Nearly a year and a half ago — on 8/2/20 — I started investigating QAnon. It took me three days to figure out that this was Mike Flynn’s operation and that it was going to be targeting elections.

Since this moment, I have worked my ass off seven days a week to stop it.
Two weeks after I started, I published this piece - 8/16/20

The title was misleading. Jim Watkins controlled the website that Q was on but was not responsible for the content which turns out to be Mike Flynn.

This article went extremely viral.
A couple of days later I posted this story which correctly identified the brainwashing process and the fact that QAnon was using “alternate reality game” techniques that I had helped invent to harm people.

I also wrote about the reaction I got.…
Then at the end of August 2020, I posted this article which describes the horror I felt going back to Facebook and experiencing a version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

I spoke to hundreds of victims and their friends and family.…
Through September 2020 I worked 20 hours a day to find out everything I could and teamed up with friends to both discover the source of the disinformation and to figure out ways to help. This TedX is from October 2020.
Here’s a thread from September 2020 while I was in the thick of figuring it out. At this point it was becoming clear that Jim Watkins was not the center of the QAnon operation. It also became clear that it was using psychological warfare techniques to radicalize Americans.
Here’s a documentary that I helped create with Financial Times that correctly identified a number of people connected to QAnon and discussed the trauma and coercion that creates undue influence.…
In October 2020, I got a screen capture of private DM groups that were coordinating QAnon disinformation. Mike Flynn was in these groups and was encouraging a large number of infamous trolls, including Jim and Ron Watkins, to continue their operations.
This is correct. I had it right. This made me a target of people who did not like what I was saying. They still don’t like it.
I have always been honest about who I am. I am an open book. I have been doxxed at least 10 times at this point.

If people don’t like my style or what I have to say, they are welcome to ignore or block me. What they can’t do is say I’m not honest. I am. To a fault.
I watched this entire network from the inside out. I saw all of the connections and documented them as often as possible.

For example, this crucial evidence of coordination between Mike Flynn and Q promoting dangerous propagandist Archibishop Carlo Vigano.
On Election Day 2020, “Q” quit. I started the hashtag #RIPQ to commemorate the occasion and still have it in my handle.

The reason I knew is because I was watching very carefully.
I did the work to understand the network. I spoke to hundreds of sources by this point.
Despite the fact that “Q” itself was retiring, the rest of the QAnon LARPs (live action role play characters) did not.

An account called “E” was getting ready to replace Q on Twitter. The account was provably receiving information from Ezra Cohen. We got it suspended 7 times.
A few hours after “E” gave up on Twitter and went to Parler, “Q” briefly came back to life to indicate how pissed off it was.

This is the only reason these Q drops exist. Because we stopped its continuation plan and exposed its LARPs.
Throughout this process I have generated thousands of threads with specific information about bad actors.

Here’s one that exposes Ezra Cohen’s involvement in “E” and QAnon.
Here’s another guy who is going to get a lot more attention because he was involved in the planning leading up to 1/6.

I was right about him then, as everyone is about to find out shortly.
Throughout my investigation, I have live tweeted hundreds of events like this one. Literally millions of people have seen these threads and learned what was going on without having to spend hours watching disinfo.
Having identified Mike Flynn as the force behind QAnon months before, when Flynn got pardoned, broke his silence and went on a QAnon show it was absolutely clear who was in charge.
This article from 11/10/20 gave a summary of the operators my friends and I had identified and laid out what we were trying to do to help.…
This event was extremely important — more important than I understood at the time. This is the “Jericho March” organized by Mike Flynn. A who’s who of disinformation actors, violent white supremacists and the aforementioned Carlo Vigano were there.
In November 2020 I created this chart of the people that I could see were actively contributing to QAnon in real time.

On 12/17/20 five months after I started I wrote this to go with the chart. I have learned so much since then but it’s still accurate.…
On 12/21/20 it became clear that 1/6 was about violence.
I caught Ron Watkins paying people to go to DC **over two weeks before the event**

Again, the reason I knew it was going to happen is that I pay very close attention. There is no secret. It’s just doing the WORK.
The white nationalists were setting up caravans two weeks before on obscure social media platforms all of which I waded through. It was entirely clear what the purpose of 1/6 was.

It was planned to be a white supremacist riot from the start.
The most intense pushback I have gotten from both the right and the left, is from stating the clear fact that QAnon and the entire disinformation assault we are enduring is identical to Russian propaganda.

There’s a reason this generates anger. It’s not because I’m crazy. 🇷🇺
On 12/30/20 I wrote this thread about what I thought was going to happen on 1/6. It even surprised me how accurate it was. If anyone ever tells you that it was impossible to know what would happen, please send them this.
“The Storm” is a QAnon term based on a Trump quote from right before Q started. I watched hundreds of QAnon accounts and knew that they saw this event as the culmination.

I also knew QAnon cultists would be backed up by militant white supremacists organized by Mike Flynn.
Mike Lindell paid for a lot of these events by sponsoring them with his products. And he was indeed in DC selling pillows on 1/6.

It was also absolutely crystal clear that Donald Trump was coordinating everything with Mike Flynn.
RSBN is more or less Mike Lindell’s “network.” It is non-stop pillow ads between interviewing Trump’s cult members at his rallies. RSBN not only covered all of it but coordinated with the insurrectionists.

And of course the nazi propagandists were there.
Chanel Rion works for dangerous Russian propaganda network OANN. She coordinates with insurrectionists and QAnon.

The right wing machine was trying to create the conditions for the Insurrection Act. And it would have happened if “Antifa” showed up.
I do not like making predictions like this and I’m very sorry I was right about it. This was a few days after someone blew themselves up in an RV in Nashville which I did not see as a healthy signal.
I’ve done a lot of work along the way but this project — to help inform people about the plan for 1/6 — is what I’m most proud of. I am NOT taking credit for all of it. So many people helped. But I was out in front and took a lot of heat.

This was correct.
The more I learned, the more concerned I got. This was also correct. It was clear what they were doing.

In the meantime there were many who were downplaying this and calling me alarmist. They were wrong.
I organized a volunteer group on a discord server and we made memes and as much noise as we could to keep warning people leading to the insurrection.
If ten Secretaries of State, including the ones who worked for Trump, were concerned about military intervention on 1/6, why wasn’t anyone else? For example, the Pentagon.

The SecDefs were talking straight to the boots on the ground.
The Mayor of Washington DC knew what was going to happen and tried to warn everyone.
On January 5th, I endured hours and hours of neo-nazis like Owen Shroyer here and live tweeted the treason.

There was no other interpretation for this event than preparing the audience for white nationalist violence.
Ali Alexander Akbar organized “Stop the Steal” and did rehearsal insurrections at several State Capitols.

Here he is inciting the QAnon followers by saying about the rain: “The Storm is here!”

In QAnon fiction, that when the executions start.
Here’s RSBN on the morning of the insurrection playing an old video after Ossoff and Warnock already won.

It all played out as scripted.
Here’s Josh Hawley, who on the morning of 1/6 raised a fist to the assembled nazis and cultists, trying to wiggle out of what he helped plan and execute.
The day after the insurrection, nearly half of Republicans approved of what happened. I don’t know how many it is now but it is much, much higher.
Something I try very hard to do is exercise radical empathy for people who have been trapped, traumatized and indoctrinated.

It has caused a lot of understandable anger, but there are tens of millions of people in the cult. We have to find a way to bring them home.
As I mentioned, there is nothing wrong with being gleeful about dangerous disinformation actors being deplatformed.

I do have a problem with people being gleeful about inauthentically deplatforming ME however. 🤷‍♂️
A week after the insurrection I wrote this thread which has some of the same content as the one you’re reading now.

I stand by all of this. In the year since then, I have learned so much more and I have worked hard to share that too.
Getting to this day was not guaranteed. If “Antifa” had showed up in DC, or the heroes in the Capitol Police had given up sooner, we may not have made it.

Naively, I thought I could shift my focus to helping the victims. I was wrong. Everything only got worse.
Charles Flynn is one of a family of siblings all of whom have been either knowledgeable of or actively engaged in sedition.

This tweet was cited in a lawsuit by the Flynns against CNN as proof they were inciting hate against the Flynns. No hate here. Prison’s fine.
After Russia, psyops — psychological warfare — is the sorest subject among a group of people who really want everyone to believe QAnon and its subsequent metastasizing were just the result of an extremely lucky troll on the 4chan website.
One of the most horrifying things about this has been watching brainwashing operations spread like cancer and take over entire ecosystems.

A year ago, it was clear Telegram was going to be a hub. I had no idea. It is a hell of neo-nazi and cult brainwashing channels.
While I was busy exposing disinformation networks, I also wanted to form a volunteer organization to try to help victims of undue influence and their friends and family.

For a while, this was the most inspiring experience of my life. Then, one of my hardest lessons.
I will tell the full story soon.

In the meantime, I want to say this for the record. NONE of the accusations that have been made against me or my group of volunteers is true. Zero.

You may be shocked to learn people lie on the internet. 🤷‍♂️
The idea that it was a “scam” or “attacked people” is a LIE and a despicable inversion of what happened. A group of people who did not want us to succeed trolled us, lied about us, wrote hit pieces, infiltrated our discord server and traumatized many vulnerable people.
I’m saying this right here, right now. Stop lying about me, about The Thinkin Project and about my friends. I will not be defamed and abused on Twitter or anywhere else.

We had a gofundme briefly to try to scale up but after getting attacked we returned every single donation.
Here is the work The Thinkin Project was actually doing.

I spoke to 60 Minutes, did an hour interview with Lesley Stahl and provided sources from our group for their story about the victims of QAnon. I was proud of this piece and was instrumental to making it happen.
To give you an idea of how bad the attacks were, two people with blue check marks accused me of wanting to kidnap children when I posted this thread, right after the above tweet about 60 Minutes. An intentional, harmful, defamatory smear aimed at my reputation and my group’s.
In the meantime, through all the drama, I have continued to call out and expose the people responsible, not just for 1/6 but for the entire fascist assault on democracy.

We must see these people in jail or on the stand.
After starting my group just two months before, I stepped down as the front man and became just another member. I was hoping this would redirect some of the attacks away from people who were just there to help organize. Sadly it didn’t.

They smelled blood and doubled down.
General Walker told the truth. Half a year later the DOD Inspector General basically called him a liar which is one of the scariest moments of this entire episode.

In the current administration, we have people covering up for the insurrection.
One tweet for “Blue Anon” which is a smear by fake leftists who promote Russian propaganda. It was also picked up my Q himself, Mike Flynn.

It is intended to make people like me who care about the actual war being waged, seem “unwell.”
Because it’s too perfect not to mention after my previous tweet, Mike Flynn’s brother Joe just used #BlueAnon to troll me. Image
There was that time I got doxxed and harassed on a neo-nazi website while I was being called “unwell” by fake leftists.

It’s important to understand that trolling and gangstalking is just as harmful regardless of what “side” it comes from.
I also found out that the Flynn family had included my tweets in this $75M LOLsuit against CNN. I wasn’t named as a defendant but needless to say this was intentional intimidation to shut me up.
What I described then is happening again but even more intensely. The same exact group, doing the exact same thing but with even more desperation. It’s nothing short of cult behavior. It’s social media psyops targeting the out-group and it should not be legal.
As I have said numerous times this is the guy who was calling the shots on 1/6 and everything that has come out since has proven it. This is him on Alex Jones the day before the insurrection.
One of the biggest uphill battles I’ve had to face is the disinformation being spread to try to fit a narrative that covers for the actual people who conspired to run psyops on American citizens. This documentary is a major source of that.

Ron Watkins was not “Q.”
Every once in a while I find an interview on Infowars that’s worth talking about. Like this one, which was remarkable for the number of confessions between Roger and Alex who have been partners for many years.
It’s important to remember that despite all efforts to the contrary that Russian interference is not a fantasy or something only crazy people talk about.
Here’s my first thread on MAGA3X, which is one of the least understood and most important groups involved in both the 2016 interference AND QAnon.
One of the most breathtaking things about doing this was realizing the breadth, extent and efficacy of Peter Thiel’s project to destroy global liberal democracy — and how open he is about it.

He doesn’t hide it. Nonetheless the US government gives him billions of dollars.
If you’re curious about my background, I’m happy to tell anyone anything. I’ve started five companies, won a Primetime Emmy, have a bunch of patents. Worked at Google/Niantic. Also a proud high school graduate.

I also have face planted about a billion times.
This story shook me not just because of the dead children but because of the incredibly callous attitude some people took about this. Rather than believe QAnon was even part of the problem, they blamed the mom and deny brainwashing exists at all.
Might as well put this here. The same people that gave this LARP her orders in 2016/17/18 are behind the people attacking me now.

This whole act was designed to cover for the Russians and make the left look crazy. This is the actual “Blue Anon.”
Here’s Mike Flynn inciting sedition with Diamond and Silk who are far smarter and more dangerous than people give them credit for.
Something else I do frequently is summarize and contextualize articles and news stories in threads. Like this one of Joel Greenberg’s confessions about Matt Gaetz and Roger Stone which was both important and funny af.
Here’s another article I covered. This wasn’t as funny. GamerGate was a misogynistic cult created on 4/8chan that started as a conspiracy theory and picked female gamers to gangstalk, SWAT and torment.

It turned into the alt-right and eventually QAnon.
Mike Flynn was not very good at covering his tracks. But even without the huge amount of evidence to prove it, all you have to do is ask “Qui bono?” about MIKE.

Mike Flynn’s entire existence has benefitted Putin since 2015.
This chart was a first draft of trying to visualize the numerous influence operations that happen on social media and how they are intentionally set up to be in conflict with each other.

It’s also remarkable that all of this and more can be traced to five white men.
Flynn’s rhetoric has gotten much more severe and brazenly fascist over the last year. He started to cut loose when his “ReAwaken America” events got scheduled.

Flynn’s narcissism is infinite so these are catnip to him.
Of all the crazy things we’ve allowed in our slow slide towards autocracy, permitting brainwashed, violent seditionists to remain in Congress is right up there at the top.
Ask Texas how this prediction turned out.
Roe will be gone by summer this year.
This is a very long in depth thread about how Peter Thiel, Rudy Giuliani and an array of others have been weaponizing law enforcement technology to institutionalize racism.

If you aren’t familiar with the Thiel, the Manhattan Institute or Palantir this is worth your time.
As I have mentioned I have live tweeted many, many cult events to expose the process and the criminals behind them.

This one is over 100 tweets long for a reason. It was absolutely batshit crazy. There were many confessions.
This was Mike Flynn’s event from front to back.

Here he explained his plan to assault American democracy through “Local Action has a National Impact.” This is a euphemism for terrorism, of the sort we have seen at countless school board meetings.
An insurrectionist claimed in court he was a “digital soldier” for “Q.”

Mike Flynn was “Q” and trademarked “digital soldiers.”
I found this video on Telegram 5 minutes after it happened. This is a Project Veritas op who dramatically announced her career change to being a propagandist on live television.
One thing I did not expect when I started looking at QAnon was that I would need to give myself a condensed course on comparative religion. As it happens, it’s necessary in order to understand the roots of what’s going on.

This thread tied a lot together.
“Health and Freedom Conference” is a funny name for three day psychological torture chambers designed to turn you into an anti-vaxx suicide bomber.

There is no health or freedom being delivered here.
Throughout last year, the plan to attack elections was obvious. “CyberNinjas” was paid $6M by Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne to generate fraudit propaganda.

Which led me to wonder whether $422k of went it to pay off Doug Logan’s mortgage.
Mike Flynn and his allies in the right wing press started agitating for violence leading up to the Fourth of July because the fraudits were not giving them what they wanted.
I was not the only one to notice that there seemed to be an increased urgency and shamelessness in the calls to violence.
Mike Flynn’s Telegram channel, particularly the comments section, is one of the most terrifying “places” you can imagine. Over 300k cult members who are completely comfortable making death threats and racist comments.

This was a very tense weekend.
Flynn was doing his best to set the stage for stochastic terrorism. This is not a metaphor. He wants his followers to believe that this “revolution” is necessary and legitimate and that they should “answer the call.”
Of course Trump has to have his own rallies to pretend he’s still President. This one was nuts.
Jim Watkins is the owner of 8chan which is the website “Q” lived on. His son Ron was the tech guy.

They are both criminals and pedophiles.
Neither of them are capable of being “Q.” They were just willing to provide a platform to launch psyops from — for money.
It never ceases to amaze me that a guy who is overtly dedicated full time to the destruction of American democracy and harm to America citizens is allowed to keep his stars and just keep doing it.
This is more true all the time. Trump is slowly becoming a joke to people in the know and just an historical god with no real power anymore to the cult itself. Flynn is trying to consolidate his power.
It’s really hard to describe how dangerous and amoral Erik Prince is.
The NSO / Pegasus story is very important. As is Mike Flynn’s involvement. Ever wonder how Flynn and his allies get so many irrationally loyal lieutenants?

Ever wonder why certain journalists seem to cover for him?
Once you see what’s being done to America right now through a historic and ideological lens, the step by step descent into fascism is excruciatingly clear.

Umberto Eco laid it all out a quarter century ago.
Following Mike Flynn as closely as I do gives me access to content others miss. For example, this video of Mike Flynn getting a semi-automatic rifle on a church stage and threatening to find someone in Washington DC.

It has 1.4M views.
I subscribe to 500 channels of disinformation on Telegram because that’s the limit of the app. As the anti-vaxx “movement” went hyper international last summer I did this huge thread of “protests” which are really just cult-inspired violence.
Understanding fascist ideologies and goals is important in order to reverse engineer propaganda and find the source.

Dugin is a “nazbol” — literally a nazi bolshevik.
People like Poso think he’s right wing. He’s not. He’s a Marxist Leninist like Bannon. A commie, basically 🤷‍♂️
Mike Flynn fraudulently appropriates Christianity into his crusade to destroy American democracy. There is nothing religious or spiritual about this. This is radicalization into fascism.
Mike Lindell was supposed to pay $5M to anyone who could prove he was wrong about election fraud after his “Cyber Symposium”.

Seems like he proved it himself in the first five minutes.
Given that unvaccinated @OSSRobertSteele died of COVID shortly after this tweet, I still don’t feel bad about it. 😬
Here’s a thread about Ron Watkins and why it’s preposterous that he was the mastermind of anything.
Sometimes it’s important to reproduce propaganda in its full state in order to expose it for its true purpose. I always try to make sure it is clearly marked as such. Like this👇
Flynn writes frequently in “The Western Journal” which is a white nationalist website. Each successive article is more openly fascist and dangerous than the last.
The fact that there was a recall election at all in CA was a pure abuse of the system. but once it was in place it was important to see who was who, like this small boy who was larping as a Democrat — on Epoch Times. 🙄
Here he is on The Western Journal’s YouTube channel just laying it all out there.

He wants “RaHoWa” — racial holy war.
This article pissed me off as you can probably tell.

Having called out the organized plot to overturn the presidential election result months before — #StupidCoup — and then warned people about the insurrection two weeks before it happened, “scant evidence” seemed inaccurate.
Joe Flynn is in his own brother’s cult and does literally everything Mike says, including ingesting veterinary horse dewormer. #ReekFlynn
Whenever possible, I post surveys and statistics to test assumptions about the scale of the problem we face. I wish it ever surprised me.
We’ve all seen the normalization of Holocaust denial and Nazism. There’s a reason for it. Because the people behind it are projecting their own ideas onto others — like all nazis are trained to do.
Jim Watkins who now lives in the US is very clear about his loyalties. He’s also committed an outrageous number of crimes and he should be in prison.
Here’s a little animation I did to show the correlation between vaccination rates and political affiliation in the 2020 election.
Here a thread where Mike Flynn gets his credit cards canceled for reputation risk to Chase Bank and then tries and fails to weaponize it.
Tracy Diaz is an important throughline. She’s Flynn’s employee knows everything going back to 2016. If anyone should flip on Flynn to save herself it’s Tracy Diaz.
Here’s a long thread on Robert David Steele @OSSRobertSteele and his role in all of this after he died of COVID on his anti-vaxx road trip.
When you pay close attention to networks sometimes you notice things. Like the fact that Erik Prince seemingly provided instructions to terrorists on Steve Bannon’s Warroom that were executed within 48 hours.
It is apparently within the ToS to call Joe Rogan a “fucking moron.” #GimpGate
When SCOTUS allowed abortion rights to be eliminated in TX on a technicality, it was crystal clear… SCOTUS is captured by compromised extremists. The 4 decade project of the Federalist Society to take the Court has succeeded.

Roe will be gone by summer 2022.
It is extremely important to remember that Russian influence is not just on the right, it is perhaps even more perniciously embedded on the left as well.
I stand by this. There are three Justices that are completely illegitimate and should be impeached and removed. And that’s not including Clarence Thomas who should arguably go to prison with his wife Ginni.
I thought it was quite notable that a former President* was speaking at a conference honoring the Moonies doomsday cult. Apparently 1.2M other people did too.
The same weekend that Trump visited the Moonies he recorded a video for this guy, Sean Feucht, who uses hypnotic techniques to generate brainwashing conditions for his dominionist anti-democratic cult.
Here is Josh Hawley at Sean Feucht’s event working hard on his cult leader game. Remember he helped have the building behind him attacked nine months before.
Including kids in psyops makes me incredibly angry.
I do not think that Elon Musk has America’s best interests at heart.
Doomsday or cyclical ideology is at the root of many ideological belief systems. Evangelicals, traditionalists, Duginists, esoteric nazism, dominionists, most authoritarian cults, e.g. Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT).’

They all seem to think doomsday is here. Again.
Here’s a long thread on the Council for National Policy membership directory. This is really the center of the cancer.
I still have not gotten a satisfactory answer about why our second-most intransigent Senator was doing a PAC with one of the most obviously compromised Members of Congress.
At the time I was excited by this. Still would be, except the part where Steve Bannon won’t even go on trial for Contempt of Congress for another six months. After that result, the rest of them just flipped the Committee the bird too.

We need them to use inherent contempt.
Here’s dominionist doomsday cult leader Greg Locke at Mike Flynn’s ReAwaken America psyop intentionally using the imagery of mass murder to target the cult’s out-group.
Here’s Mike Flynn telling everyone why he is like he is. He’s a bully and a sociopath like his father. It’s not complicated.
When Scientology is part of your event, your event is designed to harm people. Here is Scientologist Leigh Dundas demonstrating coercive brainwashing techniques.
This was always one of Mike Flynn’s goals. To turn his “digital soldiers” into physical ones. Like this lady.

“Local Action has a National Impact” is a euphemism for terrorism.
Please do not be confused about Tony Robbins.
One thread for Bill Maher who has been rapidly spiraling down Peter Thiel’s rabbithole.
Literal nazi Nick Fuentes has fully embraced anti-vaxx propaganda and ties it to the fictitious Great Replacement of white people that he and his cult promote.
Anti-vaxx propaganda is the perfect example of Voltaire’s quote.
“If they can make you believe absurdities”
— Your vaccine is a bio-weapon for population control
“They can make you commit atrocities”
— Expose yourself, your family and community to a deadly virus
A few weeks before this I discovered that Mike Flynn used an doomsday cult prayer in a Christian Church. Mike Flynn says he carried it around in his wallet.
And here is where the prayer that Mike Flynn says he carries around in his wallet comes from.

This video has had an impact on Mike Flynn’s ability to operate while pretending to be a Christian. And it has caused quite a fracture in his coalition.

• • •

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Mar 8
Let’s be very clear. We need to put this to rest.
Elon Musk is an official, actual Nazi:
—Born to Nazi mom, dad & grandparents
—Grew up in racist apartheid
—Named after a Nazi sci-fi book
—Overt Nazi signals: 14/88/4chan
—2 Hitler salutes
—2 Nazi DOGE logos
—Terror of white replacement
—Terror of immigrants
—Hates DEI, CRT, “woke mind virus”
—Obsessed with racism against whites
—Wants to eliminate trans people, including his own daughter
—Trying to destroy democracies around the world & replace them with fascist dictatorships
—Invading the federal government with cybercriminals
—Turned Twitter into a Nazi indoctrination platform
—Personally reinstated numerous violent, criminal Nazis
—Interacts with hundreds of known Nazis, antisemites & anonymous Nazi accounts
—Has a massive Nazi following who defend him voraciously as “ourguy”

What did I miss?
ICYMI, Elon Musk’s Nazi Mom is now riding around with him on Marine One.…
Errol Musk is a deviant, racist, misogynistic psychopath who brought his son up to be just like the old man.…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 2
Both the Cybertruck terrorist, who was active duty Special Forces on leave from Germany, and the veteran who murdered 15 people in New Orleans were stationed at Ft. Liberty/Bragg.

So were Mike Flynn & Tulsi Gabbard—who is set to be in charge of our entire intelligence community.
There are real problems with this base and have been for a long time.
This came out of 4th PSYOP Group at Ft. Liberty/Bragg last year.
Does this seem normal?
Read 12 tweets
Dec 28, 2024
😳 Errol Musk says his son is named after a sci-fi book written in 1948 by Nazi rocket scientist Werner Von Braun called “Marsprojekt” where he describes in technical detail how people get to Mars & describes the Martian government as a technocracy with “the Elon” in charge.

Von Braun was brought to America during Operation Paperclip which brought Nazi scientists to America, and wrote “Mars Project” at Ft. Bliss — in German. Hermann Oberth, who Errol Musk also mentions, was another Nazi rocket scientist who came to America in 1955 to work for Von Braun.

In the chapter on the Martian government is also the core idea of non-geographical “network states” (a Thiel project to dissolve nation-states in favor of techno-dictatorships) and high velocity subways (think Boring Company/Hyperloop).

How much of what Elon Musk is doing right now based on the fantasies of a Nazi rocket scientists? Is all of this “the Elon” trying to prove something to his father?

Seems like we’re all screwed because of someone’s daddy issues.
You may wonder if pro-natalist Errol Musk really has that sort of influence on his son. Well, Errol said: “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce” & has 7 kids—including 2 with his ex-step-daughter, who he raised from 4 years old.

“The Elon” has over a dozen now. Image
Errol’s son “the Elon” is not content with buying America, he’s backing German neo-Nazi Party AfD in the upcoming elections — which he helped force through manipulation on X.

Although Errol used Black slave labor in emerald mines to get rich, he says his ex-wife is the Nazi. Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 17, 2024
Trump’s Cabinet is built on a core ideology of eugenics as a solution to white male terror about being replaced as a privileged, dominant demographic of humanity.
Making poor vulnerable to disease
Decimating the social safety net—SS & Medicare
“Mass deportations” / concentration camps
Turning education into indoctrination
Scapegoating LGBTQ people
Waging a class war, fascist billionaires cutting the budget
“Kill all Muslims” guy at DoD

What does that sound like?
Trump’s campaign was saved by a massive infusion of money and psychological warfare by the PayPal Mafia.

Elon Musk & Peter Thiel effectively own Trump now.
They, and the VP-elect, follow the philosophy of the “Dark Enlightenment” which is explicitly eugenicist & “hyper-racist.” Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 2, 2024
I do not want to hear another fucking word about Hunter’s pardon. Image
For the MAGAs in my replies trying to pretend Hunter’s drug abuse and minor crimes were worse than Mike Flynn and Roger Stone. Here are their easily documentable crimes:
—Seditious Conspiracy
—Election Interference
—FARA violations
Do not try to tell me that Mike Flynn and Roger Stone’s literal war against the United States is in any way comparable to the crimes of a drug addict who cleaned up 5 years ago.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 20, 2024
This is Russian propaganda, from controlled opposition, designed to make liberals shy away from demanding answers from the administration about this election.

This is disinformation, designed to gatekeep the left & shame us into silence. It’s also a great reason to keep digging. Image
Straw man attacks on edge cases. Taking extreme ideas & claiming it represents anyone asking questions. Repeating “conspiracy theory” over & over until it sticks. All propaganda.

But don’t worry “a Trump-staffed FBI will still take the threats seriously and investigate them.” 🤦 Image
You see, anyone asking questions about the election are just “shellshocked liberals” “coping” with reality. Just “accusations from liberal influencers.”

“Stop worrying about the Fourth Reich, libs, the mid-terms are coming!”

This is exactly how the Russians work. Image
Read 4 tweets

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