Was #IbnHajar an Ashari?
He did Taweel.
He said Tafweed was the way of the #Salaf.
Apparent meanings were impossible.
He followed the #Ashari way in Kalam.
He clearly rejected ITs definition of Iman.
He agreed with Kasb.
Agreed with Tahseen & Taqbeeh of the Asharis.
He denied Makan and direction.
He mocked the Mujasimah and those that follow the apparent meanings.
He quoutes ashari scholars and agrees with them!
He made Taweel of:
Yad, Qadam, Saaq, ‘Ayn, Nuzul, Ityaan, Istiwaa, Wajh, Rahmah, Uluww, Maje, and many many many more!
نقل الحافظ 13/418: "وذهب أئمة السلف إلى الانكفاف عن التأويل، وإجراء الظاهر على مواردها، وتفويض معانيها إلى الله تعالى . . . " اهـ.
نقل الحافظ 13/418: "أحدهما يقول: لا نؤول شيئاً منها، بل نقول: الله أعلم بمراده، والآخر يؤول فيقول – مثلاً – معنى الاستواء الاستيلاء، واليد القدرة، ونحو ذلك. . . " اهـ.
قال الحافظ 13/421: "قوله: (كان الله ولم يكن شيء قبله) تقدم في بدء الخلق بلفظ: "ولم يكن شيء غيره"، وفي رواية أبي معاوية: "كان الله قبل كل شيء"، وهو بمعنى"كان الله ولا شيء معه"، وهي أصرح في الرد على من أثبت حوادث لا أول لها من رواية الباب، وهي من مستشنع المسائل المنسوبة لابن تيمية،
ووقفت في كلام له على هذا الحديث يرجح الرواية التي في هذا الباب على غيرها. . " اهـ.
He rejects Kalam is Sounds & states Bukhari did too!
قال الحافظ: لأن لفظ الصوت مما يتوقف في إطلاق نسبته إلَى الرب، ويحتاج إلَى تأويل، فلا يكفي فيه مجيء الحديث من طريق مختلف فيها ولو اعتضدت، ومن هُنَا يظهر شفوف علمه، ودقة نظره، وحسن تصرفه.
Those that claim Ibn Hajar was not Ashari bring 3 points: 1. He quoted Abu Jafar; claiming there is a Mu’tazili opinion in the school! 2. He mentioned Khilaf between Ahmad and Ashari on Kalam. 3. He said doing Taweel on your own is bad!
A1: Quoting an opinion doesn’t mean he isn’t Ashari; nor does an issue agreeing with Mu’tazilah mean it is wrong; I could list 3 things off the top of my head that wahhabis agree with Mu’tazilah in.
So this point is silly!
A2. Yeah we know there is Khilaf between the Hanabilah & Ashari and the Asharis. That wasn’t a secret. Even some Hanbalis agreed with Ashari and some Ashari agreed with Ahmad on kalam.
Point 2 also doesn’t prove anything.
A3. We agree that doing Taweel on your own or following later day people is dangerous! Following the earlier opinions on the meaning is definitely better from the proper authentic sources as well.
In addition; He did Taweel to every single Siffah!
So point 3 is also silly!
Ibn Hajar is Ashari.
That is the bottom line.
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That isn’t what he said, please learn Arabic!
He Said: He structures a faulty premise incorrectly then builds an entire chapter on that premise.
Since you are not Shafi’i allow me to educate you!
- our usul and structure differ from those of Abu Hanifah, Malik & Ahmad.
Yes, Malik and Ahmad are closer to us, but we have major differences.
- here our Imam is explaining what he views as the problem.
- He basically said the same for Malik & Ahmad too!
This isn’t bad or a problem because they say the same about us, and we are fine with it!
- yes, most of our focus was with the Hanafis. But we have always be our best when uniting against Karramyyah!
1. He hid page 397 deliberately! Due to the fact that it exposes the Wahhabis and Karramis alike!
By him stating the Quran is Muhdath as in it revelation, not that it is Muhdath from Allah.
While completely ruins his ideology!
Please learn to translate because if that is what they actually said they woupd be kuffar!
They said the literal speech of God didn’t enter this world. This is a fact, but rather Jibril cane into this world. Fact!
1. He said: قال جمع 2. cropping trick; I hope you aren’t asked about it on judgment day though! 3. He started by saying:
So demolishing is wajib due to the fact that it is Haram for people to use this lnd for anything else. This my friend is called Mussabbal.
This guy is a horrible human indeed!
Let me show you why..
This guy guy actually cropped out information that changes the whole meaning !
@abuzaidtweet@LastTantrum So we can conclude; that the book doesn’t exist.
It is an obvious fabrication; for the following reasons:
@abuzaidtweet@LastTantrum 1. Karji claimed he was a student of alShaikh, he wasn’t. So either Karji was lying and I doubt that, or the fabricator was lying, I guarantee that!
كَانَتْ تَقُولُ: إِنَّ اللَّهَ أَنْكَحَنِي فِي السَّمَاءِ "
وهذا يفسر ما قبله؛ أي أن الأمر جاء من عند الله.
وَزَوَّجَنِي اللَّهُ تَعَالَى مِنْ فَوْقِ سَبْعِ سَمَوَاتٍ
هذا اسمه لا داخل العالم هو ولا هو خارجه.
فزينب اثبتت عقيدة أهل السنة ووضحته
She Said: He Married me in the Samaa.
He Married me beyond the seven heaven.
He Married me in the Samaa.
The Lord of the Throne Married me.
Allah Married me to the Prophet.
Allah sent Jabril to Marry us.
Allah Married me not my father.
Many versions!
all can be understood in with the correct creed but the sick will remain sick!