1/7 Here is what I am ready to offer to the first three collectors: if they buy 1 NFT I am ready to give them three more NFTs for free provided they place them on the secondary market at the original price of 333 $xtz and hodl one of their four NFTs.
2/7 Why do I have such special conditions only for the first three collectors? Simple math: so far, I have only 12 NFTs in my collection and I am ready to sell 3 of them according to this scheme. I repeat: each collector will receive a total of four NFTs, so: 12:4=3.
3/7 Why do I have only 12 artworks in my collection? Because they are not programmatically generated and I create each one manually. Each of my photo collages consists of an average of 20 images. I use high-resolution images to provide high quality of the final photo collages.
4/7 Work with these images is a very resource-intensive task that requires the use of a powerful PC. Instead, I have a PC that is almost 10 years old with 4 GB of RAM, a dual-core CPU, and a GPU with 2 GB of VRAM. With such a PC, I spend an average of 20 hours on one artwork.
5/7 I want to upgrade my current PC from some of the baskets I received to see what it is capable of. In particular, I want to buy 32 GB of RAM instead of the current 4 GB. This should help me increase the speed of creating artwork and speed up the filling of the collection.
6/7 Regardless of whether I get sales, I will continue to create works of art, but it can take a long time to fill the collection. There will be a total of 333 NFTs in the collection. I plan to create additional collections that will differ from this only in the prices of NFTs.
All the necessary links can be found here: dns.xyz/333tezClub. Thanks for your attention.
1/4 I probably need to turn on, as I call it, the kamikaze mode. This means starting to squeeze the last of yourself and work like crazy. Although I still haven't recovered from the last time I used it. It seems like I never really get out of this mode.
2/4 I will try to make a video with the process of creating my artwork, although the last time I did something like that it didn't work out. But this time I still think to show my creative process.
3/4 The good thing is that I now use a lighter Linux distribution and OBS uses NVENC: this means that when recording the load will fall more on the GPU, rather than CPU and RAM.