tazilah said that the 2nd verse of Surah al Anbya is evidence that the Quran is created.
Imam Ahmad said: No, it is referring to the Most recent we have received.
Ibn Kathir also narrated this:
قال ابن كثير أيضا في " البداية " (10 / 327):
عن أحمد بن حنبل أنه أجاب الجهمية حين احتجوا عليه بقوله تعالى: )من ربهم محدث إلا استمعوه وهم يلعبون) قال: يحتمل أن يكون تنزيله إلينا هو المحدث، لا الذكر نفسه هو المحدث.
Again there we have Ahmad refuting the understanding presented by Jahmis & Mu’tazilah.
Very clear very evident!
Silence of God is an Idea development by the Jahmis.
Even in the tampered books waved around by certain people still shows that this concept of God going silent goes against Him actually being God.
Yet, it has been said:
(...... فثبت بالسنة والإجماع أن الله يوصف بالسكوت)
That Silence is an attribute of God by those who have went astray!
We can actually see who has followed the Jahmi creed!