The Ontario govt has failed us. There are a few options to halt our mass infection by Omicron: 1) Local public health officers display some courage & order school closures 2) Fed govt enacts Emergencies Act or exerts considerably more pressure 3) Workers refuse unsafe work.
@Sflecce and Dr. Moore have not empowered us. They have gaslighted us.
Empowerment: The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.
Gaslighting: Covert emotional abuse where the abuser misleads the target creating a false narrative & making them question their judgments & reality.
Our only parental choice is to decide to withdraw participation on Monday OR to send our kids to schools to get Covid with unknown & potentially irreparable harm.
How is either choice good for anyone's mental health or wellbeing? Kids, parents, or community alike?
I am exhausted by all of the "empowerment" bestowed on me by this incompetent and immoral provincial government.
I've advocated for many, many months. I've called for truth, integrity, & decisive leadership.
Who is willing to bravely step in now in our hour of need?
As a parent and a citizen, I am very alarmed by what is happening in Ontario.
Our CMOH has sanctioned the re-opening of schools during a time when they are less safe than ever.
I thought the CMOH was there to protect us from harm, to operate within the highest integrity,
upholding the ethics of their profession at all times, irrespective of political opinion or persuasion.
I was naïve.
“The Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) reports directly to the Deputy Minister of Health.”…
But how is 1 public health officer allowed to operate without any checks and balances? Oh wait – there are local checks and balances, but they are not being exercised at present.…
Order by M.O.H. re communicable disease
This article, Written by Howard Levitt, the best known and most widely quoted authority on employment law in Canada, is a MUST READ.…
“Insurance companies look for any way they can to deny or cut short a claim: that is how they make money. In the case of COVID-related disability claims, insurers are frequently denying claims due to insufficient medical evidence, for example, the lack of a positive COVID-19 test
Levitt: “According to the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, roughly 10 per cent of those who become infected with the virus become long-haulers.”
“Many Canadians despair of ever regaining the lives they lived before contracting COVID-19.”
This post is for the millions of Ontarians who will contract Covid and be in need of financial & medical assistance.
To the #longcovid deniers, you’re simply wrong and you will be sorry. We have the receipts.
Some call this fear-mongering; I call it being realistic.
To those pragmatists out there, dismissing the need for accurate covid testing, you’re missing some vital information and giving bad advice.
I hope you’re wrong. I don’t think I am.
PCR testing is limited. CMOH says to use a RAT or get a $75 antibody test, wh/ requires Dr requisition, & may be problematic if vaccinated (wh/ most of us are). DR. MOORE HAS TAKEN AWAY OUR FREE ACCESS TO ACCURATE PCR DIAGNOSTIC TESTING.